Leg Injury - limiited excercise


Full Member
Hi everyone!

In 2009 i suffered a bad leg injury, I wont give all the gory details but to cut a long story short I cannot do anything with impact (Playing sports, running, jogging, jumping etc)

So i go to the gym and i feel like im not doing enough as all i can do is use the excercise bike and walk on the tredmill. Does anyone know of any other excercise I could do without further injurying myself that would help in my battle of losing weight.

Any sudgestions are welcome!
I have had surgery on my knee twice and struggle with impact exercise too, even treadmill walking can hurt my knee. How about the elliptical / cross trainer? I find that one to be best for me. I also do Kettlebell workouts with some success - i struggle with squats but find my knee is much stronger / easier to exercise with once i have built up the muscle around it. If you were given physio exercises to do then i'd suggest really going heavy on them and doing them as much as you can as it will add strength and therefore stability to your legs and allow you to do more. Swimming too is an option. Or rowing machines.
Thank you for your input.
I find the Cross trainer extremely painful, cant manage more than 5 minutes on that. I think it's the bending of the knee that hurts. The rowing machine seems to be ok but the same sort of thing happens after about 5 minutes.

Ive tried to do the physio excercises i had when i was recovering but they only really consister of laying on a bed and bending my knee as far as it can go.

I may try this kettleball you speak off.

Thanks a lot.
Can you swim? I have a foot injury that is a lot less severe than your leg injury by the sounds of it! but it has really cramped my style in the exercise department! I've started swimming...so far it has not made any pain worse which is the main thing!!
I can swim, however I can't swim as far as I used to be able to as when my leg gets tired one kicks faster than the other and I kind of go in circles! Lol
I completely shattered my ankle and had ankle fusion after many failed ops to help it I cant run jump or use treadmill but I can cycle so I bought a mountain bike and go up the downs a couple of times a week and it doesnt affect my leg