Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

AMAZING!!!! The positivity is tangible have found your path and are walking it. Go, you. Delighted :)))) x

Jo, your posts are getting more and more Zen... :D

Thanks hunni x
Ahhhhh, grasshopper!

I am picking up on your calm and centredness, lady. It is quite contagious. xx
Well Done Lilly and Missy Jo --

Do you hear my single hand clapping?

Resurrected especially for Bettiesrevenge 'cos I can't bear the thought of her forcing herself to post another 695 times to read my other diary over on the Gold diary section... ;)

I'm back - properly back. No more messing about!! No more trying other diets, no more 'grass is greener' on some other plan. No, what's needed here is commitment, soldier.


I've gotta follow through this time. I'm fed up with being so big - not because I hate the sight of myself (because actually, I don't), not because I'm desperate to fit into smaller clothes (although it'd be nice to have more choice), but because being overweight is making me feel cr@p. I'm not sleeping well, I ache all the time (in really weird places, like my feet!) and I get really hot in bed (and not in a good way!).

Enough already. When I got down to 12st the first time around on Cambridge, I felt flipping fantastic (despite still being overweight according to my BMI). So that's what I'm aiming at, first off. 12st exactly. As of today, that's 3 stones and 8 pounds away.

Exactly 50 pounds - how's that for a round number? And I could be there by the end of March if I put my mind to it, right?

So here goes! Wish me luck! :cross:
Just realised - 3 months is just under 100 days, right? So I could go one step further and make it a 100 Day Challenge, couldn't I?

Time to get Spangling (that's Linda Spangle, for the uninitiated :))!
Shhheeeeees back!

Well girlfriend, I am up for a 100 day challenge! I am teetering on the 10s now but that's still a good 2 stone off where I would like to be, the next 100 days for me are so much more about putting what I've learned ( or not) into practice! I'm just at the end of one cycle, so if you love Linda, let me hear you say a hell yeah!

There are some good ladies on here who are already spangling or becking it!
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I make it 93 days from now til 31st March. I will be with you for exactly 92 of them (we fly on 31st and i'm having champagne at the airport, and possibly another one in the air!)

I will be stepping up for about half of that, so I hope to lose as much of my remaining 35lbs as possible. Game on!
See Lily, we are all up for it. I changed my ticker this morning. Its my birthday and I am trying to think, what do I want more, a big fat slab of coffee cake at brimstage farm tea rooms or thinness....I think you can guess. First shake down, about to go and buy some more water, I am ON THIS.

So glad to have you back by the way - your wisdom has been missed!
Pfffff :). If I were wise, I'd have stuck to the plan and become a skinny minny years ago! Oh well. Life gets in the way, I s'pose.

I've woken up this morning with horrendous heartburn. :( I've downed some Ranitidine to see what that does but right now I feel a wee bit sorry for myself. I shouldn't - it's all self-inflicted!

Oh well. Maybe that makes today a great day to start!

Lots of positive vibes to all of you!!
Hi Lily, its been lovely reading your diary, and catching up with where you are. I'm hoping to be in the right place by the end of March too, so count me in. I'll be keeping track of your progress if you keep an eye on me too! xx
So, did you start? C'mon, enquiring minds want to know lily!!!

I started yesterday. But the heartburn wouldn't go away until I fed it with vast amounts of cream crackers :eek::eek::eek:

I've done slightly better today, mainly cos I went to see my CWPC who tutted very loudly when she saw how much I'd managed to put on over Christmas. Frankly, I was a bit stunned by that myself. I've put on every one of the pounds I lost doing Cambridge during November - plus 2. :sigh::sigh::sigh:

Never mind. I'm hoping that lots of that is glycogen refill because my measurements were strange - my waist had gone back to what it was at the beginning of November but my hips were still an inch less and my thighs 2 and half inches less. But... my arms had gone up half an inch. What a weird place to regain weight.

Anyhow. Back to it now. Think I might have to adjust my tickers though so that my 100 days is reset to the right place and make that round 50 pounds something more like 52. Grrrr.

Thanks for dropping in on me, lovely people! x x
Well, a cautious 'so far so good' from me this morning. To my relief the scales have gone down a pound again this morning, so I now only have 51 pounds to lose again (only - ha!).

I'm planning on keeping busy. My OH has put away most of the left-over Christmas goodies so hopefully out of sight, out of mind.

Can't believe it's New Year's Eve already. What happened to my 2 weeks' off at Christmas? :confused:
I'm starting back on the 3rd. Hum ho weight up dreadfully.