Getting there!!!
:d every1 on lipotrim, take it 1 day at a time, a craving only lasts 10 seconds so if u get one take a walk to the hall and then go back n see is it still there! Try it cause funnily enough it works!!

Good luck through the week and see u all at weigh in days!!! :d
Hi Trivenam,
Sounds like good advice to me

Very true, great advice :)
Thanks...great idea!! and your so right, ive been walking the dog to distract myself... the poor dog will be skin and bone!!
Great advice :D its true how the craving doesnt last that long when you truely think about it tbh.

I cant remember who said this quote:

"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"

whoever said it was DAMN RIGHT!!! :cool:

......im looking forward to that feeling ;) aren't you?? :D

Time will certainly fly by when you take it one day at a time.....I'm now a size 14 and lovin' it. So I will be on re-feed on Thursday! Wishing you and everyone else on LT, the very best of success!