Last Person To Post Wins

Never heard that one either but very very funny... hey wouldn't it be good if we could have little taps all over to let all the water out or a very large pin????

Oooo, sounds great!!

I would like one fitted to my butt, thighs and tummy!!!
No I am in front!!!

Sigh, we all know that I am the winner - just deal with it people!! Lol!
We could make it eco friendly too ... turn the tap on and water the garden, bingo!
Or so you thought Busybee!
Ewww, now this is just getting gross!

I can magine myself with a hose pipe attachment now!
Broadens the scope of the business not just taps but accessories, although I'm sure there must be some yoga position that would enable us to get to the baskets!!

PMSL....Mrs V, any change of you getting to out London meet next March? It woulf be great to meet you. I promise I won't have my scarey hat on that day lol
Cleverly disguising your last post as nice just wanted to race ahead.....well I am still here and INFRONT
I am going to have to give up now......but only for a while. I am finishing work for the day, I say that is a victory to you Mrs Stubborn. But I will be back, when you least expect it I will race infront to victory for the last post. I know I seem to be slightly losing it but it is Friday and that means the weekend is here

Thank you for keeping me smiling for the last couple of hours:D
Oh look , I 'm infront again, stop it, stop it stop it.......take the tablet, it will help
Lol, you two!!!

I don't think I can get to the London meet up, would have to check dates etc and get the ok from Hubby!
I would love to meet you too Maggie, so I will have to check the diary first.

Now on the matter of who is in front...ummm.....I think you will find that it's me!!!