Leigh's SW journey at home :-)

Thanks for the advice re. SP . I have another question if I do SP and have porridge do I have to have the same weight in speed ? I understand 1/2 salad to protein for lunch and veg and say steak for tea. I struggle for what I'd have for breakfast. I wish I had time for the gym working full time and hubby on shifts I have no chance. ( sadly ) xx
I'm not entirely sure of the rule as I don't go to group, but I love strawberries or maybe a grated apple and cinnamon as long as you are eating 1/2 your plate for lunch/dinner with speed it should work well, that's my plan.
no exercise for me, was up in night as needed loo & awake, tossing & turning, just so much on my mind, really should stop worrying & take up meditation, which isn't a bad idea! Must do some yoga & focus on breathing.

jumped on scales as you do, another lb off this morning, so a great start to week, given me a boost.

had half hexb bran flakes with a third hexa milk, want a slice of toast with cheese on later a just one coffee at work in case the 3 I had yesterday kept me up!

got a couple plums for work & definitely going out for a little walk in break time!

pasta with chargrilled veg & Passat for dinner before parents evening.

have a lovely day
work, money, just normal stuff, sometimes it gets to me.
just been for a little walk, it was nice, plums eaten looking forward to cheese on toast!!
I never used to when I was married, not a worry in sight! I have lots to deal with now, I have it all sorted and shouldn't really worry but I have my moments and little challenges like shuffling savings around etc, I work it out in the end, just takes time as maths is not a strong point for me. I'm actually so amazed that I do this all myself and coped well too, if I had realised what it was like when I was married, I think I'd of taken more control, I enjoy it overall, just my day here or there where something extra is needed, little things normally like stuff going on at school, but if it's not planned I panic a bit.

So I got home and mum was here waiting to speak to me, so not had a chance to get on and chat!

Still planning my cheese on toast but it'll likely be when home after parents evening, I'm cooking pasta at the moment so I'm nice and full before I go haha. So far so good today!

Hope you're all doing well, any lurker checking in, say hi ;-)
Hope your mum was nice to you today ,and hope kids parents evening went well.

I just over think things that's my trouble. When we got in a mess years ago I'm always working money out etc as I don't want to get into a mess. Need to learn to chill because we are fine and money is fine. I'm organised and plan like you i think it's the best way
Yeah I use a excel spreadsheet and record incoming/outgoing but another payment is expected at the school and I wish they had an itinery at the start of the year so things like cake sales or trips aren't sprung on us, I'm not sure they understand a single parent needs to count every penny.

Mum was ok today, however I like to get home for the 15 mins before heading back out to get the kids and literally have the time to chill, I'm quite unsociable these days haha.

Kids are doing well, neither ever going to be one of those bright sparks in everything, but I'm proud and they are getting there with extra support.

I had my tiny bit of cheese on toast, gosh really makes you think how much I over indulged in the past, it was enough for taste and I would probably add things like ham and onion or even bacon on it for extra flavour, but was a nice treat after parents evening.

So tomorrow I plan on having an sp day, so need to ensure I wake up and have scrambled eggs on toast for breakie, will stick to my plums and a little walk on my break at work and a nice chicken salad for dinner I think, will do the kids something else.
It would make sense wouldn't it to tell you about trips at the start of the year. I know when I was at juniors there was a ski trip mon to Friday costing just short of 1000 its crazy and thats like 18 years ago. I'm sure your kids will be very proud of you when they get older and realise what you do for them.

On sp I have fruit sometimes for breakfast to save a bit of time works well if your in a rush which I bet you are in the mornings .
Just a lurker saying hi :)
Cheese on toast is nice with tomato puree and herbs by the way, makes it kind of like pizza.
Just a lurker saying hi :)
Cheese on toast is nice with tomato puree and herbs by the way, makes it kind of like pizza.
Now you are talking!!! YUM, why didn't I think of that? Next time ;-)

So I've had a good day, only petty customers to deal with that was easy enough, have to say, getting easier by the day, been there nearly 4 months and moving desk tomorrow, already moved my stuff, will be strange and will be sitting closer to a supervisor that likes the sound of his own voice!? lol. Anyway, Like I have said before, glad I'm part-time haha.

I managed to have scrambled eggs on toast this morning yum, it's filled me for the day, I had a couple of plums for lunch.
I just bought some bacon to have in some sandwich thins tomorrow for breakfast and I think I'll wrap a couple around my chicken I'm planning to have for dinner with salad :) Getting all sorts of ideas coming on here, not something i've ever done myself but had in a restaurant.

Not bothered with exercise as still a little achey, I don't wanna be hurting as I still need to be fit for the kids so will see how I go, I think mum will be here on Friday so that day is out the window and I will try do exercise Saturday and Sunday this week. Next week I'm off on Thursday & Friday and working a long Saturday so will definitely be doing exercise then!!!

Hope you have all had a successful SW day and good day in general.

Anymore lurkers with great tips welcome :)
a typical SP day breakie
If I had any in, I would of had some fried mushrooms and cheery tomatoes with this and perhaps a bit of ham or bacon but I didn't and tbh this really filled me up for the day! I have a smaller loaf so will have 4 small slices on an SP day, YUM!

Not too attractive without the colour from speed food but felt naughty when having bread as not had much bread since being on SW.

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Leigh add a bit of BBQ sauce and cheese to your chicken breast amazing feels
Really naughty but it isn't it's lovely.

Your bacon thins sound nice I'm not keen on wholemeal bread that my trouble it's now been 9 weeks where I haven't had any bread pretty dam good lol
lol I actually don't like white bread much although I have it occasionally but always opt for wholemeal, not brown bread though that tastes different. Seeded is my absolute fav. White bread hurts my tummy :-( I bought a small 400g loaf so I can have 4 slices of that on an SP day instead, but I fancy having the bacon in between the thins for breakie tomorrow, won't add sauce as save syns for chocolate which I can't seem to go a day without lol. My chicken and bacon is smelling devine at the moment, I actually have a little cheese to put on top just before I take it out the oven. Got a massive plateful of salad as I have a feeling I'm going to still be hungry later :-( one of those days lol.
Tell you what I need to try again and that is brown rice and pasta as better for you and I may not bloat so much with it, I bet it would be nice the way I have my pasta lately and if I have the rice with curry I probably wouldn't even realise a taste difference, that'll be on my shopping list this week! :)