Kellmo's Atkins attempt

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with TOTM, hugs. You've done so well, you've lost in a few days what took me 2 weeks to accomplish! SnS sounds great, just not sure I have the iron will power you have! Sending warmth your way x

Hi! I'm not too bad now! Even the long day at Uni wasn't that awful. Had my bar and loads and loads of water and a latte and when I got home I wolfed down my chicken and veg! It was amazing - I even cooked (ok, warmed up) steak pie, chips and gravy for my family and wasn't tempted at all!

I've had some sugar free mints today cos I have ketosis breath so I hope they don't stall me...
Fingers crossed for another loss tomorrow...
Chin up chicken... Just think how usually it can be up to a 4lb gain when we don't diet at that time of the month :) and when your done and bet the scales plummet x your doing great xxx
Yeah the pains aren't that bad actually it's just the bloody stalling I hate... Will keep plodding on with it. I can't complain, people usually lose a stone a month and I've lost 7lbs in 6 days... And it tends to do that - lose a whack and then evens off a bit to a steady pace.

I have to stop Saturday but I'll be back on it Sunday or possibly Monday!

Thanks everyone xx
Half a stone! Blooming heck! And I agree with Mel - totm can add loads, so you will have a huge whooshie when you next WI, Auntie Susie (and all your other friends here) has predicted it! :D xxx
Morning all. Not gone into work today (and it's the last day of term for the kids) as I have a mahoosive headache and can barely open my eyes or walk straight :-(

However. I can weigh myself and I am down another lb. that's 8lbs in one week! Love love love slim and save. I wish I wasn't coming off it on saturday but I do need a good night out with my friend and I have a pirate outfit all set up anyway!! (It's fancy dress!) and I'll post pics!
Staying in bed for the foreseeable future drinking water and tea....

Kellmo xx
Thanks coffeelover. Yeah it works everytone but it's just to shift the flab, it's maintenance I really struggle with...