Last Person To Post Wins

Hey - have tried it on - it fits - the crown has passed to moi! :)
Cough cough:p
What thread? :p
who's thread?!
Morning all!
moning guys,

Yip sunny here to in ireland for once haha it will prob start pissing rain when i go out. Have to go tesco do weekly shopping today dreading it. Well actually i should be there now and not here but im here!! have to have a shower and everything omg me soo lazy!!
*Queen Carol skips around her thread singing merrily.* :D:D

"The crown is mine, the crown is mine,
La la la la laaaaaaaaa la!!"


:D Your King has sent the men in white coats round to carols, to protect her from herself, see she Napoleons syndrome delusions of grandure and gone all La La!!!! :p Thinking the crown belongs to her, whatever next:rolleyes:
haha im back from tesco's and bought the biggest load of crap ever. oh will be happy skinny prick!!!! joke!

:D Yep im back from my shopping trip and haircut, ready to defend my realm again :p
not for long!
Your Queen is poorly and needs lots of caring attention. So cant sing like Carol but I sure can cough, sniff and splutter ....... mutter, mutter, mutter. The queen is in her boudoir counting out her Strepsils. Dont attack your Queen when she's under the weather!!!! Queen Di would not be amused.