Total Solution lancsgirls countdown to slimness!!!

End of day five and I've just got into bed, and realised I've only had 2packs! Too late now to have one. Other than that today has been ok decided tomorrows monthly order will be bars and shakes only. Didn't like the soup and I've not got round to trying the porridge yet x
Day 6 was fine although I was extremely busy and my feet didn't touch the floor!
Day 7/ suppose it's officially a week since I started but I'm making Friday my official weigh in day!
Right I'm ditching the coke zero! It's the only thing I've had in the past few days different and my scales aren't happy and neither am I! Not gonna let it put a downer on me either! My months supply should arrive today and I've got to pick up a hand blender from Argos, for my shakes, is there a limit to how many bars you can have a day? Hmm
End of day 7
Bought some ketosis sticks and I'm
In ketosis after the coke zero incident!
Felt awful today headache ect really cold and grumpy!
Mini weigh in tomorrow me
Thinks! X
Day 6 was fine although I was extremely busy and my feet didn't touch the floor!
Day 7/ suppose it's officially a week since I started but I'm making Friday my official weigh in day!
Right I'm ditching the coke zero! It's the only thing I've had in the past few days different and my scales aren't happy and neither am I! Not gonna let it put a downer on me either! My months supply should arrive today and I've got to pick up a hand blender from Argos, for my shakes, is there a limit to how many bars you can have a day? Hmm

One bar a day, no more - slightly higher carb content. :)
Just wondering how yr weigh in went - hope all is well with you.

Ok day 8
I've lost 11lbs in my first week!

Day 9
TOTM oh my god I've never felt so bad! Decided it wasn't worth feeling do bad so I've made today a healthy eating day, chicken salad lots of water 1 cup of tea skimmed milk.

Day 10 today

Well can't sleep but this is my usual pattern for TOTM I get really bad nightmares can't sleep ect ect anyway decided today I am
Going to get back on Exante 100% should be well back in ketosis by Tuesday never takes me long!
Booked our registrar on Friday just the venue to book now , then dresses and suits and everything is done!
Well I've got the dreaded bug! Feel like death! So my Exante journey is on hold! Never felt so rough in all my life just wanna cry!!! Still have to look after my daughter all day oh god hope I'm better soon!
Feel better soon.

Hey lancs :) How are you doing? Hope the bug has gone and you're back on track.

When's your wedding?
Well I've got over the bug I had but I'm struggling to restart!! I've made a decision that monday is the restart day! My sons birthday weekend is this weekend and I've nothing else planned for months so it's the best day to start!
I've now bought my wedding dress in a size 14/16 and I've for until feb 2013 to not of slim but to get fit and reeducate myself with food! Here's to a new me!