Liz's CD Diet to Goal

for all of us the details are different, the feelings inside are the same... xxx

Oh so true. One of the reasons my mother is so screwed up is because of the things her parents did to her, but she couldn't let it go and move on . The rest of your life is yours my love, leave the bothersome things behind that you can't change anyway and enjoy the rest without being haunted by how things could have been/can be different. Look to the future.x
Makes a lot of sense what you have written Bess. Thanks for that. Looking to the past is never going to be a positive thing and it's something that I do a lot. I look back on what caused my food issues a lot and feel regret about how my life could have been different.
That needs to change, because I have a lot to look forward to.

Last night I had a major freak out - went to floss my teeth as felt something in one of my teeth and noticed one of them is loose :(

I was diagnoses with periodontal disease 2 years ago and the dentist said it was likely to be due to smoking. I had always kept my teeth very clean and never needed anything more than a scale and polish, so it came as a shock to find out you cannot get rid of gum disease.

I stopped smoking and he prescribed a low dose antibiotic. Still have occasionally had bleeding gums. Last night I was so freaked out that I had to take a tranquilizer. The reason is that wobbly teeth/teeth coming out is my biggest fear. I used to panic when I was a child and had a wobbly tooth. I refused to have my wisdom teeth out when they kept getting infected.

Dentist isn't open till Monday. Not in any pain, but don't know what will happen and am so scared. Has anyone else had this before? Since doing CD my gums have been bleeding terribly. Know that Curly had the same thing.

As of today I am off CD. It definitely made my gums bleed more, but didn't expect this. Back to maintenance with healthy eating and exercise as per pre-holiday.

About to go on x-trainer for the first time in about a month...hopefully I'll make it off alive! Hope everyone is having a good day so far. Will catch up on everyone's diaries later today with a coffee :)
Sorry, never had wobbly teeth due to this reason - have had wobbly teeth due to poor tooth maintenance!! Feel for you as it is unsettling even when it isn't a phobia! I didn't suffer with bleeding gums on CD - just hair loss which is still happening!

Hope you get into the dentists early next week so they can put your mind at rest. Phew - tough few days for you hun.

Have a good weekend x
Thanks Wales. Someone on the Dibb forum is married to a retired dentist and he said that painless periodontal disease is very slow, so unlikely for anything bad to happen imminently. With regards to the wobbly tooth he suggested an xray to see how bad it is and then treatment would depend on that.

Someone else has recommended a range of products that have helped her. My hair is still falling out too Wales.

It was fine on CD, but when I came off it, it started. I know it'll stop though, according to others, hopefully!

Today I have taken back control of my kitchen!!! Having not been in it for many, many months I have thrown out things that have been festering in the freezer and cupboards for far too long. Have cleaned them and rearranged things. Then we went shopping and bought half the fruit and veg isle.

Have spent most of the afternoon cooking healthy (as healthy as can be) quiche. One ham, tomato and onion and one spinach. All made with wholewheat flour and extra light flora and then quark and cottage cheese. Goodness knows how they'll turn out, but they smell good.

Going to freeze them. Desperately want to get back to cooking healthy fresh ingredients from scratch. Hard when I work, so putting in the hours this weekend.

Hope everyone is well xxx
Sounds like a great day... sorry about the tooth worry, hope you get some reassurance on that soon.

The quiches sound yum... have a great Halloween!

Thanks lovely. Want to eat one now, but am going to resist!
You're right, it was. I like to have a good clear out. Am not one for hording anything, so it feels all fresh :)
I hoard, there I have said it, but I do clear out regularly but has to be a conscious effort. I cleaned out and rearranged my kitchen drawers last week and felt better afterwards...

How is your tooth today Liz?

Also, how did the quiches turn out? I adore homemade quiche but I only make it very occasionally as I want to (and do) eat the whole thing! I made more soup this weekend - sweet potato, carrot & lentil. I had bought 8 smallish freezer tubs so they are full and already freezing nicely - I feel so organised (it won't last)

With my hair, I have had clumps coming out since the coming off CD and seeing as I wash my hair every morning I do nothing but clear out the plug hole! However, with my fringe I thought the hair was breaking off as I had lots of fine wispy bits under my main fringe, but this is actually new hair as it has grown, and grown quite quickly so I am not too worried at all. Just bored of cleaning it all up.

Hope you have a good week, and let us know how you get on with your tooth x
Hey Wales. Not good news re the tooth. Dentist said that there are a few wobbly ones and that 'there is a high probability that I'll lose a large proportion of my teeth within the next few years.'

He was utterly useless, not giving me any advice on what I can do. He said he'd refer me to a periodontal specialist. What I want to know is why he's waited until it's advanced enough for me to be losing teeth.

Am going to look into a case of dental negligence, as the appointment alone with the specialist is £100 and treatment could run into the 1000's. I'm livid and very scared. I've changed dentists today, as I'm sick of how crap he is. He never explains anything and clearly didn't act quickly enough with this and now I could lose my teeth :( Am so upset.
Oh, Liz... don't know what to say. Big hugs, and so sorry.

What a mare Liz, so sorry. Have you been with that dentist for a long time?

I have poor teeth but that is of my own making really, but I know how unsettling it is. I hope you get an appointment with the specialist soon and that you can get a plan of action. Plus def think you should seek advice on his negligence.

Hugs from here too xxx
Thanks everyone :) if only I'd known how bad it could get and how quickly I'd have investigated more, but you kind of put your trust in people who are supposed to be experts, don't you?

Well I've changed my dentist which is something, hopefully the specialist appointment will come through and I'll investigate taking action this week.
Oh Liz , this is awful, hope the new dentist can help you. x
Just wishing you a bright & beautiful day hun...

Liz, my lovely, what's happening with the new dentist? Have you seen him yet? Hope you are ok. xx
Hey hun, i've caught up with the last couple of your pages. Sounds like you're having a mare with your tooth and family stuff, hope you're okay.

Lets catch up soon xxx