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I am on day three, and my ketostix is showing as moderate. What does that mean? Do you have to be into the burgandy to be classed as "in" ketotsis?
No - burgundy/purple means you're dehydrated - you shouldn't really ever see purple! Even traces is fine (look at the thing on the side of the container). Some people will NEVER register on ketostix despite being in ketosis, so don't get hung up on the colour. If you're abstaining and losing weight, then you'll be in ketosis - you won't need a silly stick to tell you!

I'm usually the light pink colour, but sometimes I show negative even when I've done nothing different. The amoun tof water you're drinking can make a difference to the colour on the day.
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Thank you - I do love the way that there is always someone with the answer on this site!!!
No worries - we've all been the askers of the questions at some point!