Kira's Diary (Re-start Day 5)

Hope you are feeling better soon Kira, sometimes this does happen... try to ride it out. You're really determined and focused... keep on keeping on! Have a fab, sunshiney day!

Feeling much better now! Having my soup in an hour then going for a run. Boy! don't you just love this glorious sunshine?! It really is helping me so much not to mess up my SSing. Hoping nausea doesn't come back, I don't remember feeling this bad when I've done SS properly and stuck to it!
Yay... so glad you're feeling better! You're going great Kira... have a fab Easter weekend!

Well day 6 has arrived and I completed day 5 with no problem. Did have another restless night but only awoke feeling slightly nauseous unlike yesterday when I felt it with nausea. Feel tired as a result and not happy high I have been feeling. Hopefully the glorious sunshine will lift my spirits again today! If the weather stays like this I'll have not problem sicking to SSing! It really does help and of course my daily weighing keeps me focused, reminds me I am losing and also that I need to lose weight!

Managed a run after my second shake yesterday 1.55miles - maybe I will achieve the 5k I did last year (never managed to achieve it a second time!) Goal for this summer is to lose weight but also increase fitness again - done it before can do it again
Kira, have a brilliant day! You are so on track and I'm really proud of you. Just be careful if you are running on SS - maybe an extra shake if you do that? Your body will need it?

Has rained here overnight but the morning looks fresh and birds singing, hoping the sun brins through soon!

Yeah! completed day 6 and at last on day 7! Weigh day is tomorrow (well my unofficial home first thing in the morning weigh in!). Felt a a bit low yesterday, possibly following the initial euphoric feeling that ketosis gives when it arrives? Anyway, sun is shining and today will be a real challlenge as have friends coming over for BBQ later. I simply won't allow myself or anyone sabotage me. The tricky thing is that I don't want to tell them I am SSing -as I can do without the added pressure of all the comments about it! If I stuffed my face this afternoon no one would say a word! Here's to a great day for everyone!
Happy easter Kira and stay strong... you are doing so well!

Day 8 and weigh day (my own weekly weigh in) lost 8 1/2 pounds!! I managed to avoid going of track yesterday though it was initially hard work. Trick - keep topping up everyone's drink and plates and they don't notice! Have a bit of nausea this morning and slight headache but had a much more restful night last night. Hoping today will be a great start to week 2.
Yay Kira! Very well done, that is no mean feat on CD SS to stay 100% at a barbie/party, but you did it! And yay for the reward, an amazing 8.5 lbs off!!! That's a brilliant incentive to keep on going and I am so glad you are back on track, the spring sunshine and all that determination is making a big, big difference for you this time! Have another fab day.

Wow. 8.5lbs is absolutely amazing! And as for staying strong throughout the barbecue, remarkable. Avoiding food is impossible, but to have to serve it to others knowing you can't touch it is tough. And you got through that! Give yourself a big pat on the back. Stay strong.
Day 10! I can't beleive I got this far! I need to be careful though and still take each day at a time. I did get this far on a re-start before only to come home from work and decide this diet was too hard and then proceed to stuff my face with food I didn't really taste nor desire. However, I do feel that the determination I had the previous two times I was successful on CD is back and I beleive I can do this. Losing two stones is not a miracle or a dream, it is achievable and real!
You said it, Kira! Brilliant attitude, wishing you another fab and sunny and successful day!

First of all well done on staying 100% hun!

I've had a number of restarts all failing on day 3 or 4. This binging cycle with cd has made me put on more weight then ever. I'm now on day6 n still goin strong... wish it lasts this time as I really need to lose this weight for good. So fed up of yoyoing! Ur diary is encouraging n has given me hope that it can happen.

Hope u hav a fab day cding!
Kattycakes, I rem u from last time! How are u hun? I lost a stone with cd n then decided to lose the last stone with sensible eating... Then several attempts of WW, SS n CD I'm back again, puttin on a further 2st :( . So far on day6 n proud to say 100%... hope it lasts!

U were brill last time n I'm sure ur doin fab with the weight loss! Have a great sunny day xxx
Hello chick!!! I remember too!

Story of my life - I have struggled so much since that first success with CD, finally defected to SW and am happily starting to lose again... feel so content with it, CD is fab but it was not right for me by the end. Good luck FFBT on your journey... you can do this!

Katy thanks so much for dropping by and posting! It is great having support!

FFBT you're doing great! If I've managed to get this far you will too! We can and will do this. I like the quote from quick & painful that you have on your signature, it's really quite simple, we need to get on with it and stick at it. I'm so determined to lose successfully on CD this time but this time I will be doing cd for the last time. I've decided i can't put myself through this again and I will change the way in which I eat, I have to get out this spiral. One thought I've had in the longterm is to follow a planned menu routine during the week but at weekends allow myself some slack and of course exercise or activity has to feature too.....merely a thought right now as I need to concentrate on the task in hand, sticking to CD. Hope you had another good day. Remember we've done it before we can do it again but this time we'll do it even better!
Day 11! No nausea today and feeling great as I can feel the 8 or so pounds I've lost. Jeans feel looser, don't feel bloated, some old clothes are fitting nicely (on top half!) All good signs. The low feeling I had the other day was due to TOTM and that has passed so feel good. Also managing to get out for a "run" okay very slow jog - I imagine power walkers would actually go faster than me! But it is the routine that I want to get into.

I am not feeling as obsessed about doing CD this time even though I weigh myself daily. I think that is a good thing because this way I find I am not thinking about CD and "just doing it". I just want to keep this frame of mind to get through today, a day at a time.
Wow. Day 11! Well done! Stay strong. Glad the nausea has passed for you.

As for the 'run' we all have to start somewhere. I first started 'running' by driving to the park, and just running around it (stopped and started). As I built more stamina I decided I would jog to the park, jog around it and then back home. After doing that for a while I then went to the park (it's a big one) through it, out the other end (which is in another town) and back home the 'long way around'. I worked it out to be somewhere between 4-5 miles..... And I wouldn't even run for a bus before!..... Just get some good tracks on your iPod and off you go! Sadly I am now injured as a result, I shouldn't have been running in the first place due to having my cartilage removed from my knee a few years ago. So back to swimming I go!

And wow! You've lost 8lbs in 11 days??!!!!! Excellent! I've an idea what my weight loss will be this evening, as I have been weighing myself, but will report what my weigh in says later.

Have a great day 12!!!! X
Well done kira on the 8lbs loss... keep goin girl!!

I'm still doin light exercise, nothin like running etc.. Don't feel I can do it, I get out of breath after a brisk walk ... God, I'm soooo unfit!!! Im doin sit-ups n some skipping everyday with the occasional walk. Think it's about time I took out my wi fit n start training.

Hope ur havin a fab day!
You're still doing more than me, FBT & I am not even on CD anymore so no excuse! Sigh! Hope you have both had a fab day. Sun still out up here... yayyy!!!
