Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

wow! am gonna look at the push ups apps now. never use my iphone for anything other than txting and calling. how crap am i??
Rubbish Leeds! I have had my iphone for 2 days now and haven't made a single call on it yet and have only sent about 5 texts...haha!

It's all about the gadgets..mind you, I never find any good ones, I just get told about them. Def recommend that 'Net Diary' it's telling me off as I have had too much sodium! But is congratulating me on my super low saturated fats.
Well, I just tried to pull my jeans up over my muffin belly where I've been sat down and my arms don't work! From long reining Caleb last night I am guessing! The nearest thing I can compare long reining to, is one of those weight machines in the gym with the long bungeys coming out of the floor to do ab curls!

Had no idea I had worked them that hard, he was a bit of a naughty boy though, he was ignoring me and I was flapping my arms like I was trying to take off at points. He's soo ignorant! lol

Oh, guess what...I just turned down a Magnum Double Caramel. Yay me! And they are my favs. I had to though as I've only got 300kcals left for tea? What can I eat for 300kcals?! lol

Hmmmmm.....maybe if I go for a walk, I can earn enough kcals to have a chicken salad!
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i am a queen of eating for nothing, no cals, or practically no cals lol. my favs are veg soup. everything but potatoes are 'free'. big pan, satisfying. yum!

salad is free then you could put 300cals of something with it like cottage cheese with lashings of pepper on it.

quorn is fab and low cal and you get loads for you 'money'! add a packet of chilli and you've a massive meal. etc etc

p.s what apps has everyone got? love the flight simulator one, bejewelled, chuzzle, bubble wrap, pro line etc. also have the ww app too and the ebay app. looking at getting the argos one. have mapmyrun+ haven't used it yet though!
ooohh, I didn't know there was an ebay one. Will def download that in a bit. I've got Bewelled, suduko and coin tozer! Which is very time wasting and pointless, but a free! Then I've got a finance one, tracks your accounts/debts and this new diet diary/tracker. Oh I downloaded one last night that monitors your sleep pattern and how much is deep sleep, restlessness etc. Gonna start trying that one to night, to see how much sleep I really get.

Well I went over my calories by 39kcals. Never mind, I can live with that! According to my app my maintenance level of kcals is 2412, that's what I can eat based on my weight/height etc and lifestyle and maintain my weight.

My basal metabolic rate is 1880, which is what you aren't meant to go under otherwise you go into starvation. I guess mine is higher as I am more overweight.

So to lose my 1.9lbs a week that I need to get to target on time I have to drop my maintenance level by 972kcal. So mine goes down to 1440kcal. Which is below my basal metabolic rate, which you shouldn't go under, however when your BMI is over 40 you can go up to 25% lower than the norm.

Does that make any sense to anyone? It never used to, to me but I researched metabolic rates etc quite thoroughly last year.

Oh and for tea I had salad, chicken breast, new potatoes and baked beans. Coming in at about 400kcals!

All in all a good day me thinks!
Uh oh we've lost Kerry to the iPhone lol... I dunno how I dare say that I'm exactly the same, downloaded the 200 situps one as well, faired a bit better with that than I did push ups. You have to put in your start number of pushups and I managed 2 before collapsing no upper body strength left at all, did better with the situps, can do at least 25 but put lower number so my sit ups and push ups training co-incide better.

I've got the sleep app too, it's pretty interesting stuff. My average sleep is 7hours and 12mins based on an average of 19 days... But I spend a heck of a lot of time in the dream stages. The RAC Traffic app is a good one if you suddenly find yourself stuck in traffic, it tells you what's causing the delay and gives you a map so you can work out how to go round it. Worked a treat last week coming back from Newcastle. I daren't get Angry Birds because everyone at work is totally addicted to it and I know what I'm like with games like that. I've got Sonic the Hedgehog though, classic.

That Net Diary seems to have given you a bit of motivation which is fab news. I downloaded it but it's taken exception to me wanting to lose 10kgs by July 18th. So I've told it 1st September instead lol but it's not liking the VLCD thing either, might use it to maintain after.

Anyway my week of feeding frenzy has left me 8lbs heavier, not as bad as expected, not thrilled with it but could've been worse, I know what I have to do and I intend to stick with SS until I've at least shifted those rough 8lbs. Then I'll see if I'm back on a roll or if I need to step up to SS+ again.
I have to admit I am hooked, no idea why I didn't let myself get one sooner!

I downloaded angry birds as it was top of the game charts, but I am stuck on one of the levels and I refuse to pay 59p for the cheats!

If you use the net diary to put your calories in, it will still give you a predicted weight loss. It just won't approve of anything over 2lb a week. This morning I was working toward 3.9lbs this week, which would be nice :)

With my new found motivation today I'm going to go and download the push up and sit up apps. Hmmm...not sure how my back will fare with the sits up tho, we'll give it a go.
hey kez

just wanted to say woo hoo on your motivation chick, as ive said in past you will get into your wedding dress and will look stunning.
How was caleb and the long reining? know how you feel with the sore arms after, especially as sure he is a strong lad :)

have to say all this talk on iphone apps makes me want one, but i live in london and when i had one had no signal:( so had to return now a blackberry lass :p

hope you are having another good day hun xx
Hey Dappy! My arms are much less painful It wasn't that he was pulling, I was just flayling about like a holigan to get him going forward. In the end I had to resort to growling. Mind you, when we did master forward, my little legs were struggling to keep up with his lanky great things, and all I could see was his great arse :)

Thanks for your post, I was about to go and have one of the fresh cream cakes that our sales director brought in, but now I wont!

My sister is a blackberry girl and when I picked up the iphone for Scott, I was tempted to the new purple one. But I ended up going for an iphone instead. If I could play my facebook games on it, then it would be everything I ever wanted :) I'm easily pleased!

Still filling in my little diet app. Used my sleep thingie last night and apparently I only got 3 hours of deep sleep, which makes sense as I was very restless last night. Kept waking up and was hot and teasy.
loving your new pic kez!!
ohh i have an iphone and love it but am curious on this sleep app? whats it called?

i love one called glow hockey, its like the one u play at the archades i love it lol
Miss HJ the sleep app is called Sleep Cycle, it's very interesting, i had 6 hours sleep last night 4 of which were deep sleep and I've actually felt more awake than usual today.

Well done Kez for resisting the cake! xx
Cheers Leeds, it's actually a pic from early last year. When I'd dropped a couple of stone, thought it might remind me of what a difference 20lbs makes.
I think thats a fab idea, remember it worked for me with 'The Face' lol. Think I might have to put it back up for a bit.
thanks surf hunni, tho on my app store it only shows sleep cycle alarm clock?? strange!!

the pic idea is really good kez, gota spur u on!! and 20lbs does make a massive difference!!
Thats the one miss-HJ, it uses your sleep cycles to predict when is the best time to wake you. So you wake up when you are in light sleep, not deep sleep. And apparently wake up feeling less tired.
ah ok thanks kez, may try it tomo as dnt need to b up at a set time unlike the weekdays.

How are u getting on atm? are u following a plan? or just healthy eating? iv really struggled this week again on CD am literally counting down the weeks to my bday/holiday then will b off CD and on sw about 4/5 weeks to go so getting nearer just wish the lbs wld budge lol
Hmmmm, 3 days since my last post. Must come on here more, it always motivates me when I do. Seeing how others are doing.

So, after updating my ticker and realising that in 15 weeks all I have lost is 13lbs, I am pretty gutted with myself. I have let myself down big style. I preach on about how much I want to lose weight and how I hate the way I am, yet I still keep filling my mouth with food.

In the last 4 months I have tried CD, SW, Atkins, Calorie counting and all I am doing is setting myself up for more failure. I need to pick 1 plan and stick with it and give it a proper chance instead of skipping off it 3 days into it and switching to which ever other plan 'allows' me to have what I want. I'm only cheating myself!

Sooo...even though I said I done with CD forever, I just have this nagging thought in the back of my head that is telling me that it's beaten me. Now, I don't like being beaten. I don't like feeling weak, so today is Day 1!

Day 1 is easy, I usually have a headache coming on by the time I get home, but thats nothing a paracetamol, hot bath and early night won't sort. Day 2 starts out easy, I am usually running on the buzz of completing Day 1 100%. But the thick head and groggyness usually puts a dampener on my mood by the afternoon. Which is when I start struggling as I start getting grumpy, which makes me arguementative, which makes me rebellious! :) Day 2 usually ends with me eating a couple of mouthfuls of whatever I have cooked OH. And that mouthful usually satisfies my defiance while not causing me enough guilt to give in. I feel like I'm sticking my tongue out at CD while in the knowledge that I haven't done too much to jepordise ketosis/weight loss. By Day 3, I'm struggling here. I feel grouchy and cold and miserable and I know that everyone else goes through the same, but I just sit stewing in my self pity and hate towards everyone around me that can eat normal food and is thin and pretty. Day 3 is a bad place on my planet, I don't think many nice things on Day 3. ANd Day 4 is when it brightens up, however I usually feel quite lost on Day 4. I'm not settled into the plan, it's all still new and I'm not really sure where I am going. Day 5...well I've never reached Day 5. I usually go back to Day 1 :)

Now I've thought about it, maybe Day 2 is where I start to fail. As I am fighting CD, but how do I get my head to go along with it, like it's a good thing?

I know I'll be doing a lot of posting on here over the next few days. Clearing my head and wittering on, on here helps keep me on the straight and narrow. So apologies in advance!

Oh and I am already half a litre and a black coffee down! Yay!
See I told you I would be posting up here lots!

I've just received a text that has put my head in a spin. I rehomed one of my horses last year as I was struggling with money and the place she went to was able to offer her a much better home. But they have now told me that they can't reback her and therefore basically have no use for her. Even though she was rehomed on the basis that she wasn't rideable and she went to be a companion for their retired horse?

First thought, was that I was pleased, she is a sweetheart and I ave worried about her. Next thought...OMG how will I cope. We are only just finding our feet financially and another mouth to feed will not help matters. Then I thought, I'm not going to be able to do CD, I wont be able to afford it.

So I sat down, took a deep breath and I just need to realise that I have always coped and I will carry on coping. I have work for the next few months at the chalets so thats an extra £200 a month. I just need to be saving that money and putting it to one side to cover the cost of the horses for the winter. Also, having Sabi back isn't going to change the fact that I have a wedding dress to get into, so CD is a must. Also, I am not even half way through Day 1, who's to say me and CD will get past Day 4. Let alone the next few months.
Well done for making a decision and we're all here to help. I've got a book that helped me quite a bit, I can't remember what it's called, I'll check at homee tonight. A lot of it is mumbo jumbo, but the thing about skipping from one diet to another is covered and some of it really made me think a bit more about what I'm doing to myself. It's not meant to be a diet plan, more about a lifestyle change. It's worth a read.

I'm at work at the moment but I'll come on line when I get home. Between us we'll get you in that wedding dress one diet or another. Xxx