Lipotrim 2008!

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Hi Honeybelle,

I have found it really easy to stick to LT even though I still have to cook for my OH and 3 children.

I know 2 and a half stone sounds a lot but I do have an awful lot to lose. I still have about 5 stone to go! I hadn't realised how much I had put on over the last few years but I was in a job I hated for a while and got very depressed and ate! Mainly chocolate if I'm truthful! I had to face facts when I found out my blood pressure had shot up and that has given me the strength I need. I have never cheated and have drunk as much water I can stomach - I've just upped it to 3 to 4 litres as I was only drinking the 2 litres my pharmacist said to drink.

It isn't worth cheating because you only cheat yourself and I'm blowed if i'm going to spend £36 a week to not stick to it.

The first week is the worst but it gets better. I have felt cold at times and have to take a hot water bottle to bed for my cold feet but on the whole this is the easiest diet I've ever done and I'm delighted with the results so far.

I'm here for the long haul and I look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing and cyber-celebrating with them when they reach their target.

Good luck and persevere.
hi guys. should i be exercising now or do you have to wait a while. honeybelle i laughed so hard at your soup story at work.....thanks for the laugh
if you feel like excercising go ahead i am and on day 5 and doing what i feel comfortable with good luck hunni xx
thanks missyd. might try a 20 min aerobic work out tonight when kids in bed.What kind of exercise do you do? how late do you have your last shake? my husband thinks im nuts for doing this but i dont think he understands how the excess weight really gets me down. i just want to get my confidence back. im so determined this time. sorry for all the questions
ive got the natalie cassiddy fitness dvd its a 45 min workout and do it 4-5 times a week
i tend to have my last shake about 730-8pm
excess weight is not nice and if you wanna do it you go girl i know there are a few people out there who are negative about this diet but you do what you feel is right x
Hi guys,
Sorry for asking so many questions but it is only my second day and need to take advantage of all your experience! Firstly, the doctor who prescribed me the LT did not mention an instructional video or dvd so I know very little about this diet (apart from what friends have told me). How do you know when your body is in ketosis, and also, how do people cope with the constipation side of things?
funny taste in you mouth, bad breath, but on the plus side when it kicks in the hunger goes
good luck x
as for constipation alot of people add fibreclear to there water, if that fails senakot x
Thanks missyd. I just ordered some of the Fibreclear stuff so hopefully that will get things moving! Also got the horrible taste in my mouth and rat breath so guessing that's ketosis setting in then. Deep joy!
yeah its horrible isnt it im forever brushing my teeth or rinsing with mouthwash you can use listerine strips but nowhere in kent seems to sell it1 x
hi im leanne im 25 now on day 2 of lipo , my hubby started aswell.

i have over 10 stone to lose but my main aim is to be a size 16 - the last time i was a 16 was when i was 16 yrs old! now 28 bottom 24 top. Husband got 4 stone to lose.

some people have said you can get the listerine strips from asda pharmacy but i have just ordered them off chemist

finding drink the water very hard , i am managing 3 litres which i am amazed at because normally i only drink about 1/2 litre to 1 litre a day , so feels like i am on the loo constantly!!

reading everyones stories and losses are so inspitational , im really excited about my first weigh in.

lea xx
good luck lea, have you tried drinking water out of the sports bottles instead of by the glass its what i do sipping out of them throughout the day its amazing how much you actually drink!
think i will have to order some listerine strips cant find them anywhere round here
good luck for 1st WI x
cuddly fairy- thanks for the uplift. today is day two and really struggled. not so much with the food but its a bank holiday here and everyone waas going out etc.

hatebeingfat- if you thought i made a disaster of yesterday today i mixed the soup and in my straining to avoid lumps spilled my unlumped soup all over the counter and the lumpy awful stull is still in the cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i think i've found an innovative way to lose weight. put the stuff you wanna eat in a container and throw it in the air!!honestely though i ended up to mixing it better in a mug then transferred into two cups and brought to my desk! today it was thinner less lumpy and more importantly didn't explode in my face!! so all is well
My name is Ally and i'm an over eater LOL .

I'm starting Lipotrim on Monday, 2nd June 2008.

I've got 7 stone to lose, and have quite a few events in November and December to aim for, even if i lose half of the 7 stone in the next 5 months, then its a bonus.

I have done lighterlife before, after buying shakes from a friend.

I'm scared of starting but excited also.

I've been to the chemist today to get my dvd and have booked an appointment on monday to go back and start.

My main vices with foods are chinese takeaways, pop, chocolate and savoury things.

I would like to say my hubby is supportive of me doing this, but i'd be fibbing, its my own fault, he's seen me join slimming clubs lots of times, seen me spend lots of gym memberships only to not go, so i can't blame him for not thinking this is going to work.

One thing i find incredibly weird, when i was on plan last time, i found myself turning into a little deliah smith in the kitchen, and found i was cooking sooooo much for my husband, i felt like every day he should have a plate piled high with food, he always got the best everyday when i was on plan, i think he got a bit narked with me giving him so much food, but i felt i was replacing the food i was eating by making up for it giving lots to the husband (sigh).

One good thing today though.

We have a big panty cupboard with lots of naughty foods, sauces, jars of things etc etc etc, and about 2 weeks ago we bought some flour from the local co-op, and today i went to pull out the flour and it seems a little mouse has gone into the flour packet and started to have a munch, so in a girly panic seeing the small mouse droppings (yuck) i got the husband to clear the whole cupboard of food and stick it all in the bin, so no temptations now in the cupboard ha ha.

Me and my husband have SUCH different tastes in foods, so now i'll purposely only buy his types of food now so no temptation for me.

So, Monday is a new day.

Excited and nervous.

Ally x
welcome ally and good luck i know you can do it!!
i have a very sweet tooth and am just about to start week 2 without giving into temptation so you can do it xx
Hey I'm Gill, I'm on day 9 of the tfr now went for my weigh in on Fri and lost 8 pounds my boyfriend Chris lost 11!! So we're pretty pleased with ourselves!! Had a bad day yesterday almost gave up! I just can't stand the taste of this stuff!! like i literally dread having to put it into my mouth and gag everytime ! i'm trying really hard not to give in i just dont no if i can take this for another month or two.otherwise i'm finding it fine started going walking with my boyfriend and using gym equipment. does anyone know anythin that will sure make em taste nicer? reading all your comments there really helped well done to you all!!!
hi gilly baby im only on day 4 i have to say it is hard but i know its definatly worth it. whats the alternative .....being fat and feeling unhappy all the time. congrats on weight loss to you and your boyfriend thats great. hope mine is as good on thursday
HI everyone,welcome to the new people and the best of luck.Honestly it does get a lot easier the first week is definately the hardest so keep shaking.I was at a barbque at my brothers house last night my parents were there also so I had no choice but to tell them I was on tfr.They all said well done the best of luck,I thought they would give me a hard time so I'm chuffed now.I was intending to refeed in 2 weeks but now I think I'll keep at it for longer as I'm really motivated at the moment.It does get easier the longer you are on it when you see the weight literally drop off.Hi to everyone xxx
:grouphugg:well not gona lie it is hard strugglin today but hey it is worth it !! my clothes fallin off me already:) can you add pepper to the soup ???????:talk017:

My name is Emily and I started Lipotrim On saturday so I'm only two days in and I have to say it is going better then I thought.
I weigh 14st 2lb so have about 4 stone to lose.The reason I'm doing this is to feel more happy with the way I look and to lower my BMI and to get fitter and also I'm fed up of being known as the chunky one!
The one thing I am struggling with it the ad breath does anyone have any tips?
Welcome to you all. The first few days are tough but it does get better - honestly!

I have always been a chocoholic but I haven't touched the stuff for 6 weeks and it really doesn't bother me!!! What I really crave at the moment is salmon and salad!!!! Never thought I'd ever say that!!!! Lol!!!

Good luck and if you ever feel like chucking it all in in the first week just think how great you'll feel when you have your first WI!!
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