Less of liz!!!

I feel your pain!! Out of ketosis after a cheat day at the weekend and just spent over an hour with my auntie in Tesco doing her huge food shop... I could eat the world! Just sipped on my sparkling water as I went round..
Ah Liz don't be fooled - and I promise you I'm not lying - that chocolate popcorn really isn't nice! Tastes like stale popcorn. Really horrid. So don't worry, you didn't miss out!! Xx
I feel your pain!! Out of ketosis after a cheat day at the weekend and just spent over an hour with my auntie in Tesco doing her huge food shop... I could eat the world! Just sipped on my sparkling water as I went round..

Ketosis is the only thing keeping me going actually. I don't want to come out then have to get back in. Was your cheat day worth it though?
Ah Liz don't be fooled - and I promise you I'm not lying - that chocolate popcorn really isn't nice! Tastes like stale popcorn. Really horrid. So don't worry, you didn't miss out!! Xx

I like it actually. Although its mainly for the chocolate. I did think if I have just 1 bit it can't do too much damage, but not sure i could have just 1. Had loads of water instead....
Ooooh, yes. I could have that with my cheese and pickle :) Hopefully tomorrow will be easier...

I know most people find it easier as time goes on but I defo find it harder. We just need to focus on our losses. It's only a few months in a lifetime of food.

October challenge from tomorrow should keep us focused..
I know most people find it easier as time goes on but I defo find it harder. We just need to focus on our losses. It's only a few months in a lifetime of food.

October challenge from tomorrow should keep us focused..

Yes, the thought of being another stone lighter is really keeping me going actually. And you guys replying when I'm about to cave is a real lifesaver! Thanks so much everyone.

I've just realised my totm is due in a few days so I probably will struggle with cravings this week. I just brushed my teeth a minute ago and that's helped stop my choc craving as it would taste horrible if I had some. I very very nearly had a bit of the popcorn but I just about managed to stay away.

I'm going to start redecorating our living room this week, I'm sure that has come from the diet, as I'm trying to keep myself busy! Will count as a bit if exercise too I suppose. :)
Yay re-decorating! That's what I've been doing.
I always get hungry on totm too. The last one I had chocolate shake for breakfast, chocolate mousse for lunch, Truffa bar for dinner and hot chocolate shake before bed! Don't judge me! Lol!!
Just had a bath to occupy myself away from the fridge!!
Well done for staying strong. Being slim is a much better taste than any food could be! Xx
I'm actually really excited but its a BIG job! Especially with the baby being so clingy at the mo. I just want to get on and do it now though. Might go over to b&q tomorrow to get a few tester paint pots and have a play with them.

I don't like the shakes so have to rely on the bars, think ill be having one a day this week though (I usually have one every other day or so) the bath idea is good. I'm actually having a massage on Wednesday which I can't wait for! My back is feeling so sore at the mo, and I need a good relax.
Ah that will be lovely! And very well deserved. Ooo exciting on the decorating front!! That's a big distraction!! Xx
Whoop whoop. I've managed to fit into a pair of size 18 jeans today! They are a bit snug but my 20s looked silly as they were getting so baggy! Problem is my tummy is a lot bigger in proportion to my legs and bum so it's hard to get a good fit in either size.

I've got a couple more 18s that are still a bit too tight but they are my next goal. Feeling positive today. X
Yay that's great and a good motivator to spurn you on! Bet you're glad you didn't cave on a piece of popcorn now!! ;)

My jeans are still too snug but I can do them up and they are a bit more comfortable now. Since having my little girl my belly is more, er, pronounced(?!) shall we say!! But my bigger jeans fell off me as I was walking around and I didn't need to undo them to get them off. This is from Next too so it's weird there's such a difference in two sizes!!

So... Exercise bike today? :)
I've got 2 hours of walking today. I hope it doesn't rain!! :/
Yay that's great and a good motivator to spurn you on! Bet you're glad you didn't cave on a piece of popcorn now!! ;)

My jeans are still too snug but I can do them up and they are a bit more comfortable now. Since having my little girl my belly is more, er, pronounced(?!) shall we say!! But my bigger jeans fell off me as I was walking around and I didn't need to undo them to get them off. This is from Next too so it's weird there's such a difference in two sizes!!

So... Exercise bike today? :)
I've got 2 hours of walking today. I hope it doesn't rain!! :/

Yes, I'm very pleased!

That's what my 20s were like. I kept having to hoik them up when I was walking, my underwear was falling with them too! They were really baggy round the bum and crotch (sorry!) but not so much the tummy. My stomach is definitely more pronounced since kids. I've had 2 c-sections too which doesn't help.

Wow, good luck with the walking. I'm going to try the bike but baby Daniel is in a foul mood and not letting me get much done at all! Hoping he will go down for a snooze soon.

I've had trouble with juggling my food today. I've gone over calories slightly but I'm not really sure why as I had similar meals last week. Maybe if I do a tad more exercise it will make up for it.
Struggling with the chocolate craving again so I've cut a dark chocolate truffa bar into 3 so I can snack on it through the day. It seems to be helping
That's a good idea. I love the dark Truffa bars!!
I know what you mean regarding the little ones naps! I've been trying to get my daughter to sleep for ages... Then when she finally does I end up washing up and cleaning instead of cracking on with my exercise programmes I recorded!
Stay strong!! Xx
That's exactly the problem sammy. I've been doing the housework, then Daniel screamed for about half an hour, not sure why, so by the time he went to sleep I just needed to sit down and rest my brain as it felt like it might explode!

I'm trying to think of ways if beating my cravings. If I took 1 day off from the vlcd but stayed in ketosis, so still low carb but just not low calorie, maybe 1000-1500 calories, would it cause much damage? I know I wouldn't lose as much weight but I'm hoping to kill off a few cravings so I can carry on with this rather than get to the point where I want to give up altogether. What does everyone think?
I feel your pain - why do bubbas fight sleep so much?!!

As for the extra calories I honestly don't know what effect it would have. It would be hard to stay low carb and hit that amount of calories I think... But if you go onto the s+s meal planner and input lots of low carb things up to that calorie amount first then it will show you the grams of carbs and say whether you'll still be in ketosis even though the calories are higher. If that makes sense. It's a clever little tool. Then you'll know how much of things you can have.

It's hard when the cravings battle you down. :(
I reckon it's really easy to keep the carbs down. The packs have carbs added, but if I make my own meals using meat and veg, the carb content is a lot lower. I just miss being able to combine flavours. Meat and veg is ok, but to be able to have chicken wrapped in bacon, or something with cheese.

I also really want to make a curry. Oddly enough I'm not craving pasta or potatoes, just things that have a few extra calories.

Might investigate further. I bought a low carb cookbook which has some yummy looking stuff. Might experiment with mixing the diets on different days

I think if your missing some foods and feel like giving in then you'd be better to have a planned higher cal day but still low carb like you suggest. Be better than caving and having all sorts. I don't think you would come out if ketosis if it's still low carb. That's how Atkins works.

Oh Sammy I can think of loads of foods high in calories and low in carbs - cheese, steak, burgers, cream.....oh I'm starting to make myself hungry x
Thanks Marie, I'm not sure if its just totm cravings or me being bored! Im going to try it on Thursday though and see if a day a little over calories helps.

If I don't have any packs I might even be able to stay within the 650 as I won't be wasting calories on stuff I don't want.

How are you getting on?
Ooo your cook book sounds good-at least you'll have a good guideline. I agree with Marie - it's best to do this than jack it all in.
Ooo let us know what yummy things you make!
There's that turkey bacon you could wrap around the chicken and maybe shove a baby bel in it?! (Sorry I don't eat cheese so I have no idea if that's a bad idea!! Lol)