Lily's 261st attempt at sticking to a plan - JUDDD!!

It says on the website to always weigh on a DD whether that be 7or 8 days apart depending on which follows a DD, lots of us do M,W,F DD so we can weigh on the same day everyweek, mine is a sat, Ruths is a thurs etc,etc. So tomorrow should be your official weigh in as you should have been DD today, if you take a look at my daily weighs there are swings up after an UP but then the swings down after a DD are bigger than the UP swings and then by the end of the week following a DD you should see a loss, hope that helps x
Thanks everyone - food for thought there.

I wonder if I'd do better with M, W, Fr DDs and Tu, Th and Sat/Sun UDs? It can be kind of tough deciding which of Sat or Sun should be the DD. Do people find that it slows things down significantly to have the double up days at weekends? (still, how can it be slower than STS, LOL? :)). I guess that way you really do get into a routine. If you always know that M,W,F are down days, then you know to avoid meals out on those days, don't you? And I suppose it's easier for our nearest and dearest to get the hang of - "Oh, it's Wednesday, so Mum won't be eating".

I do need to eat on Wednesday this week though. I s'pose I could make Wednesday an ID for the one day a month that this happens (I nearly always go out for a meal with my Dad and sister on a Wednesday). I could make it so I don't eat all day until that meal - sort of like an IF approach?

I can't say whether it slows you down, I am happy with my losses this time and the losses I had in Jan, 2 lbs a week is my goal and that is my average, sorry to keep harping on about my daily weighs this week but when I weighed after my UP' S on sat and sun my gains were the biggest but my biggest loss was after my first DD , my DD seem to make up for my excesses on my UPs the less excessive UP s I had the lower my loss after my next DD was, like I said in another post today, my DD 's seem to mop up after my UP days whether that be one UP day OR two. Does that make any sense, its getting late ha ha.
All I can say is that it suits me to have fixed days and to have the weekend off, as long as I continue to lose weight only dieting 3 days a week then I will continue with it, I am in no hurry now its become a WOE rather than a diet so I am a happy bunny if I lose a 1lb a week :)
You have to whatever you feel comfortable with x
It made sense, don't worry. :D And I have to say, I'm not really in a hurry any more (she says. ;)). I just don't want to keep gaining weight. Staying the same is actually a major bonus - my weight was creeping up towards the 16st mark (nearly made it there too - I got to 15st 13lbs when I hit Cambridge again, albeit not terribly successfully).

Okay. I think it's what I'll try when I get back from holiday (I may even try it on holiday, though I won't hold myself to that) - we're off to Cornwall on Friday. Thanks for your input, hun x x
Oooh lucky you, Cornwall is one of my favourite places, we used to holiday there as a child, love all its history and folklore, magical place!
Hope you have a good day x
Hi Lily,

I think you've gotten the information I was going to supply. You can have two UPs together but not two downs. I will have a DD tomorrow and weigh on Tuesday. Yesterday was an UP, but today will be an ID. Monday a down and Tuesday morning a weigh day. I was a STS last week, but I was not great with water over the weekend. I need to go glug.

Have a lovely break.

My DS is 21 - I still will go and give his room a dust and vacuum for time to time because he just does not "see it".
Hey Lily!
Hope you're ok!!!

Have a lovely day!

I have always been a neat clean freak even as a kid heehee! Probably why I moved into my own flat at 18 lol :)

My child ain't never gonna be a neat freak, I fear. But then, his parents aren't either, really. We have a houseful of clutter. Though not as bad as some. I've been very reassured by that C4 programme about 'The Hoarder Next Door". ;)

It's been an interesting JUDDDing weekend. I've eaten everything in sight today, not really sure why. Well, that's a lie, I know why. I've got to deal with work tomorrow and I don't want to. My job's getting me down big time at the moment but as I'm in no position to jack it in, I've just got to pull up my big girl pants and get on with it. Emotional eating, bah. It's like punishing myself, in a way, because I haven't got the balls to tackle the problem I have full on, even though I've spent £700 on life/career coaching in recent months. Oh, I'm better than I was but I'm still not fixed. My problem is I'm far too nice. I can do helpful and collaborative but not leading and thrusting. Grrr.

As an example, my boss told me on Friday that the words I used in the first draft of my performance agreement for 12/13 were too "passive". Well, hello - I have a liaison role within my team. It's hard to turn "I will try to persuade and cajole..." into quantifiable deliverables when, courtesy of my position, I have no actual clout to make those I work with do what we'd ideally like them to do. (As it turns out, I do quite a good job of persuading and cajoling, but I can't promise to deliver in my performance agreement, only that I'll try). I suppose that's no different to sales, except if you know that you're not going to get a sale with a particular business, you can move on to another one. I can't move on to another one - I have to work with the same directorates year in year out. I'm going to have to "have it out" with my boss, and I guess that's what's getting to me most. :sigh: I really would like to get it sorted before I go on holiday though, otherwise I'm really not going to want to come back.

DD tomorrow then. A DD with bells on, it had better be, after the amount of cr*p I've eaten this weekend...
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Oh, and TOTM hasn't shown up yet either. That doesn't help... :(
Oh, and TOTM hasn't shown up yet either. That doesn't help... :(

Oh Lily I hope you're ok and that TOTM shows up and that you feel better soon!!!
You'll be fine when you get back on your DD tomorrow :D

I do hope that work sorts itself out- it would be good to get it sorted before you go away then you can enjoy yourself!

Good luck Lily. I hope you're able to clear the air with your boss and to on holiday with that off of your shoulders.
Re: TOTM - could it be peri-menopause?
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Hi Lily, really hope you can get it sorted x My TOTM hasn't arrived either but its happening quite often lately must be my age !! and I have eaten far too much this weekend too, so can empathise on those 2 fronts, big hugs to you x
Lily said:
My child ain't never gonna be a neat freak, I fear. But then, his parents aren't either, really. We have a houseful of clutter. Though not as bad as some. I've been very reassured by that C4 programme about 'The Hoarder Next Door". ;)

It's been an interesting JUDDDing weekend. I've eaten everything in sight today, not really sure why. Well, that's a lie, I know why. I've got to deal with work tomorrow and I don't want to. My job's getting me down big time at the moment but as I'm in no position to jack it in, I've just got to pull up my big girl pants and get on with it. Emotional eating, bah. It's like punishing myself, in a way, because I haven't got the balls to tackle the problem I have full on, even though I've spent £700 on life/career coaching in recent months. Oh, I'm better than I was but I'm still not fixed. My problem is I'm far too nice. I can do helpful and collaborative but not leading and thrusting. Grrr.

As an example, my boss told me on Friday that the words I used in the first draft of my performance agreement for 12/13 were too "passive". Well, hello - I have a liaison role within my team. It's hard to turn "I will try to persuade and cajole..." into quantifiable deliverables when, courtesy of my position, I have no actual clout to make those I work with do what we'd ideally like them to do. (As it turns out, I do quite a good job of persuading and cajoling, but I can't promise to deliver in my performance agreement, only that I'll try). I suppose that's no different to sales, except if you know that you're not going to get a sale with a particular business, you can move on to another one. I can't move on to another one - I have to work with the same directorates year in year out. I'm going to have to "have it out" with my boss, and I guess that's what's getting to me most. :sigh: I really would like to get it sorted before I go on holiday though, otherwise I'm really not going to want to come back.

DD tomorrow then. A DD with bells on, it had better be, after the amount of cr*p I've eaten this weekend...

Ditto to the boss and DD combo. I have my PDP and monthly review tomorrow. Hello team morale in the shitter and theft issue! My boss will stamp all over me for my eyes wide shut management style. Can't wait!

You at least have cornwall. Think gulf stream, think relaxation, think cream tea as big as your head. :)
Thanks for the rep, Ruth. Not sure I deserved it, but it was lovely. :)

Good luck Lily. I hope you're able to clear the air with your boss and to on holiday with that off of your shoulders.
Re: TOTM - could it be peri-menopause?

There's a cheery thought, thanks Mel. ;) I'm usually pretty regular these days, actually - have been ever since I went low carb in 2003 (and even though I'm not low carb any more, it doesn't seem to matter. As a teenager, I was so horrendously irregular I went on the pill...)

I don't doubt that I'm peri-menopausal though - I'm 42 and I suspect it goes with the territory.

Yes, there's no doubt I'll have to tackle the work thing head on. Just writing it down here helped to crystallise a few things in my head. And of course, it isn't just this wretched performance agreement - there's other stuff going on.

Jo - thank you x

And Nat, big hugs for tomorrow. :hug99: Here's hoping that the week ahead isn't as shitty as we're both expecting it to be!
Just a thought ref TOTM: quite a few people have mentioned being a few days late (all relatively new to JUDDD). I wonder if it could be the effect of the diet??? In situations of famine the human system is designed to switch off the baby making apparatus (!) so that it can be sure of nourishment for foetus and child. If we are constantly tricking our bodies with famine/feast then maybe it's a bit muddled at the moment. Once the body gets into the rhythm it will realise its ok, food will come along at some point and that's when we get our sts and TOTM. It's only an hypothesis.
(mine to contradict it all was 3 days early but I had had a week of IDs following 3 weeks of proper JUDDD - however it was much heavier (tmi) than usual)

Interesting thought you could well be right, I would rather think that than think I was menopausal at 41 !, I was ratty yesterday so maybe it will turn up today?
Back to you Lily, hope you have a lovely day have a good DD today x
Hi Lily.
How ru? When is your next WI? I'm dying to see your next loss after your brilliant 6lb the first week.
Have a good day
Happy Tuesday, Lily.

Did you ave "the talk".
Hi Lily.
You're quiet. Ru still JUDDDing? Hope u haven't moved on to your 262nd diet...