Last person to post wins!

after the wedding i will try something like that but i just need to get at least a stone off
is it working for u??
yes it seems to be working. losing 2lbs a week. get weighed again tomorrow.
i can eat all kinds of food so have no excuses to pig out on fatty bad food. i still have my friday booze too ;)
wow thats good...i may give it a try after the wedding
wow its falling off u julie!!
i only ever lost max 3lbs a week on exante anyway is it really worth the hardship for an extra pound a week!?? as of yesterday im calorie counting :)
i could lose 6lb a week if i stuck to exante but its not easy and as soon as you eat something your not supposed to you gain it all back over night!! cal counting and eating groups like ww/sw you can eat what you want within reason and not gain so quick! i am still having treats and still losing. ;)
fortyandfat i told you i would not let you win this :p

im back with my tail kinda between my legs ive lost like 20lbs from september, but ive cheated so much and i could be a lot lighter :(
hows you been?
hello wannabeslim
its going ok...not as well as id hoped tbh but im sure ill get there...hows urs?
same after a promising start in summer which seemed like a record breaking pace...I gt 2 uni and compliments and stress combined have meant I've lost about 23lbs since late september but I reckon uve been pff diet more than on
hey i'm doing good thanks. had 2 pints tonight which has gone straight to my head even though i am not in ketosis! its all counted in my syns and allowed :8855:
i must say julie i am liking eating actual food again and ive lost a little bit too!! yay
yeah me to i may do it after xmas.too