Killercurls' Diary

Oh no that sucks Hayley!

I really want to go for a walk right now as I don't feel like being around anyone at the moment and I want to clear my head but the stupid rain! Grrr! I've done some more chores to get away and be quiet, but I don't feel like doing that anymore! Plus my small headache has now grown into a much bigger headache boo. I'm also feeling quite down at the moment like I could burst into tears at any moment! Blah x
:( try watching a film in bed? Read a book? Have a bath with lots of bubbles and candles :) or go to bed early? You'll feel better in the morning x
I must have the same mod as me:grumble:
We don't have a tv in the bedroom, well it's not hooked up or anything lol. Well the bf just went to bed so I'm alone now. He's been really mean today and I just can't deal with it at the moment. I think that's why I'm in a crap mood really. Men! :argh:
Hope you are feeling better today Laura x
I liked the porridge! Didn't like the consistency at first but nuked it for a bit longer and added cinnamon and it was lovely!
I am also freezing, had the heating on nearly all day yesterday

Have a good day xx
Thanks Gemla! x

I found it quite runny as well but I let it sit for a minute after cooking, then stirred it and zapped it for a final minute in 30 second intervals because it kept bubbling to the top! And the taste of cinnamon was delicious! Hope you have a great day too! x
Day 11

So yesterday I decided to record how much water I drink during the day, I've never done it before and was curious to see how much I *actually* drink. It came out to 6 1/4 liters! :eek: I didn't realize I drink that much! I do that everyday without thinking either. So I've got the water part of this diet down! Haha. This doesn't include the pint of water that I use for my shakes or my morning cup of coffee either.

I forgot to have a shake last night. It wasn't intentional, I just simply forgot. I will make sure I have all 3 packs today. I got zero sleep last night. I was sooo tired when I went to bed and thought I'd fall asleep straight away but I just laid there and stared at the ceiling for awhile. I finally managed to go to sleep and the bf's alarm went off and of course he dropped it under the bed so it was doing on for a good 5 mins. :doh: Plus he is trying out new alarm sounds to see which one wakes him up better. Seems none of them are working but they all work fine on me and I'm not the one that needs waking up! That was at 5:30 this morning and it took me forever to fall asleep again. So I think I managed maybe 3 hours of broken sleep? I don't know but I am exhausted and feel like I have giant bags under my eyes! :4635: So hopefully I can get a little nap in today, although I doubt that will happen!

First up today is half of a vanilla shake with some coffee! I'm gonna need loads of coffee today for sure! Then I have a toffee nut raisin bar and lastly probably a strawberry shake! Oh and more coffee of course! :coffee:

Also. GIANT headache today. That's probably from the lack of sleep though. Ugggg
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Good morning hun, i read your diary daily, hope you are feeling better today, i'm freezing cold today. Try to get a nap hun, 3 hours really is not enough x
Thanks Alia! I read yours too! I usually get freezing after I've had my first shake. I'm gonna try to take one later but I shall see how I feel around 2ish x
Just wanted to say what an inspiration you all are, I am on day 6 of my exante ts and find reading your diaries really helpful, I have been trying to put my own diary in motion but am rubbish at setting it up so hope you don't mind me coming on yours today.
Thanks Ali! I'm glad you're finding my diary helpful lol. That sounds weird! I didn't really think about my diary when I set it up. I just write down how I'm feeling and if I'm having any difficulties on the day. I find it helps to get it out, rather than keep it all bottled up! Also welcome! How are you finding the diet so far?
The diet is surprising ok at the moment, I have had a few thoughts about food but only in the evening, I also find myself enjoying feeding other people nice food, the thing I'm finding hardest is this website, I can't seem to add a picture or start my own thread or anything except jump into other people's conversations which feels a bit rude, any help would be greatly appreciated
How ar you feeling this evening and how has your day been?
Hi Ali p hope you are having a good day - there's quite a few things you can't do on this site until you reach 20 and then 50 posts ( I'm no expert as not been on here long) You should be able to start a thread though, I think it's start thread or new thread?
Best of luck on your journey x

Laura, I like the pasta! But I can see why you don't as a veggie as I could smell the ham. Hope you've had a good day x
Oh! I don't think I will be ordering any of them!
Had the pasta for evening meal and it was pretty awful which I am really disappointed about as I have 24 more of them :(
Does anyone have any ideas for flavourings or something to make it taste less sickly ?
I heard garlic and chilli? I wish it was less salty! I think I even prefer the soups over the pasta! Maybe add some slim rice to it? It might soak up some of the strong flavour. It's 0carbs and 14cals for a packet of 200g which it states as 2 servings. I got some for my food week. But as its 0 carbs and calories are practically nothing, and no citric acid too, I'm sure it will be fine on total solution. It comes from a flower and isn't realrice. Look in your local Holland and Barrett it's next to the zeo noodles :)
How has your day been Laura? Hope better than mine :p xx
Day 12

Yesterday was ok. I had a vanilla shake, toffee nut raisin bar, and a chocolate shake for the day. I split both of my shakes into two and had them mixed up with coffee so I got to enjoy 4 frappuccinos! (I've renamed them to that, sounds more fancy lol) I had a headache for most of the night last night but I don't think that has anything to do with the diet because I was getting headaches before the diet anyways. I think today I'm going to have chocolate, choco orange bar, and either a banana or strawberry shake, I haven't decided which one yet! I'm trying to resist weighing myself! So I gulp down a pint of water before I'm tempted because then the weighing would be "tainted" haha. x

@Gemla - I'm glad I'm not the only one that could smell it!! I'm glad that you like it though.

@Shrimp - It's a shame they had to ruin the pasta with meat flavoring isn't it? Why they think veggies would want to eat anything meat flavored is beyond me! Just makes no sense!

@Hayley - Are you going to be mixing some of that phallic plant rice into it? Lmao