Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

That is VERY useful to know :). Our Asda has a large home dept so I bet they have them :)
Ooh I could tell you a few stories about their abysmal track record with my grocery deliveries haha ;) I gave up and we only use them for pizza these days. Oh my, their top your own pizza....mmmmm
Ooh I could tell you a few stories about their abysmal track record with my grocery deliveries haha ;) I gave up and we only use them for pizza these days. Oh my, their top your own pizza....mmmmm

I adore the create your own pizza at ASDA. In fact I think that's where a lot of my gain came from- we were having it once a week at one point (even more sometimes!)....
Once a week?????!!!!


;) haha.

My my goodness we could easily put it away a few times a week and like you I think it contributed. 14" each? Yes please! Garlic bread? Well duh! It's just too good and too cheap!!!
I want a hedgehog.
I wish I could use those house smelly things but they irritate my asthma - and when my son was small he knocked over a reed diffuser and almost caused a nuclear warhead type explosion of smell - so I'm wary these days. ;)
Once a week?????!!!!


;) haha.

My my goodness we could easily put it away a few times a week and like you I think it contributed. 14" each? Yes please! Garlic bread? Well duh! It's just too good and too cheap!!!

Wow I'm impressed! only 10" stone bake for me haha. With pineapple, onion, pepper and sweet corn... And a choux bun for dessert!
Oh god keep me away from ASDA...
Hedgehogs are pretty cool :D he is my little boy called Harry. He's about two now and just too cute!
Reason being?
Rosie's picture...made me want a hedgehog. Although to be fair it would be an immense pet, with or without the picture. He could eat all the slugs on my patio. I'd call him Spike....or Jeff. No GEOFF. Looks posher with a G. Never let it be said my hedgehog isn't high end. He is. Geoff the high end (but lamentably imaginary) hedgehog.

Sally, in my head the diffuser actually had a mushroom cloud. Can you confirm, with documentary evidence, that this occurred. I will be exceptionally disappointed to hear that you have over exaggerated the incident. This thread is NOT for people who over egg puddings, who make mountains out of hole mills, who blow things out of all ample proportions. If I find out you have exaggerated the facts I will be overwrought and inconsolable for weeks, months....years even.
Oh my god he is actually your pet. Is he a Pygmy? I mean Pygmy hedgehog. Not an actual Pygmy with a bone through his nose and other borderline racial stereotypes.
Ahhhhhahaha that's hilarous. But does he want to come and eat the slugs on my patio? There are quite a few, it's been really wet here today.
Oh my god he is actually your pet. Is he a Pygmy? I mean Pygmy hedgehog. Not an actual Pygmy with a bone through his nose and other borderline racial stereotypes.

Yes he is actually my pet! And he is indeed an African Pygmy Hedgehog, no facial accessories to my knowledge..
He prefers mealworms to slugs ;-)
I think Geoff is a fantastic name for a hoglet, just the right amount of regality! X

Now. You might see this and think 'er, this is a black and white shot - WHY? Why would she take a pic of such a disaster in black and white?' And I wouldn't blame you.

What you don't know about me is that I edit, without shame, every single picture I have ever taken in my entire life. Even before computer technology I would use tippex to whiten teeth and coloured pencils to add highlights to developed photos.

I am AGHAST. That's right. AGHAST that you would disbelieve or seek to discredit me.

I say good day to you. GOOD DAY. *cape swish*
So you are, in fact, the criminal mastermind who marks her photos with the moniker Rap Genius. Hmm. I have been searching many a moon for aforementioned Rap Genius, to seek out the jealously guarded secret methods by which she alters time and imagery. Now I have you in my clutches rap genius and insist that you bestow upon me your.....*hang on!! Where'd she go??!*

Yes he is actually my pet! And he is indeed an African Pygmy Hedgehog, no facial accessories to my knowledge..
He prefers mealworms to slugs ;-)
I think Geoff is a fantastic name for a hoglet, just the right amount of regality! X

I want.

*composes letter*

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas this year is an African pygmy hedgehog. I have changed my mind about peace in the Middle East. If you could drop one into my stocking (still talking about the hedgehog) I would be very grateful. I have been a (mostly) good girl. I helped a blind woman across the street today, that's got to count for something. I know I know, she had the dog, I know she was actually going in the opposite direction at the time, but still, brownie points is brownie points innit?

cheers Santa

love you lots

Sam xx

p.s if he could be called Geoff? Thanks.
But Sam - you forgot the magic word! Surely you know 'I want' never gets.

(Thank you, everyone, for a lovely laugh this evening but I'm not sure that all Geoffreys are posh - that would have been my name if I'd been a boy)!

Rosie - I love your hedgehog. Are they difficult to look after?
But Sam - you forgot the magic word! Surely you know 'I want' never gets.

(Thank you, everyone, for a lovely laugh this evening but I'm not sure that all Geoffreys are posh - that would have been my name if I'd been a boy)!

Rosie - I love your hedgehog. Are they difficult to look after?

Lol I think Geoffrey is a great name! I'm shocked I haven't got an animal called Geoffrey (yet)..
In terms of care they are pretty easy really Patty- think bigger hamster! They like to be kept at an ambient room temperature, live alone in a reasonably sized cage, a wheel to run on at night and eat good quality cat biscuits. They can be difficult to bond with at first (those spikes are sharp!) but very rewarding when they unfurl out of that grumpy, huffy little ball :)
Ohhh, just have to butt in here, I often read but don't always reply!
We have wild hedgehogs that we put food out for. It started about 3 years ago when our dog was out in the garden having his last wee at night and he 'discovered' a hedgehog!
Since then, we started putting food and water out for them and now we have regulars that come and eat and snooze and off they go again. We have hedgehog houses set up in our front and back gardens with cameras in so we can watch them! yes, nerdy I know!!
My husband often brings them in to de-tick them too!! lol They are sooo sweet.
Earlier on in the year, we had 6 abandoned hoglets, just days old in our back garden and we ended up taking them to Tiggywinkles because the Mum had left them for nearly 20 hours when they should, like any baby, be fed regularly. I was frantic and made my husband come home from work early so we could take them before they died!!
So Sam, you can have a hedgehog, just put some food out and they will come :)
Its like Autumn watch at ours ;)
Oh and just to add, my brother had a goat called Geoffrey up until earlier on this year!! lol He was found stiff one morning, but he was a good age. They'd had him from a kid and he was about 14!! Gawd Bless old Geoffrey!!
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But Sam - you forgot the magic word! Surely you know 'I want' never gets.

(Thank you, everyone, for a lovely laugh this evening but I'm not sure that all Geoffreys are posh - that would have been my name if I'd been a boy)!

Rosie - I love your hedgehog. Are they difficult to look after?

oh no "I want" nearly always gets, lest I have to move on to foot stamping and breath until turning blue-ness! ;)
Ohhh, just have to butt in here, I often read but don't always reply!
We have wild hedgehogs that we put food out for. It started about 3 years ago when our dog was out in the garden having his last wee at night and he 'discovered' a hedgehog!
Since then, we started putting food and water out for them and now we have regulars that come and eat and snooze and off they go again. We have hedgehog houses set up in our front and back gardens with cameras in so we can watch them! yes, nerdy I know!!
My husband often brings them in to de-tick them too!! lol They are sooo sweet.
Earlier on in the year, we had 6 abandoned hoglets, just days old in our back garden and we ended up taking them to Tiggywinkles because the Mum had left them for nearly 20 hours when they should, like any baby, be fed regularly. I was frantic and made my husband come home from work early so we could take them before they died!!
So Sam, you can have a hedgehog, just put some food out and they will come :)
Its like Autumn watch at ours ;)
Oh and just to add, my brother had a goat called Geoffrey up until earlier on this year!! lol He was found stiff one morning, but he was a good age. They'd had him from a kid and he was about 14!! Gawd Bless old Geoffrey!!

thats so cool. The idea of the cameras really appeals. Around here its a lot like Battersea so if I put food out I'm more like to get half a dozen cats and possibly the odd dog from a few houses down. I might, however, give it a try. We have a crazy rabbit lady whose house backs onto ours. I could do worse than crazy hedgehog lady! :)