Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

I wonder if there's something going round? You didn't feel well the other day when I started to feel ill.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and eat what you can x
I wonder if there's something going round? You didn't feel well the other day when I started to feel ill.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and eat what you can x

I think there must be. Hubby had a bug over the weekend. I have just managed half a bagel and small banana. I am not feeling too bad now just not quite right. I am sure i will feel better tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on me.

Thanks KDMA x
Thanks guys. I am feeling a little better thank you. I even managed a little homemade tikka Masala. Now feeling guilty as hell!

I was having a good day (really low on points) but then had a 'snacky' afternoon. They were all good snack and low points but I now feel like I have eaten a lot. I am still under my points but feel 'full' and i never feel full. Nevermind. I will have to make up for it when I am feeling up to it.

Now SOOOO tired......zzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly - hope you're on the mend soon.
sending you get better soon vibes! xxx :) hope ur sleep cleans it outta ur system
Thanks a lot everyone.

This morning I have woken up with a pounding headache and my throat feels like sandpaper.....NICE! Off for an eye test this morning to see if we can solve one of those problems. I want some sexy glasses lol ;)

Annnnyway...still feel rough but sure eating will be fine. I just have to avoid so many snacks today and eat 3 meals and a couple of snacks. Yesterday was all snacks really. Oh dear. Not holding out much hope for Monday but I am going to try to be good from now until then......
Hi, hope you're feeling better hun - chin up and keep smiling :)

Did you need any sexy glasses?
Hi Jax, yup! I ordered some glasses. Not quite as sexy as I wanted but still nice. I almost bought the purple/pink ones but realised they would not go with everything so I went for good old black one. They just felt and looked right so i had them.

Cost an arm and a leg (but don't they always?). I was more blind than i thought lol. Well they should be here in 7-10 days and I can't wait.

Not happy this week. I have not cheated or anything like that but I just feel bloated. I feel like I have eaten too much and the wrong things. I know I haven't really but I just do not feel happy. Not sure why.

For instance today I have had:

B: 2 x Weetabix with SS milk
Small Banana

Lunch: WW tomato soup and 2 pcs bread followed by half a pack of iced gems! (son ate the other lol).

Yet I still feel unhappy with my choices for some reason. I have no idea what is going on. I guess I am just feeling a bit low and now dreading WI on Monday.....
Glad you got yr sexy glasses :D

Sorry you're feeling down - don't let it get to you though hun, you're probably not quite over that tummy upset you had - try and stay positive and don't worry about your WI on Monday I'm sure it will be fine.

Sending you lots of positive vibes and a great big hug!
Thanks Jax. A hug is just what the doctor ordered :)
Sorry to hear you are feeling bit down, Think jax is right maybe your just not over your tummy upset ....

Lucky on the glasses!, i work in a office and always wanted some sexy glasses to be one of those naught office assistants!:giggle:

Maybe a nice hot bath and early night might make you feel bit better

hope your feeling better soon...

Take care

Ps I think your food choices are fine & definatly healthy !!
Hey hun, sorry that you're feeling a bit lousy and down :( your choices are fine, but if you're feeling bloated maybe you could cut down on carby things for a bit and go for more protein and fresh fruit/veg, but as others have said maybe you're just not fully well yet so its making you feel pants.

You'll be fine at WI, if you're within your points you can't go wrong. Chin up hun :) we're all behind you!!

Glad to hear you got your glasses sorted out, it makes a world of difference (I have got them for work when I spend all day in front of the PC as unusually for my age I struggle to focus close-up and it gives me headaches sometimes). When do you get them?

sorry i havent caught up with ya in ages hunni.
sorry ur feeling crappy, and ur within points so ur food shouldnt be a big prob u dont seem like ur going mad or anything.
hope u feel better soon xxx
Thanks guys. I have a lot of stuff going on at home that is getting me down so I am just a little teary etc but very up and down. Not feeling too bad tonight. Just had a small handful of WW chips and a chicken breast. It was yummy. Felt like I was eating junk which made me feel a little better. WW cheesecake thawing in the kitchen. Still under my points for today though :/ I bought a bottle of baileys so may have room for one to help me sleep ;)

I have just done 50 mins RC workout. I have not done very much this week but seemed to have loads of energy tonight. I really enjoyed it.

Linds, yep, i liked them because I felt like a naughty secretary lol! hehehe. Thanks for the tip. I might take you up on it ;)

Nikki, HI! Thanks for popping in. I get them in 7-10 days. I can't wait. My head hurts all the time at the mo. I have done no sneaky weigh ins this week. I am too scared for some reason. I am hoping to have a really good weekend and then have a good WI.

Hey Catz. I have not gone over my points at all so should be fine just had more snacks than usual. Comfort eating but low point things. I dunno. Let's wait and see.

Right, off to get my cheesecake in the hope it will lift my spirits lol
mmm please enjoy that cheesecake on my behalf!! soooo not jealous that you can eat all that yummy stuff!! ;-) x
hello, just read your diary (start to finish) and have found it really helpful :)
just wondering if you can help me with a couple of post baby WW questions?!
im hoping to start doing WW in the new year when my baby will be six weeks old (not actually due til the 18th of this month) and am worried about the points i will have. am hoping to breastfeed (fingers crossed) and am worried that 10 points solely for BF is quite high?!
will i still acheive a loss if say for instance i am allocated 30 points a day to use?
how did you find it?

many thanks suz x