Lauras Diary of Incubating

Sorry Laura.. I commented on yer maccers n not yer sickness earlier.. How selfish..
Hope you feel better? There is actually nothing worse than being sick due to the sight/smell of something... Far worse than just being sick coz yer pregnany.. I had it once a few weeks ago.. It was awful.. xx
Sorry Laura.. I commented on yer maccers n not yer sickness earlier.. How selfish..
Hope you feel better? There is actually nothing worse than being sick due to the sight/smell of something... Far worse than just being sick coz yer pregnany.. I had it once a few weeks ago.. It was awful.. xx

Ha its grand Frances. We can't respond to every wee thing, I'm on here long enough in a day without that carry on hehe.
Yeah unfortunately happens to me with anything mouldy, funny smelling, funny looking or gross. Thats why I rarely eat spuds, unless hubby is here to peel them and take out any eyes or anything eugh..yucky.
Ha its grand Frances. We can't respond to every wee thing, I'm on here long enough in a day without that carry on hehe.
Yeah unfortunately happens to me with anything mouldy, funny smelling, funny looking or gross. Thats why I rarely eat spuds, unless hubby is here to peel them and take out any eyes or anything eugh..yucky.
I hope Jonathan realises how easy he's got it due to me having an easy pregnancy (so far)... I keep telling him little stories about you poor ladies on here.. I think he thinks I make things up to make me look better... lol
I hope Jonathan realises how easy he's got it due to me having an easy pregnancy (so far)... I keep telling him little stories about you poor ladies on here.. I think he thinks I make things up to make me look better... lol

Hehe I think they don't realise the half of it. Its easy to complain about stuff but the feelings aren't there for them. Its very hard to explain really. I still love being pregnant. The kicks and movements make it all very very enjoyable for me.
Woops forgot to put yesterdays diary up.

BREAKFAST- 1 slice toast with real butter, a mini-choc muffin and a blue ribbon bar
LUNCH - Homemade roasted tomato soup with 2 slices bread (no spread)
DINNER - Big Mac meal with chips, 2 things of red sauce AND full fat coke (hubby drank half) - and it was frigin delicious ha!!
SUPPER - mini homemade quiche

So yesterday was not good food wise haha, but I don't care, I was extremely tired, I still have to feed hubbys uncle, so I had to rush him a dinner before going shopping which I can't do myself because I bleed with all the lifting and bending into shopping trolley, hubby was off work early so grabbed the chance for the help......and breath!

This morning I am feeling very very rough, had an incident with an egg. Basically we have our own hens, so I went out and collected eggs, washed them and out of the goodness of my heart I decided I'd make hubby poached eggs before work. I cracked open and egg and there was a horrible big blob of calcification (sp?), my stomach flipped and I spent about 5 mins throwing up horrible bile. Now my throat is red raw and my head is throbbing. I will take some time to get over this one haha. Hubby had the cheek to laugh at me while I ran past him. :mad:

I am now not in the form to eat but baby is on the go so must want something.....

Oh no nasty - with the build up I thiught maybe you'd eaten a rotten egg :( Dry retching though, nasty....

Great din dins last night!!! Yum yum, glad you enjoyed it & didn't feel guilty :)
lol This reminds me of my hubby. Every time I was sick he would be sitting there with a smile on his face and (depending on the circumstances surrounding me suddenly puking) laughing at me! Mostly he would say that its telling him the baby is ok (when he had a smile on his face)

Other times he would sit right next to me whilst im being sick into my 'sick bucket'...(yeah.....i had a sick bucket and mostly couldnt make it to the toilet or anything lol) and he would be eating whilst watching me!! What the.....??!! Haha :D

I hope you feel better. Feeling sick is more horrid than actually being sick :(


Yuk!! Eating while watching you puke, nasty!!
Hehe I think they don't realise the half of it. Its easy to complain about stuff but the feelings aren't there for them. Its very hard to explain really. I still love being pregnant. The kicks and movements make it all very very enjoyable for me.

It's funny how it changes. :)

For me, I've always been EXTREMELY maternal, always always always wanted kids and before ever falling pregnant, I thought it would feel a certain way etc. When I got to about 6-8 weeks preggie and symptoms starting setting in, it felt very very different to how I'd imagined pregnancy would be... and I can admit now - I struggled with this. I think I was naive before, I thought it would all feel rosy and lovely, and sickness wouldn't matter because I'm pregnant la la la. Turns out, the sickness did matter, and for pretty much all of the first trimester I really really didn't enjoy it. This massively upset me because I thought being a "maternal person" this meant that I had failed, or my body wasn't "coping" as much as it should be - how stupid is that?!?! I felt quite low for the first part, and it's only up until recently the tables have completely turned.

Now that the sickness has gone, I feel more like myself and it's made a huge huge difference. I am absolutely loving it now, and now I feel stupid for even thinking that my body was "failing" or not "cut out" for pregnancy because I struggled so much!! I genuinely love it. My bump is beginning to show, I'm beginning to feel my baby girl and it's fantastic! Worlds apart from how I was feeling a few weeks ago! Just goes to show what a hormonal imbalance can do to someone!! xx
It really is amazing. You forget so quick about the nasty bits. And see once you hold baby in your arms and they cosy in you'll forget every single horrible bit and you'll want to do it all over again!

Definitely! I can't even remember the 1st trimester now! And I only stopped being sick a couple of weeks ago (yesterday doesn't count lol) :) I'm just so happy.

I'm loving being pregnant now and going to enjoy these weeks/months I have left. :)

I already want to do it all over again! I was already talking to hubby about baby number 2 this morning lol!! :D
Jonathan keeps talking about baby number 2 too... He's already talking about building on a third bedroom to our house!!!!
I'm just like... let us get baby number 1 out first yea?!
We do agree with want our next quite soon after this one tho... Though I think he's thinking sooner than I'm thinking.. lol
I think when this baby is about 1, we'll try for number 2.. And once number 2 is here.. That's me done!! Although he has other ideas on that too... LOL
Jonathan keeps talking about baby number 2 too... He's already talking about building on a third bedroom to our house!!!!
I'm just like... let us get baby number 1 out first yea?!
We do agree with want our next quite soon after this one tho... Though I think he's thinking sooner than I'm thinking.. lol
I think when this baby is about 1, we'll try for number 2.. And once number 2 is here.. That's me done!! Although he has other ideas on that too... LOL

I'm the same hun - when baby is 1, or almost 1 :) maybe we'll be back here together?! :) xx
And only 2 days apart again... LOL

Ha ha wouldn't that be funny :) We'll both be racing when we're ttc to see who can get in a couple of days ahead ;) xx
25+4 -- TUESDAY -- 10/09/2013

Not a great day after this mornings episode. My tummy is still abit churney

Activia ff yoghurt
1/2 glass orange juice

Bacon medallion sandwich - no dressings
Can coke

Chicken kiev
1 tbsp mash potato
1 tbsp cauliflower with cheese sauce

I'll probably have a slice of toast

Finally got the cot out of my sons room so he's going in the big bed tonight. Might as well seen as I don't sleep well anyway. I really hope he goes okay. He is such a good sleeper and I don't wanna mess that up, but I do think he is ready.
Not a great day after this mornings episode. My tummy is still abit churney

Activia ff yoghurt
1/2 glass orange juice

Bacon medallion sandwich - no dressings
Can coke

Chicken kiev
1 tbsp mash potato
1 tbsp cauliflower with cheese sauce

I'll probably have a slice of toast

Finally got the cot out of my sons room so he's going in the big bed tonight. Might as well seen as I don't sleep well anyway. I really hope he goes okay. He is such a good sleeper and I don't wanna mess that up, but I do think he is ready.

Oh that sounds yummy hun!! Not bad at all :) xx
Right so little man has got into his big bed, I tucked him in and gave big kisses, closed the door and not a peep! He is fast asleep, no problem what so ever. He looked so small, his wee head above the dovet! But he was smiling away all proud of himself. He's not a baby anymore :(
That's sad & good too, means he's a bit more independent for when the next one arrives! How old is he??

He's 2. I wanted him out and the cot away. Didn't wanna lift him out for the new baby incase he feels upset by that iykwim
Right so little man has got into his big bed, I tucked him in and gave big kisses, closed the door and not a peep! He is fast asleep, no problem what so ever. He looked so small, his wee head above the dovet! But he was smiling away all proud of himself. He's not a baby anymore :(

Aww Laura that's too cute. Did u shed a tear??