Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Evening Lily,

I hope you had a good day.

The funeral went very well -- I thought it was a loving and special farewell to an amazing lady. She was such a fantastic nan, and her adult children are testment to her mothering skills. DD held BFF's hand through the entire ceremony, it was so sweet. They met in Reception and are now finishing up year 6.

Hi MM. Glad the funeral was okay.

And good day? That rather depends on what you call a good day. :)

From a diet point of view, it wasn't my best. Today's been a bit better.

I'm in the process of psyching myself up to do 100 days 100%. Linda Spangle says not to feel that you have to go back to Day One and start all over again, but I'm pretty sure she didn't mean that I should just read the page for the day then eat what I want. :rolleyes:

So I thought my second attempt at Day One might be today but I made the mistake of not having anything to eat until I got home at 6.00pm (it was a ridiculously busy day at work). Walking through the door, I was seduced by the rather glorious smell of - well, it doesn't matter what OH was cooking. Suffice to say, I ate it. :eek:

I'm not giving up. I'm having what Linda describes as a 'pause'. :D
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Oh wow, completely missed these posts on p.4 - aw, how lovely to have you all stop by!

My DD's LSA (learning support aide) gave up chocolate for Lent (and she is not Catholic) about five years ago -- and she has not had one morsel since. She said that after six weeks without it, and a couple of unintended pounds dropped -- she realised that her chocolate habit (which she had under control:she does not have a weight problem) was simply not worth it. She could easily do without it, and she has!

Hmm. I have considered whether I should have hypnosis to make me less interested in chocolate. And pizza, my other huge weakness. And then I try to imagine a world where I don't want chocolate or pizza and wonder if I want to live in it! I think it's the associations I don't want to give up, more than the food itself. Pizza and chocolate eating are connected in my head with happy smiling faces and a good film. Yes, you can watch a good film without them, but somehow the film doesn't seem as good. And if the film wasn't much cop, at least the pizza was good...

Oh God, I need therapy. Doctor, doctor, I think I'm addicted to pizza...

(Shiny credit awarded to anyone who can turn that set up into a joke :))

Hey Lily, sending you another big hug. Sometimes you just need to eat the stress away when it gets to breaking point like that. You draw that line & get back on it today. I know you can do it & I'm here cheering you on at the sidelines!! x

Bless you hun. I haven't quite made it yet, but I'm going to get there. Well done on keeping going yourself!

I understand your stresses. It's hard to admit struggling yet I bet everyone does even if they don't admit it!

Dads- my parents are the same. Constantly complaining at the state of the country. Imigration etc.

Mothers day - I have my mum and sorted both hubby and my mum out with stuff but was 'forgotten' myself, yet in new light thanks to some wise words it's not the end of my world. Celebrate the living and the dead as they are/were you mums.

Food - a hard battle to win bit never give up your fight. Find that motivation and go with it :D

Downloaded the app! Just need to download an app that stops time so I can catch up with everything I need to do and have me time :D

Love the 'it's not in there' affirmation. I am constantly opening the fridge or cupboard looking in there then shutting it again!

LOL, I know - I love "It's not in there" too. It hasn't slowed me down the last few days though cos what I've been eating didn't come straight from the fridge.

Gah. Tomorrow's a new day, and all that...
So far, so good. One banana tetra down.

I've done the maths (and if I've done it right :)), 100 days will end on July 16.

That doesn't actually sound that far away, especially now the sun's started shining.

Can I do it? Will I always hear Bob the Builder's voice in my head when I think those words? :D
Can I do it? Will I always hear Bob the Builder's voice in my head when I think those words? :D

Yes you can! I always think of Obama, since he stole it, lol!

You've come so far already. You're nearly halfway there (Going from your current & goal on the side there) so you know you can do it, you already have! xx

Hope you have a lovely day today Lily :)
Doctor, doctor, I think I'm addicted to pizza...

Doctor: Hummm, Lily do you get your pizza delivered by Dominos?
Lily: Yes, I do. Why?
Doctor: Is the driver the former Chippendales Dancer, Rick?
Lily: Yes.
Doctor: You might be ordering pizza, but that is NOT want you want delivered!

(Does this work?)

And, in all honesty aren't we all guilty of using food to "fix" things at times?

Wasn't it you that posted, "If hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the answer?"

Hummm, is there a former Chippendales Dancer that delivers? A girl can dream...

@CoralPrincess --

Techincally, Obama's campaign slogan was, "Yes, WE can." As in this country needs to all get on the same page or we will be totally screwed. And, with the political factions fighting it out over the budget and the U.S. government looking at a shut down... "WE" better get our act together. This is no time for party politics!

Re: Bob the Builder... my DD was a feminist from an early age. She used to sing, "Bob the Builder he done broke it, Wendy the Builder she will fix it!" lol I guess she noticed who did what in our house! ;)

Oops, sorry about that MM, didn't mean to offend!
Oops, sorry about that MM, didn't mean to offend!

Not offended in the least. That is the problem with IT communication, you can't see the tounge in my cheek! ;)

Doctor: Hummm, Lily do you get your pizza delivered by Dominos?
Lily: Yes, I do. Why?
Doctor: Is the driver the former Chippendales Dancer, Rick?
Lily: Yes.
Doctor: You might be ordering pizza, but that is NOT want you want delivered!

(Does this work?)

Nearly. :D I should be so lucky to get it delivered by a Chippendale. And I don't actually like Dominos very much - far rather create my own at Asda... ;)

But no, I haven't missed the point. I want to take delivery of a lovely slim body, right? If not Rick's, then at least I should get a lovely slim body of my own.

And, in all honesty aren't we all guilty of using food to "fix" things at times?

Wasn't it you that posted, "If hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the answer?"

It used to be in my signature, yes (you remember that? :eek:). A looong time ago. Until I realised that another aspect to the problem was that I didn't actually know what the question was either. I think I've now realised that the question is, "Do you actually want to be slim or do you want to carry on faffing about?" Sounds obvious now, but I'm not sure I knew it at the time.

Re: Bob the Builder... my DD was a feminist from an early age. She used to sing, "Bob the Builder he done broke it, Wendy the Builder she will fix it!" lol I guess she noticed who did what in our house! ;)

Love it. :D :D
Hi Lily,

I hope you had a good day. I did -- I was sorting to pack for my trip and was able to not only get "my goal" jeans on... but I was able to zip them up and even tolerate wearing them around the house for a bit. Still too tight (and do not look good) to go out in them, but I am starting to see the future. Yay!

Yay for "goal jeans"! :happy096:

They'll fit properly before you know it.


I did it! I managed a day 100%! (again... ssh :))

:bunnydance: :bunnydance: :bunnydance: :bunnydance: :bunnydance: :bunnydance:

Only 99 days to go!
Hi Lily,

Congrats on yesterday's accomplishment -- and Sarah didn't tell. I loved the bunnies, and they are very seasonally appropriate, too.

I hope today goes well, also.

The sun is out in Cambs and I hope it is shining on you.

Well done Lily! I'm proud of you :D
Hi Lily,

Congrats on yesterday's accomplishment -- and Sarah didn't tell. I loved the bunnies, and they are very seasonally appropriate, too.

I hope today goes well, also.

The sun is out in Cambs and I hope it is shining on you.


Thank you!

I didn't even think about the bunnies being seasonal. :d'oh:

I just liked the way they wiggled. Yes, the sun was shining in Cambridgeshire, wasn't it? Not that I noticed that much whilst stuck in my Peterborough office, but I snatched an occasional glance. :) TGIF!

I wont tell a soul ;) promise... woooopie for you!!! :happy096: so pleased for you !!

Thank you!

Well done Lily! I'm proud of you :D

Thank you!

Hey Lilly thank you for the link to the 100 days..

and yes *whispers*.. well done for yesterday.xx

LOL, you're very welcome - and thank you too. :D

Well, Day 2, huh?

So far, so good. Three shakes down. Felt a bit like I could eat the glass after I downed the third one, but I took myself off upstairs and have been furiously answering posts since. Well, maybe not furiously - I think that on the whole I've said nice things, not furious ones. :D

I have the dubious pleasure of helping my almost 15 year old son to tidy his bedroom tomorrow. Yes - I should make him do it all by himself, but there are times when you actually have to be in the room to crack the whip. If I leave it to him, he'll throw things in cupboards and hide rubbish in drawers...

It needs decorating, you see, so this needs to be a two-step process.

Anyway, it'll keep me away from the fridge, won't it? :)
Eek! 15 year old boys bedroom cleaning, good luck to you!! Yes, it will definately be good for distraction ;)
Eek! 15 year old boys bedroom cleaning, good luck to you!! Yes, it will definately be good for distraction ;)

Indeed. Goodness only knows what we'll find. :sign0137:

Rubber gloves at the ready...