LeaE's Jelly Wobble

ninajw83 said:
Oh yes i know exactly where she's getting it from....nursery lol its rife there, one of those things that prob passes to everyone and by the time it gets back round to Ella a few months have passed haha. Had to stop exercise for a day or 2 grrr have done something to my hip and now it keeps clicking when i walk which produces this delightful sound but hey ho i'll just rest and take analgesia and i'll be fine :) Got another 68lbs to get to 14 stone which gets me under 30bmi but i will want to lose another 21lbs after that to have a healthy bmi but certainly not thinking of that goal until im near my first haha :)

Maybe u should suggest they take extra precautions because that's radic I defo wouldn't be happy x it's all to do with hygiene and hand washing and maybe they need a kick up the ass so sorry for u because it's not fair on you or yr baby poor little thing xxxx how's u anyway I have had an awful week cd wise but kinda couldn't be helped guilt trip wise but oh well we plod on don't we c
ChristyT said:
Well I think u'r being too hard on urself. But I guess we are all our own harshest critics :)

I've been in a strange mood today, been feeling quite low and reflecting on last night...

We had a lovely night but we are very different; he's very serious and money orientated and I'm neither!! I think it's the fact we're so different that initially attracted me but I can't see it working - i'd drive him crazy lol!! We've spoken, he understands. We may meet up for a drink in a few weeks but I think it's more likely we'll leave it there xx

Aahhh sorry prince charming forgot his armour but I had to go on hundreds of bad dates in the 3 yr I was single but gotta admit it was so funny x I'm so chuffed u did it really because shows you have come far it's hard taking them first steps x but now u can go and enjoy yrself and go on plenty of dates and least u can make me giggle with the stories xxx <3 well done u x
marshma said:
I am good thanks, had my weigh in today and finally in healthy BMI so very happy tonight.

Whoop whoop impressive would love to be there with u cos I'm dying to be normal lol oh well one day hey x how's it feel then skinny Minnie x
LeaE said:
Whoop whoop impressive would love to be there with u cos I'm dying to be normal lol oh well one day hey x how's it feel then skinny Minnie x

Oh its good. You will be there soon hun x x x x

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Hi LeaE, I have read a good bit of your blog and I have to say its a real inspiration, im only on day 2 but found it very difficult and ur posts really helped me get through it, you have done sooo well to date, I cant wait to get to where you are xx
LeaE said:
Aahhh sorry prince charming forgot his armour but I had to go on hundreds of bad dates in the 3 yr I was single but gotta admit it was so funny x I'm so chuffed u did it really because shows you have come far it's hard taking them first steps x but now u can go and enjoy yrself and go on plenty of dates and least u can make me giggle with the stories xxx <3 well done u x

Ahhh I know, I'd forgotten how much fun dating can be :) I'm going to enjoy being single for a good while longer and I'm sure I can keep you entertained with my antics.

There is someone whose been in the background for a couple of months, we're just friends and haven't discussed dating but we both know we like eachother. I'm kind of saving him until I'm ready to have something more serious. In the meantime I'm going to concentrate on losing weight and having some fun.

So sorry to hear about you're friend. I lost my best friend to cancer at just 26, it's a terrible disease. Big hugs to you, you are a fantastic friend to have xxxx
LeaE said:
No he didn't but everyone else has I have been so busy x I'm fine but fatter how are u ?

Same fine but fatter lol although people keep telling me I look thinner I don't know though
Shazziebelle said:
Hi LeaE, I have read a good bit of your blog and I have to say its a real inspiration, im only on day 2 but found it very difficult and ur posts really helped me get through it, you have done sooo well to date, I cant wait to get to where you are xx

Ah congrats love yr doing well the first four days were the hardest for me so yr nearly through there x so glad writing this has helped u because I know it's difficult and I know some ppl just don't understand so so happy u are getting there x here anytime my love and feel free to pop by whenever u want x think slim missy xxxxxxx good luck x
ChristyT said:
Ahhh I know, I'd forgotten how much fun dating can be :) I'm going to enjoy being single for a good while longer and I'm sure I can keep you entertained with my antics.

There is someone whose been in the background for a couple of months, we're just friends and haven't discussed dating but we both know we like eachother. I'm kind of saving him until I'm ready to have something more serious. In the meantime I'm going to concentrate on losing weight and having some fun.

So sorry to hear about you're friend. I lost my best friend to cancer at just 26, it's a terrible disease. Big hugs to you, you are a fantastic friend to have xxxx

Yeah it's awful but not much I can do to mend it for her so just trying to support her where possible I suppose x

Ooohhhh sounds a great plan fun and getting yrself together and 'saving' him for later xxx lol just priceless lol can't wait to hear yr antics lol

I'm being chased ATM by a guy and it's flattering but I have my bf ATM and I must admit I do miss being single it was so much fun and easier and a real time of growth for me ! And before anyone reads this thinking I mean fun sleeping around I didn't I mean fun ha ha as I went on dates and I don't even kiss on a first date my mum would kill me if I did and trust me hardly any made it past a first date ! Was hilarious x
katiebaby said:
Same fine but fatter lol although people keep telling me I look thinner I don't know though

Well I bet u look blooming great x I lurvvv my new dresses but prob because one is a size 12 lol and one is a new look medium lol xxxx
Ah congrats love yr doing well the first four days were the hardest for me so yr nearly through there x so glad writing this has helped u because I know it's difficult and I know some ppl just don't understand so so happy u are getting there x here anytime my love and feel free to pop by whenever u want x think slim missy xxxxxxx good luck x

Thanks hun :) i have a long way to go but the end of day 2 and already feeling a bit better, headache has eased off and I enjoyed my shakes today, even with alot of temptation but in my way alot today I didnt break, this forum is a gos sent and has helped no end :) and today i had a look at clothes online that I cant wait to buy xxx
Shazziebelle said:
Thanks hun :) i have a long way to go but the end of day 2 and already feeling a bit better, headache has eased off and I enjoyed my shakes today, even with alot of temptation but in my way alot today I didnt break, this forum is a gos sent and has helped no end :) and today i had a look at clothes online that I cant wait to buy xxx

Can't reccommend enough how u should buy something cheap but in a size smaller than what u are now I buy jeans usually spurs me on no end I have a little section of my wardrobe of clothes that are too small and I try them on all the time and it's so brilliant when u get in them xxxxx
Aahhhhh I'm so so anxious about tomoz ! I kinda don't regret what I did as in meal wise because I felt it was the right thing to do but I'm so so modified about seeing that gain tomorrow it's awful ! I know I will have and I'm just gutted I even thought about just not going as I have enough products but just slammed my mental foot down and got a grip because once u miss and put off wi it's a slippery slope so I have to grab the bull by the horns and take this gain on my broad shoulders it's so unfair !!!!!!!! Well no it's not really because it's all my fault but oh well I'm sticking with it being so unfair ! Big massive sigh for me ! Well on that note I'm off to bed because if not im going to fight this over in my head and with two of me arguing with each other I might never get to sleep ! :( sad times !!!!! Bye bye 13s and hello again u god awful 14s how I do hate u !!!!!
Can't reccommend enough how u should buy something cheap but in a size smaller than what u are now I buy jeans usually spurs me on no end I have a little section of my wardrobe of clothes that are too small and I try them on all the time and it's so brilliant when u get in them xxxxx

I actually have a chess of clothes in my Mums house that are all too small for me but I love them, there either clothes I didnt wear much cuz i didnt fit into them for long or clothes i bought but never fitted into them, I should go up to hers and get them out, that can be a little inspiration xx
Shazziebelle said:
I actually have a chess of clothes in my Mums house that are all too small for me but I love them, there either clothes I didnt wear much cuz i didnt fit into them for long or clothes i bought but never fitted into them, I should go up to hers and get them out, that can be a little inspiration xx

Ah do do do ! Make a little section in ur wardrobe where u will see them everyday x sounds sad but I love doing it x and it really helps me x
thats brilliant weight losses LeaE!!!!
Good luck at weigh in today x x

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hey guys how many calories are there in 170g of chicken breast?
Not sure but you're allowed 245g of chicken breast on SS+ food allowance
Hey Lea when is your WI? Goodluck. I'm desperately hoping your not back in the 14s. And don't forget you gotta get back on the wagon and mike to race ppl to the 12s. I'm rooting for ya!!