Lauras Diary of Incubating

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Have you experienced bleeding the whole way through your pregnancy? Have they said why? (Sorry if it means repeating yourself!!)

Hiya JoeyJoJo, moved my diary as I was getting lonely over on Silver Members :rolleyes:

Yeah I've been bleeding on and off, having a few problems with baby measuring small, my plug going at around 17weeks, doctor concerned about really early preterm labour ( My other 2 were premature, my daughter was very ill she was in Crumlin Childrens hospital for 8 weeks, was touch and go with her, they intercepted with my son before things got too serious and he was in NeoNatal for 2 weeks.) Basically they say I could go into labour at any stage.

I'm getting steroid injections at 28 weeks to bring on the babies lungs and they are monitoring me with scans every 4 weeks. I've my 2nd growth scan on the 20th.

I'm trying to forget all about it to be honest and just concentrate on keeping the house relatively organised and keeping the kids happy. Trying to eat as best I can too.

Bet you are sorry you asked now haha......
Hopefully the baby stays put for a while yet being pregnant is just so stressful but try and keep calm and rest as much as you can which isn't always easy with other kids to think about x
Hopefully the baby stays put for a while yet being pregnant is just so stressful but try and keep calm and rest as much as you can which isn't always easy with other kids to think about x

Thanks Kellie. This is my last pregnancy and doctors reasured me that this type of thing is very rare and that I'd more than likely have a good pregnancy this time, so I'm very disappointed and feel really bad for the baby. I really hope it is happy and is born healthy. I really wanted to enjoy my last pregnancy
Hiya JoeyJoJo, moved my diary as I was getting lonely over on Silver Members :rolleyes:

Yeah I've been bleeding on and off, having a few problems with baby measuring small, my plug going at around 17weeks, doctor concerned about really early preterm labour ( My other 2 were premature, my daughter was very ill she was in Crumlin Childrens hospital for 8 weeks, was touch and go with her, they intercepted with my son before things got too serious and he was in NeoNatal for 2 weeks.) Basically they say I could go into labour at any stage.

I'm getting steroid injections at 28 weeks to bring on the babies lungs and they are monitoring me with scans every 4 weeks. I've my 2nd growth scan on the 20th.

I'm trying to forget all about it to be honest and just concentrate on keeping the house relatively organised and keeping the kids happy. Trying to eat as best I can too.

Bet you are sorry you asked now haha......

Oh wow...a lot on your mind then...sorry to hear that. How can you tell if your plugs gone? Is that what protects the baby from infections and stuff?

I hope baby stays in as long as possible.

Have they given you any reasons as to why your babies were premature or anything?

Sorry for the spanish inquesition!!!!!!! (sp?!)
subscribing!! :) xx
Hiya JoeyJoJo, moved my diary as I was getting lonely over on Silver Members :rolleyes:

Yeah I've been bleeding on and off, having a few problems with baby measuring small, my plug going at around 17weeks, doctor concerned about really early preterm labour ( My other 2 were premature, my daughter was very ill she was in Crumlin Childrens hospital for 8 weeks, was touch and go with her, they intercepted with my son before things got too serious and he was in NeoNatal for 2 weeks.) Basically they say I could go into labour at any stage.

I'm getting steroid injections at 28 weeks to bring on the babies lungs and they are monitoring me with scans every 4 weeks. I've my 2nd growth scan on the 20th.

I'm trying to forget all about it to be honest and just concentrate on keeping the house relatively organised and keeping the kids happy. Trying to eat as best I can too.

Bet you are sorry you asked now haha......

Oh bless you hun x thinking of you and hope baby stays put for as long as possible for you. xxx
Woops forgot to put yesterdays diary up.

BREAKFAST- 1 slice toast with real butter, a mini-choc muffin and a blue ribbon bar
LUNCH - Homemade roasted tomato soup with 2 slices bread (no spread)
DINNER - Big Mac meal with chips, 2 things of red sauce AND full fat coke (hubby drank half) - and it was frigin delicious ha!!
SUPPER - mini homemade quiche

So yesterday was not good food wise haha, but I don't care, I was extremely tired, I still have to feed hubbys uncle, so I had to rush him a dinner before going shopping which I can't do myself because I bleed with all the lifting and bending into shopping trolley, hubby was off work early so grabbed the chance for the help......and breath!

This morning I am feeling very very rough, had an incident with an egg. Basically we have our own hens, so I went out and collected eggs, washed them and out of the goodness of my heart I decided I'd make hubby poached eggs before work. I cracked open and egg and there was a horrible big blob of calcification (sp?), my stomach flipped and I spent about 5 mins throwing up horrible bile. Now my throat is red raw and my head is throbbing. I will take some time to get over this one haha. Hubby had the cheek to laugh at me while I ran past him. :mad:

I am now not in the form to eat but baby is on the go so must want something.....
Woops forgot to put yesterdays diary up.

BREAKFAST- 1 slice toast with real butter, a mini-choc muffin and a blue ribbon bar
LUNCH - Homemade roasted tomato soup with 2 slices bread (no spread)
DINNER - Big Mac meal with chips, 2 things of red sauce AND full fat coke (hubby drank half) - and it was frigin delicious ha!!
SUPPER - mini homemade quiche

So yesterday was not good food wise haha, but I don't care, I was extremely tired, I still have to feed hubbys uncle, so I had to rush him a dinner before going shopping which I can't do myself because I bleed with all the lifting and bending into shopping trolley, hubby was off work early so grabbed the chance for the help......and breath!

This morning I am feeling very very rough, had an incident with an egg. Basically we have our own hens, so I went out and collected eggs, washed them and out of the goodness of my heart I decided I'd make hubby poached eggs before work. I cracked open and egg and there was a horrible big blob of calcification (sp?), my stomach flipped and I spent about 5 mins throwing up horrible bile. Now my throat is red raw and my head is throbbing. I will take some time to get over this one haha. Hubby had the cheek to laugh at me while I ran past him. :mad:

I am now not in the form to eat but baby is on the go so must want something.....

lol This reminds me of my hubby. Every time I was sick he would be sitting there with a smile on his face and (depending on the circumstances surrounding me suddenly puking) laughing at me! Mostly he would say that its telling him the baby is ok (when he had a smile on his face)

Other times he would sit right next to me whilst im being sick into my 'sick bucket'...(yeah.....i had a sick bucket and mostly couldnt make it to the toilet or anything lol) and he would be eating whilst watching me!! What the.....??!! Haha :D

I hope you feel better. Feeling sick is more horrid than actually being sick :(

lol This reminds me of my hubby. Every time I was sick he would be sitting there with a smile on his face and (depending on the circumstances surrounding me suddenly puking) laughing at me! Mostly he would say that its telling him the baby is ok (when he had a smile on his face)

Other times he would sit right next to me whilst im being sick into my 'sick bucket'...(yeah.....i had a sick bucket and mostly couldnt make it to the toilet or anything lol) and he would be eating whilst watching me!! What the.....??!! Haha :D

I hope you feel better. Feeling sick is more horrid than actually being sick :(


Grr...hubby's lol. Bloody hilarious isn't it being sick!!!! I wanna hit mine sometimes lol. I do agree with that though....feeling sick is much worse than being sick...

I was sick yesterday morning too because of a horrid smell (my dog had a bad tum) and I was fine immediately after, but I think I was the same as you MrsLmc - it was bile because it was first thing in the morning and my stomach felt raw and horrible for hours after... :\ not nice!

Still incredibly jealous of the big mac....I could murder one!!! xx
Grr...hubby's lol. Bloody hilarious isn't it being sick!!!! I wanna hit mine sometimes lol. I do agree with that though....feeling sick is much worse than being sick...

I was sick yesterday morning too because of a horrid smell (my dog had a bad tum) and I was fine immediately after, but I think I was the same as you MrsLmc - it was bile because it was first thing in the morning and my stomach felt raw and horrible for hours after... :\ not nice!

Still incredibly jealous of the big mac....I could murder one!!! xx

lol Yeah...but when they're sick, they have their tails between their legs feeling all sorry for themselves/want comforting!!!
lol Yeah...but when they're sick, they have their tails between their legs feeling all sorry for themselves/want comforting!!!

Of course they do!! They are NIGHTMARES when they are "sick". Hubby had a little sniffle (bless him) the other day, and wanted love and attention....I told him where to go!!! He's not sympathetic at all, and when I've been lying on the sofa feeling sick all day long and living off of crackers, all I got was "bloody hell Jess, there are 10000000's of women who are pregnant and have babies every day...stop milking it!!!"

I WISH he could feel what pregnancy feels like in the first trimester for just 1 day, that's all it would take and he'd be a total mess!!! He couldn't cope for 1 day, let alone weeks and weeks lol

Men!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

ha ha sorry, rant over ;) xx
Of course they do!! They are NIGHTMARES when they are "sick". Hubby had a little sniffle (bless him) the other day, and wanted love and attention....I told him where to go!!! He's not sympathetic at all, and when I've been lying on the sofa feeling sick all day long and living off of crackers, all I got was "bloody hell Jess, there are 10000000's of women who are pregnant and have babies every day...stop milking it!!!"

I WISH he could feel what pregnancy feels like in the first trimester for just 1 day, that's all it would take and he'd be a total mess!!! He couldn't cope for 1 day, let alone weeks and weeks lol

Men!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

ha ha sorry, rant over ;) xx

lol Yep it all sounds suspiciously similar....!!! I too wish that men had a fecking clue what pregnancy and the range of rubbish symptoms felt like...but most of all...the sickness, see how they like it mwahahahahahahahahahaaaaa