Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Yeeeessss Lily, this is what I want to see. I shall not tell you about the salmon, vegies and half (well two large bites) of a welsh cheese cake made with real wesh cheese (very cheesy!) oh and a sliver of yule log. Its day three and you know what, I just did the wide road today, didnt I? How very apt.

Apols for the food talk by the way - going to bed now with sack cloth and ashes :)
LOL, hun - I didn't exactly get through New Year's Eve unscathed myself... :rolleyes: ...but I did get through New Year's Day. Yay me! And the scales now put me 3 pounds down on where I was, so mustn't grumble (that'd be a brilliant loss on SW or WW, right? :D)

Last day of my holiday today, boohoo. :cry: Gotta go back to work tomorrow and go back to being sensible and grown up!
Hi Lily!!!

I am glad to read that you are back -- I had no idea that Nat was such a slacker in the posting department... I was thinking of just posting in my Gold Diary, but I guess I'll wait until she gets her fingers moving! ;)

My piano tutor gave me a Stephen Foster song to practice (simple form). The song K gave me was printed off from She said that is a good site for free sheet music. I will have a look in a bit. You said that you might want to tickle the ivories a bit.

Re: the heartburn. I think the carbs give me heartburn -- try some antacids or calcium tablets. I feel much better (heartburn-wise) since I started back with CD810/1000 and cut out the carbs.

Are you going to give Kettlebells a go? I bought one and it came with a DVD, and I saw that there was a 7.5 kg one on offer at Aldis this week.

Later, Mel
Hah mel I am but a novice!

I will be there in now time at this rate listening to my hypno band hypnosis ( does that even make sense?) from the comfort of my bed and posting on minis! This is the life!

How's it going lilsyster?
This going to be one of those long and rambling posts. It's been a while since I went off on a truly introspective and philosophical rant but I just feel it coming. I've felt it coming all morning, from the moment I woke up this morning and thought, "Right. From today, you're sticking to Cambridge, okay?"

'Cos the immediate reply from that other voice in my head (you know the one, right?) said, "Aw, no! Do I have to? It's just sooooo booorrring?"

Interesting. The other voice in my head belongs to an adolescent teenager. Great. :rolleyes:

And you know what? It is boring. Deadly dull. Banana tetra for breakfast. Chicken and mushroom soup for lunch. Banana Mix-a-Mousse for tea. Probably. For day after day after day after day. Geeze.


I've got really fat again. My clothes hurt me, even the loose ones, 'cos there are so many rolls of fat they cut in where you least expect it. Every day, I can't wait to take off my bra. It's impossible to find a bra that fits, apparently. I appear to be quite broad in the beam which means that I'm a 42 something. But 42 something bras all seem to have odd-shaped cups and the underwires all find a way of cutting into me, into the rolls of fat I was just talking about. My clothes are torturing me. I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand dieting anymore either. I'm so sick of the whole lot of it. But I can't find clothes that don't cut in for the size I am already (unless I start living in trackie bottoms and T-shirts) so if I let myself get any bigger… Well, it's not something I want to think about.

Without a doubt, I need to lose some weight. But what I don't want to do is what I always do. What I keep doing, over and over again. Which is lose some weight (so my clothes are more comfortable again) then fall off the wagon, stay about the same for a month or so, then slowly pile it all back on until I arrive back at the point where I am now. Where just sitting typing a post hurts. Where trying to get to sleep is a nightmare unless I get up and take some paracetemol to take the edge off the aches and pains in my joints. So I'm constantly tired, because every night I think, "Maybe I can get to sleep tonight without taking anything" (cos I don't like being dependent on painkillers - it's not good :(), get to about 1.30am and then have to go downstairs and take something.

God, I'm being honest here, aren't I? Too honest, probably.

I'm sick of being caught in this loop. I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person but this is the one thing in my life I can't seem to get right. And because I can't get it right, I've been on and off Cambridge for over 4 years. No wonder I find the shakes boring. No wonder I'm finding it hard to cope with even the thought of having them day in day out. But you'll note that I said 'off' in that on and off Cambridge line - and let me tell you that during the 'offs' I've tried everything else, from calorie counting to intuitive eating, from red days to point counting to No S (a great concept fundamentally flawed by the fact that some people have been on diets for so long they just can't get away from the 'on a diet/off a diet' mentality.

Like me.

Cambridge is the only thing that gives me any results - the only reason, I suspect, that my weight hasn't gone back up to the 17st 9lbs I was the first time I did it. Because when I'm on it, on a roll, I can lose a stone and a half in 3 weeks. Which again, is Cambridge's fundamental flaw. Anyone who's ever done a VLCD is inevitably drawn back from any other diet they try because other diets take forever.

What does all this mean? I think… think… it means that I'm stuck with doing Cambridge. And that it's about time I made it work. About time for me to see my Cambridge journey to the end, not just halfway along the road, stuck in some grotty motorway service station on the M4. No, I need to make it to Cornwall. To Land's End, LOL.

And I've got to stop thinking that I can do it any other way. Because it's too far and I can't trust my sense of direction and the only thing I can trust is that Cambridge will work if I let it. If I just drive on slowly one day at a time and stop trying to look too far ahead.

Hmm. So this is me, admitting the stuff I really need to admit. I've got to do more than admit it, though. I've got to follow through. Maybe make a contract with myself.

So here it is.

I will commit to doing Cambridge for the next week. During this week, I can't avoid having a meal out (it's been planned for a while). But on that day, I will choose the most sensible thing on the menu and for my other 2 meals I will have Cambridge products. I will not use that meal as a reason to blow the diet this week (because that's completely and utterly daft).

A one week contract. One week at a time. I can do that, right?
Welcome back LIly. Good luck for your next journey. You know you can do it....and it will be soooo worth it!! Xx
I wasnt sure anyone else out there had clothes that hurt them, thank you for being honest. I have lost 2 stone and one of the biggest things I've noticed is that my bra's done hurt me now. They really did dig in, I too was a 42 broad back (to match my broad arse!) and not enough in the cup, but I'm changing already and the pain is less.

I love your post and your honesty, a week at a time is a great contract. This weekend I am working between one shake and the next. I'm on my way to Cornwall with you xx
wwohoo, lily! you will succeed - one week at a time, heck - one day at a time if that's what it takes. afer this meal thing, can you clear the decks of food distractions (meals out etc) for the next few weeks? give yourself a chance to truly get back in the swing?

The end of this weightloss phase, the phase with the packs and the MAMs and the weirdness, could be in sight. Push on through, and give yourself a chance to live on the next phase.
You are a superstar lily!

Your honesty is a powerful step to change. You know what needs doing, you know how this works. You know you CAN do this.

Yes, it is boring. yes it is hard, but each week for those first 12 weeks, the incredible losses spur you on, it gets easier, it's still boring, you may still be deprived of whatever you want. BUT the fact is.... We simply can't let our compulsions to eat whatever tickles our fancy all day every day rule our lives. We have to accept we can't eat 3 cakes on the bounce, or a block of cheese or a giant bag of revels or what-have-you! There will be consequences. Serious health and happiness related ones.

As I near goal, I'm plagued by thoughts of "it's enough now" I want sweets and cakes, I want frothy coffee by the bucketful - but you know what, I also know that if I do it, I have to put the effort in to redress the balance. I have to exercise, I have to have one day on the wide road, and make up for it by restricting or using up calories shortly after. I don't want to be on the see-saw always. I want a normal eating pattern. I want to BE normal.

So, one foot after another hun, it's a challenge, but it's one we know.
Oh, I can do honesty. I can do humility.

I can't follow through though. :(

I'm a mess. Within 2 hours of writing that post I was eating everything in sight. :break_diet:

So much for positivity. I'm so fed up with failing. :cry:
Oh, I can do honesty. I can do humility.

I can't follow through though. :(

I'm a mess. Within 2 hours of writing that post I was eating everything in sight. :break_diet:

So much for positivity. I'm so fed up with failing. :cry:
Ohh Lily whats up ? this does'nt sound like the Lily we know using the word 'failing'.... xx
oh baby. if it were me, it would be the impending meal that would mean i couldn't flip the switch marked 'all-or-nothing'. are you better starting after that meal?
For some reason that Kate bush and Peter Gabriel song " don't give up "....just entered my head!

Lily, you are just struggling to get back to it, just as I have been! My plan is.... Drink another liter of water and get my bum to bed. It's all that works to keep me out of mischief, which is triggered by exhaustion anyway!

Tomorrow is a new day! Come on.... I am having just one day of SS tomorrow. Im making a promise to myself now! Let's get back into it.
MY lovely Lilly, I have found you. I should of perhaps looked here first before sending a PM. I am in the same position as you. Everything is tight and hurts. If I wear the same black stuff day in day out i am going to go potty or should that be pottier :) I have eaten all day long, which is pretty mad as I don't have much in apart from weetabix. So it's been weetabix for most of the day.

I have done my housework and pottered about, so as i have nothing planned tomorrow it has to be a cd day. So far I have not gone past day 2. But I will do it again. Three years on I am heavier than when I started. I know they say diets don't work and they may be right but I have no choice and as you said it's a journey. On your journey you want to reach Lands End, well stop off in Devon as that's where I am :) so cornwall to me is to close i will have to go up and make it to Scotland x

PM anytime and lets do tomorrow together and the next and the next.. baby steps then giant leaps xx :)
Aw, thanks for the supportive messages x x x

(and Sarah, I'd never think you were stalking me, LOL :D :D :D It's always lovely to see you!)

I'm having a slightly better day (so far) despite having a lousy night's sleep. I guess that's what you get for eating loads, sigh. I figured I'd have a go at 810 and see how I fared with that, so I've had cottage cheese and veg and a chocolate mix-a-mousse so far. :)

I've also invested in some Berocca, LOL - I decided it couldn't hurt and if I'm going to be doing 810 I don't need to worry about it interfering with ketosis. Here's hoping it makes me feel like me, 'but on a good day'. :8855:

My TOTM turning up would make me feel better. Where the hell is it? Only a week late, but still... And no - not a chance, before anyone asks. :)

Spangles, I've looked at a menu online for the pub I'm eating out in on Tuesday and found that they serve herby chicken with mash and savoy cabbage, so I think I could ask for it to be served without the mash (maybe some extra cabbage instead :D). Hopefully that'll put paid to me feeling like I've cheated.
awesome plan. one day at a time, petal. xxx
Think I shall come stalk you too Lily! :D xx

Do you think the slimpod helps you stick to CD?

I am back on Exante tomorrow.....shh....dont tell anyone! ;)
Good planning, Lily.

I often ask for either extra veggies or a side salad substitution and I do not think I have ever been told no.

Afternoon Lily - just trying to have a quick catch up inbetween work meetings! I'm sorry you've been struggling but rest assured that you're in good company! I did reasonably well over Christmas, or so I thought, but I had my monthly weigh-in today and had put a few lbs on (4 since 10th December). It freaked me out a bit and I've spent this morning jumping from one diet related thought to another. My eating has calmed down a little since Christmas and I'm listening to my hypno again but those voices inside me that wants fast results are getting louder and I'm feeling a bit wobbly.

You can do 810 - it is hard, but doable so just take it one meal at a time. I like to set a time for my next meal at the end of the meal before so that I can almost count down the time. It helps me feel in control as I only have to worry about coping until the next meal...

I started typing "Keep Posting" but that would be a bit hypocritical as I don't post much these days. Still, I think it does help and on a selfish note, I do so enjoy your long posts!! :)