Lipotrim TFR 100%

hi 2 sizes smaller
thanks for your well wishes and have just phoned he says nothing except paracetamol unless i see the doctor for antibiotic which it does warrant thanks again x x x
Yeah apparently the gelling agens in the other pills contain sugars and stuff that can knock you out of ketosis. Try the paracetamol ground up with hot water, gargle it as much as you can in your throat or salt and hot water either. Hope you feel better soon dear xx
Well day one is in the bag!! Had the third shake an hour ago, I think keeping one for the evening is a good idea as I have that safety net. Also drank over 2 litres of water today. Not hungry and off to bed soon, I feel really pleased with myself. xx
great job well done that bikini shall be yours hahaha
Going through the 'hit the wall' stage i think. Only 7lbs in last couple of weeks! :/ .....just remaining calm and strong, hopefully a better week this time round! :)
Going through the 'hit the wall' stage i think. Only 7lbs in last couple of weeks! :/ .....just remaining calm and strong, hopefully a better week this time round! :)

Hahahaa god forbid - like us mere humans
Come on now .... half a stone in 2 weeks!! If you ask me you've been spoiled in the past and are now more 'normal' ;) :p A stone a month is the norm don't forget! You musn't get down about it, keep up with the 'calm and strong'! Even if it doesn't change back you're still only weeks away from your goal! xx
I just thought I would throw myself in here to say that I started the TFR last Sunday. Despite being warned about how difficult it would be I've actually found it really easy to do. It might just be that I am super motivated by the fact that all the guessing is now gone. I know that all I'm allowed is the three shakes and no more than 4 litres of water. I'm super pumped and only on Day 6!

It's been great to find this support fourm and I sure it'll help me over the coming months.
Well done Caz - you're in the perfect frame of mind. This diet isn't at all difficult IF you get your mindset right ..... which you have. Don't let any doubts creep in and you'll sail through the 4 and a half to 5 months it'll take you to get to goal .. if that!

Great stuff! :D xx
day one down im thinkig about going and buying a size 8 bikini as a goal mind u it will be winter by the time im there!! still ever the optimist!
Thanks Jan... thanks for the encouragement.

I'm totally motivated for this and feeling really positive because of the results I've seen already and how easy it is. Day 6 down... I made my daughter's dinner earlier and just had no inclination to nibble or pick at it. I've promised to cook her a roast tomorrow. :)
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If you've got the right head on you can cook anything for anybody and it won't bother you.
Last year I did a full roast dinner on Mother's Day for my mother, my son, his partner and their 2 children and my daughter and I sat down with my soup. It didn't bother me in the least.

In fact - sometimes I yearn for the simplicity of TFR!!! :D

You're doing great!! xx
Hi all , i ave jus started TFR an i am on the end of my 2nd day, so far so good, feel hungry, but thats nothin new i feel hungry even when i woz eatin food. I am gona have a look around this site an see if anyone has any food ideas for re-feed as i like 2 b prepared. I can only do TRF for 3 weeks an 2 weeks later am off to Munich for the Oktoberfest ( beerfestival) so i thought it best to stop TFR 2 weeks before i go. Any helpful hints would be much apprecited. Thanx all...And keep up the good work :) Jodie xxx
Jodie, always best to be prepared! I think i started planning my menus, my shopping etc around 2/3 weeks to go!

Good idea to refeed before going to a beerfest! :giggle:
Thanx Summergurl, when i come back from beerfest i will go back onto TFR until at or very near target weight. I got weighed Monday an i started LT tues, i weighed 15st....this time last year i woz 12st ahhhh the weight creeps on ya ! x
A know chick! I put on 8st within about 2-3 years! Shocking isnt it! :giggle:
hi im on my 4th day today and have found it quite easy too. i was dreading the taste of the shakes but was actually pleasently surprised. ive got 5 stone to lose which crept on during pregnancy & after my 3rd child. i guess im in ketosis tody as havnt felt hungry, got a funny taste in my mouth , really thirsty and bursting with energy lets hope it stays like that for a while.:)
Lost 4 lbs since I started on Sunday :)

I guess its ok.......

Can you use any sweetener as long as its tablet form? X
Yes so so hopeful x x