Kuromi's big journey diary

Hmmm did u have a lot to drink today, or what about what your wearing. I cant think how 12 lbs would come on. Confusing!

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To get an accurate reading you should weigh when you get up in the morning before you have had any food or water. Weight fluctuates throughout the day x
Sorry, I mistyped as I've been so used to seeing the 10s this last few weeks. I meant I've gone down to 9.12 not gained 12 pounds, lol. And I weigh myself naked. I often drop more during the day compared to my early morning weigh in which is why I sometimes chance another check if I'm in the house mid afternoon.
Loool. * phew* well done gd news. I was there thinking your scale went coo cooo. I reckon your lighter than 9.12 as you weighed after consuming food. Hmmm youll be at goal soon if it keeps going this way, Not like your complaining lol. X Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Th only thing that went coco coo was my brain as I keep saying 10 as I'm not used to actually being in the 9s yet. I'd only had porridge at that point so probably not that much lower tbh. Although it would be nice to get another loss in before Wed as then when I gain my 4 pounds on Wed I might still be below 10 stone.
Hope your ok today? This has been a quiet day for u. I no youll be back from your quest with lots of stories x

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Hi everyone, nice to see I was missed.

Yes, was so busy this last 2 days I haven't even had chance to pick up my iPad let alone type up my usual posts :)

My final weigh in on Tuesday was still 9.12 (not 10, although I went to type it out of habit) so I didn't loose that last pound I wished for, but I stayed on plan until yesterday when it was the grand off plan eat day. I went along to our onsite gym to use their magic scales and they also gave me a weigh in of 9.12 (boooooo) but the good news is my fat percentage is going lower. I'm well in the healthy range now and also had a BMI of 23 something or other. That's 12 pounds to go not counting my gain from my night out last night.

I dared to step on the scales this morning knowing at least they won't be in the 11s anymore even after 2 meals off plan, a load of alcoholic drinks and a chocolate bar (well it is Christmas after all). I weighed in at 10.1 today so I gained 3 pounds from yesterday which should take about 2/3 days to go down again.

I am typing this very briefly today as I'm killing time before a trip to the dreaded *looks over shoulder to check cats aren't reading* V.E.T. We are booked in at 6pm for vaccines and microchips. They forgot to chip my baby when she was in being neutered as I would rather them have done it when she was out cold and therefore not put her through it now, but unfortunately I'm being forced to being as some neighbourhood roughian cats have started breaking in via the cat flap to rob the house of food. There was an all mighty commotion the other night in the kitchen but by the time I got there all that was lefty was poor Star looking terrified with a Chunk of fur missing off her bum and a wildly swinging cat flap as the perpetrator had managed to escape. I have therefore invested in a microchip reader cat flap which is far cheaper (and probably more humane) than a wall mounted motion detector machine gun. Plus, so chance of shooting the wrong cat.
The flap arrived yesterday (under some rather mysterious circumstances) so when the landlord comes tomorrow he can fit that and the cats meanwhile will be fitted with their entrance permitting chips this evening.

I will probably get more chance to elaborate on this later on my blog for those interested in reading it, as now I have to go block the flap and wrestle 2 cats into boxes....
Good luck at the vet x
Little bit upset that this morning I'm still 10.0 as that means I've only lost 1 of the extra pounds since Wed. I had a much better time last week and was back to my original weight by the weekend. Ok so I'm one day behind as it was a Tues we went out the week before, but I'd still lost more than 1 by 3 days later. Hoping if I stick to mostly meat today and go shopping that I'll have a nice surprise when I get back.

Cats have mastered the new cat flap. The biggest & oldest one, Newton didn't seem to notice I'd even changed it apart from he can't haul his huge gut through it as easily as the original one, whereas my smallest & youngest Star is unsure about it as it clicks when she goes up to it (the reader picks up her microchip & lowers the catch to allow the door to open) so she's still wary of it, and I've had to put a breezeblock on the step so she can reach easier as the landlord for some reason put it half way up the door. I think he doesn't realise cats aren't generally 2 foot tall.

Finally got to tidy the house last night after all the tradesmen had gone. 4 blokes in here yesterday sorting the gas & electricity out. Star was busy patrolling to see what they were doing and generally getting under everyone's feet. Newton took one look at everyone coming in and thought "sod this" and went off out for the day.
I'm still finding plaster and dust everywhere but I guess I'll have to get that in the "spring" clean as I don't think I've got time to wipe every single surface & the windows this side of Christmas now.

I've had quite a productive few days (which is another reason I'd like to have got back down again) and managed to get lots of things fixed or done.
Oh well, guess I'll go have a nice bath then consider venturing forth into the mass of Christmas shoppers. I'm hoping it's late night shopping so I can go about 4pm and everyone else be heading off home. Will have to check out opening hours...
I went shopping yesterday evening and covered a fair few miles carrying heavy bags, and also burnt a few calories working up a sweat in the changing rooms trying on multiple pairs of jeans. which is why I thought I'd have lost a little more of this water weight by now. I managed to spend somewhere in the region of £700ish which turns out that the only place I lost pounds is off my credit card as the scales had not budged even a quarter of a pound despite me not eating or drinking for 5 hours at that point. Made the resolution to myself that if I was still in the 10s today then I would just go off plan until Boxing Day.

09.13 this morning. Not quite what I was hoping for as I wanted to get to 9.11 before Christmas Day so now I feel like my body is just mucking me about. It's like it's mocking me. All those nice tasty snacks we have in our cupboard I'd resolved to munching my way through over the next week (more so the contents of the freezer and cupboard as I cleared it out and found quite a few things are only in date til Jan) and I swear if my body could be going "ner ner ner ner ner nerrrrrr" it would.

Turns out during all this that I've gone down 2 ring sizes. I found this out the hard way after buying a ring yesterday (all my others now fall off or keep twisting round) so I got my fingers measured and still the warm appears to have given me the wrong one as this one is just as bad. Need to take it back.

I bought some new jeans from New Look and 2 new tops. The jeans are a 12 although one label in them states they are a 10 and the other a 12, so god knows. My tops however are both an 8. That's a nice feeling, although I'm still convinced it's a fluke as they are baggy style tops. Time will tell.

Oh, I bought some Carb Blocker tablets yesterday for when I eat anything higher in carbs or for Christmas dinner. No idea if they will work but I can't hurt to try (well, apart from my credit card which is currently bleeding somewhere in a corner whimpering).
Good feeling buying smaller new scales, the scale will move eventually, ur body needs time too. Ive tried the carb blocker but i was confused if it worked or not.

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If it helps over Christmas by limiting the damage then great. Once I'm past Christmas Day I intend to stay on course and at New Year have more carbs but not loads, as in ill use up several of my S&S meal packs as they contain higher carbs than anything I'm on ATM so if I have 4 of those over the day I should be ok to have some drinks that night but I'll doubtful be getting wrecked as I've not gone mad over the last few months, even when faced with a free bar earlier this week. Yes I had a few but I was still fairly sober (maybe not on a breathiliser but I was certainly in control of my actions and able to go home at a reasonable hour and get up the next morning hangover free.) so I reckon I do the same at New Year and be fine. I'll stick to spirits and diet mixers that way I can hopefully stay borderline ketosis and therefore not have this stupid gain every week. Plus I'll also do the sensible thing I did last night out and have water in between drinks too. Yay, get me all mature and adult like.
Once the festive seasons are over its going to get easier. Some people dont stop over xmas to eat, must be hard being on packs while all the family eats. But come new year u will lose it quicker and smoother with no interuptions

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After today's weigh in I've decided to have a few days off. It occurred to me earlier that I dint think I've got back in to ketosis since last Wed. My sticks aren't changed colour and I've not had the yucky breath I had the previous time. I weighed in today at 10.1 this morning then 9.13 3/4 this afternoon after I got in from work. Been into town to pick the OH up and so we went to try this new American a Diner that's opened.
It was nothing much to write home about, but I quite enjoyed it as I had a chilli cheese burger with chips and onion rings. I figured by the time I got back into ketosis (prob would have been tomorrow knowing my luck) then I'll be back out again for Christmas Day anyway, so may as well have a few days of eating all these things we've got around the house and stay out of it then come Boxing Day I'll look to use my Hollywood juice diet to flush my system for 48 hours then back on the VLCD 2 days later. I might be able to drop the water weight that way and be back down to about 9.12 within a few days and I might be back into ketosis quicker. No harm in trying I guess.

Decided to walk today instead of running. Covered 3 miles. According to the experts at work it's probably more effective at fat burning than my running, which is more endurance and cardio. Right now I'm more interested in burns fat than running a marathon. I realise I'm saying this while eating a bag of flying saucers, But it is Christmas after all and I've done really well up to now, and not even opened my advent calendars, either of them.

Oh well one more day at work before my lie in.
I had a bit of a blow out last night and indulged my inner pig. I ate sweets, crisps, chocolates and had some cider and baileys. This appears to have confirmed my thoughts that I wasn't in ketosis originally as I've not gained anything (IE water weight from glycogen filling up) today, Infact this afternoon I was the exact same weight as yesterday so therefore i think I'll end up hovering around 9.13/10.1 over the next 24 hours whilst I indulge in Christmas dinner.

Apart from pop tarts for breakfast I've not eaten anything else today as yet. I decided to have one as on short notice (eg walking out the door late for work again) I realised the only thing at work I could have for breakfast was my porridge, which I didn't want to waste today as I need it for when I'm back on my plan, so had to think fast and I have a cupboard full of American pop tarts so quickly grabbed a pack for today. Not exactly healthy but I'm not really calorie counting again until Boxing Day now.

Going to have chicken enchiladas for tea, as I live the co-op ones and bought a load on the reduced section back as I started my diet so they've been taking up room in the freezer ever since. I didn't do the whole "eating everything up" approach that lots of folk did, instead I started my plan surrounded by food. I'm really not kidding, this is one of the cupboards in my house I've since nicknamed the crap cupboard.


I think I have had enormous self restraint to know all that is there and not just eat my way through it. Granted, now it's got to the stage where yesterday I actually struggled to pick something out of it. I have a drawer in the fridge that's similar, only full of chocolate instead. It doesn't help that my family seem to think nothing of sending food parcels full of chocolate and stuff even when they know I'm dieting.

So anyway, I've been to work today, come home and napped. It was great knowing I haven't really got anything left to do this year now apart from wrap 2 presents which haven't got to be done tonight.

The OH has been out to work and done some shopping. I read that as been into town to pick something up he's forgotten and then gone to the pub with his work mates. He's now sitting cussing at the PC as he decided now is a good time to start re-building it and upgrading software. Can't pick a day when I'm out at work and therefore out of range to avoid listening to his moaning. Ugh.

Roll on Boxing Day so I can get this last bit over with. Oh, I'm thinking of lowering my goal again to about 8.10/8.11. I reckon that's where I'll need to be to be happy with my figure and not freak out at the glycogen gain, which should round me up to about 9 exactly. It feels so nice being able to wear skinny fit clothes. I've found I've not worn my boot cut jeans since hitting the 10 stone mark and discovering I can fit in skinny jeans. It's like I've discovered a whole new wardrobe. I'm also looking forward to the sales, as there's plenty more I can buy yet :)
Well I think it's safe to say once I've got to my goal weight it will be hard to actually decide what to eat, as I've sampled most things from the cupboard and freezer and not actually finished anything I've started as yet.

I've opened bags of crisps, salted twists, onion bhajis, chicken nuggets, and goodness knows what else and after a few mouthfuls I don't want them anymore as I don't think they taste as nice as I remember. Infact I think I'll struggle to find anything to eat once I can't rely on shakes any more.

I bought a chocolate cake yesterday but don't think I actually want it.
I got back on S&S yesterday and didnt do the 'eating up' thing either. There's boxes of chocolates, shortbread, cakes, crisps, dips etc sracked up in the kitchen. The kids can make their way through them, I'm back on the packs 100% now until I move house in about a month x
Back on my plan today, which is The Hollywood Diet to kick start my loss again. Weighed in this morning out of curiosity and was 10.5 3/4 which is a full 7 pounds over my weigh in Wed morning last week. So today I'm doing the juice diet in order to get some of this weight shifted. Pleased to report that over the course of the day I'm back down to 10.3 so if I can get rid of a few more tomorrow then I'm practically back to where I was with no real issues. I think most is the additional food passing through my system tbh which means 24/48 hours of fasting should see most of it gone.

I found that although I tried to binge over the last 3 days it wasn't as easy as I'd thought as nothing tastes as nice as I remembered (hence my house is now covered in open packets of things). I don't have kids to eat them for me, so I may be giving out food parcels soon in order to shift some stuff. I also found that worryingly I can still eat a good sized portion if I put my mind to it, although afterwards I do at least feel ill. I got up this morning and I actually hurt. My ribs, boobs and stomach hurt like I've had a really really good workout (which unless I'm doing sit ups in my sleep is not the case), so I'm feeling loads better to be back on my diet.
I sat talking to one of my colleagues whilst at work on Boxing Day and we were talking about my weight loss and I said to him that it's a horrible feeling being given free reign to eat anything I wanted over the last 48 hours and I miss the safe feeling of my packs and a low carb meal, as I know that no matter what I pick from my box of supplies I won't do myself much if any damage as it doesn't add up past a certain number no matter what combination I have, but being given all this food is making me uneasy as to what I'm eating so whilst I'm trying to relax and enjoy it I'm actually feeling bad.

I went to bed last night feeling sick from food. We went to my friends house whose lovely Romanian lady cooked us a dinner of Gammon & beef, with parsnips, potatoes, carrots and Yorkshire puddings. I tried to only eat a bit but I so enjoyed it that I found myself actually picking up the leftovers too, then we had chocolate cake and upon getting home here was more chocolate cake with custard which is my weakness But lesson learnt for future and failing that I'll start hypnotherapy for a gastric band so my stomach feels smaller to stop myself binge eating, although I think after the pressure is off to eat all the short dated Christmas food I probably won't have a problem - at the moment I think we all feel obligated to eat as everything has been bought just for this few days so therefore are feeling guilty if we do and guilty if we don't. I know I'm not going to bother dieting close to Christmas again, well I'm hoping I won't need to ever again and certainly not to the extremes of loosing 3/4 stone again, but if I ever need to have a good stint of healthy eating going forward then I'm giving this period a wide berth as it's a horrible time to be conscious of food.