ProPoints Let's give this a go

My breakkie today
2x kaiser bun 6pp
4 fish fingers 5pp
sauce 1pp

Leftover pasta from yesterdays lunch 3pp
Ketchup 1pp
Cheese 2pp
Reduced fat sausages 4pp

S: Creme brulee magnum icecream 4pp (very sweet indeed ;))

Large chicken springroll 9pp
Chili sauce 1pp

Total used so far 36/36
May dip into weeklies for a snack after dinner


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I think I may have messed up my app, hehe. I am terrified of only have 26pp a day, sorry everyone who has this and is doing fab, so I wanted to see how much pp I would ge at my goal of 70kg. The good news is, this would be 33pp. The bad news is, my app thinks I have now reached my goal weight lol and I do not know how to change that, it added 6pp to my daily points lol. I already changed the weight back.
I do not understand lol xx
Which app are you using?? X
Haha sorry, the WW Online app. I fixed it again though, sorry for the confusion lol. It was set to stabilise but I put it back.
Well done on the loss. 2.2lbs is great.
Thanks hun! Am quite pleased. :)

Do you guys know these?


They are typical Dutch food, that is eaten on queens day.
They look like what we call vanilla slices x
That is actually very similar, haha. The queens day ones are orange, that is one of the special things about it. Funny you have those, I thought it was a typical Dutch thing.
That is actually very similar, haha. The queens day ones are orange, that is one of the special things about it. Funny you have those, I thought it was a typical Dutch thing.

I love them!!!! X
They do look a bit similar to vanilla slices, except without the orange topping. Are they nice? They look a bit scary with the neon orange! You know, I don't think I have ever had a vanilla slice in my life. I feel I may have missed out on an important experience ;)
You're doing amazingly well hon!!
They do look a bit similar to vanilla slices, except without the orange topping. Are they nice? They look a bit scary with the neon orange! You know, I don't think I have ever had a vanilla slice in my life. I feel I may have missed out on an important experience ;)
Yea, the orange is for our royal family etc... Haha. Van Oranje Nassau. Everything here is orange on queensday. Normally these are pink on top, a lot less neon hihi. I think they are very nice, but high in pp of course.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I can't believe I won't be out there for queens day this year.
Awww. I will think of you hon! Xx

I love them!!!! X
They are fab :)

You're doing amazingly well hon!!
Thank you x

I was in city centre with the bf, we talked about what I will buy when I am skinny minhy hehe. He has all the money so he said we will go to a big outlet where they sell high end brands and you can buy anything you want :D Looking forward to that, lol. Will be another year or so but still.... Like the idea. ;)
Food today
Activia yoghurt muesli aple 4pp

Subway Tuna 12pp (though I had it without cheese... Might be 11pp)

Whole bunch of potato homemade fries with actifry and sauce 12pp
Light sausages 3pp
"Bitterballen", 3 pieces 4pp

Snack a jacks sour cream and chive 3pp will deduct from AP

35/35 dailies used
49/49 weeklies left
4AP from walking in city 2hrs

I went down to 35pp so I have one less pp to spend lol. I may have an orange tompouce, I really want one and to not binge on orange stuff on Tuesday (Queens day) I feel I should try spreading the foodiness around a bit. They vary so much in pp though ranging from 8-12pp depending on how many grams they are. Should be interesting to ser how many grams they are.
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So I weighed myself today. I have this funny thing where my official WI is om Saturday but I WI Friday and Saturday and pick the lowest weight :) Keeps me motivated somehow. Anyway. Today scales showed a weight of 97,3 putting me at a weightloss of 1kg so... 2,2lbs? Whoop! :)[/QUO

Well done on the 2.2lb loss!!! You are doing really well.
So I weighed myself today. I have this funny thing where my official WI is om Saturday but I WI Friday and Saturday and pick the lowest weight :) Keeps me motivated somehow. Anyway. Today scales showed a weight of 97,3 putting me at a weightloss of 1kg so... 2,2lbs? Whoop! :)[/QUO

Well done on the 2.2lb loss!!! You are doing really well.
Thanks so much. How is it going for you so far?

It's going good so far!!! Haven't gone over my pp yet and still have all weeklies left. How do you find your losses if you use your weeklies as apposed to not using them? Are your losses better if you don't use them all?
Hi lostris, chips here :) Re your national colour, I remember Holland knocking England out of the football World Cup and the manager, Bobby Robson, I think it was saying "Do I not like orange!" Hope you're well. chips xx
It's going good so far!!! Haven't gone over my pp yet and still have all weeklies left. How do you find your losses if you use your weeklies as apposed to not using them? Are your losses better if you don't use them all?
Hi Nikki,

My losses really vary. If I use some weeklies every day, or all my weeklies before WI I tend not to lose weight. When I use weeklies e.g. 20 on monday, 10 on Wednesday, 5 on Friday I have great losses. I use weeklies to vary my daily intake, keeping the body unable to adjust to me eating less lol. If that makes sense at all. This week I have been quite good with my weeklies, probably because I was posting everything here and felt naughty using them but the weeks before I would deffo do the above. Hope this helps.
I think losses and weeklies varies a lot per person, you have to find out what works beft for you. ;) Glad to hear you are doing well, I see you are on 38pp a day. Can you fill your days with them? :)

Hi lostris, chips here :) Re your national colour, I remember Holland knocking England out of the football World Cup and the manager, Bobby Robson, I think it was saying "Do I not like orange!" Hope you're well. chips xx
Hahahah. Sounds funny, hihi. I am well thanks hon, hope you are doing better will swing by your diary in a bit to see xxx
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