LL May Starters

good thanks jez , been running on adrenalin today , you forget how 'busy' lighter life can make you , all buzzing and full of energy , im a beggar for missing food packs when im like this though , completely forget to 'feed' myself as i simply dont feel any hunger , made alsorts for my daughter and her buddies and friend while i happily nursed the baby and drank my water ,sado !he :0)
hows youre day going ?
Evening girlies :p

Had my weigh in tonight. I lost 4.5lbs. I'm not sure whether to be happy about it or a bit gutted. After I'd been weighed a lady in my class asked how I'd done and I told her, and she said ''ohhh I expected you to lose at least 10lb or something.

It kind of made me feel a bit deflated, as though I should have done better. :cry:

Anyway how are all of you? I've had a crappy day, the kids hamster has developed a tumour so had it at the vets and theres not much they can do for it. They wont operate as the anesthetic would just kill it anyway - so the kids have been uber upset.

My nan was also taken into hospital with pneumonia - right now I could kill for something to eat ''to cheer myself up''....but I'm not going to give in.

Sorry for waffling on lol
ah bless you lisa , 4.5lb is fantastic !!! youve lost masses in just 2 weeks , but i have to say lb envy is the devils work :) i suffer greatly from it (blush)
im sorry youre day is going poorly but you should be super proud of yourself for resisting , have a lovely bath with some music and candles , spend some time being good to yourself , you really sound like you need it hunnie , so go on .. treat yourself, and if youre like me youll feel a little warmer in the bath !;o)
Hey ladies and gent (s?)

Welcome to all the new peeps coming onto this board - great to see everyone posting.

Jez - DR situation a nightmare but my LLC is also trying to find someone!

She has put me on a diet for a week to get me started and make me feel "part of the group" she has give me some hints and tips of things to cut out completely etc.. So I am feeling better.

Good luck Thursday Weighers!


Ps: Jez am on FB - Katie Godden
Hey Maybelles

Lisa - well done on the loss, that is great, my LLC was telling me that the weight averages out to about 3lbs a week, so you are way ahead of the game :) I agree with you about the nice hot bath Sukie, I adore lying in the bath anyway, and I find they really help. Today has been chilly in London, which isn't helping either, so I have taken to popping the electric blanket back on just before I get into bed to warm up my popsicle toes!!! Kat - being on some kind of diet the week before really helps. 2 weeks before I started LL I cut out all carbs and really cut my calories, I found it helped me get into ketosis much faster and have much fewer side effects. I am so glad you went along to the meeting anyway - half of this diet is state of mind, and you so obviously have the right mindset. Apart from that my lovelies, the day is ending on a much happier note than it started, have just had my final pack and I reckon its time for bed soon. Hahaha, btw Sukie, I pretend the St Clements mix with a bit of soda is a gin and bitter lemon :) makes it feel slightly more exciting than just the water.

Love ya madly "getting skinny" guys and girls

Kat.. I can find 2 Katie Godden's on FB, one in High School and one in Portsmouth are in in Portsmouth?

was goin to say shes on my page, but you've found her now. Hows things me lovelies? all going well i hope. 4.5lb is brill, Id have reminded her that Is already lost a stone in a week, which evens out at over 9lb a week! is she deluded? did she perhaps not lose as much as she wanted so she wanted to make other people feel a bit crappy.

Any more docs news? we're all rooting for ya hun

heres to another getting skinnier day ay xxx
Lost another 4lb this week - yay x
Well done Vix that is brilliant! xx
thanks gals, I was really pleased with that, would love the same next week! IF i can lose 4lb this week and next then I'll be in the 14 stones yay- that would be brill! heres to another 100% day for us all x
fantastic vix that is great !!!!
youre all going great guns , now , well done maybelles :0)
thanks ss - lets hope we can all keep it up, im sure we can x
Wow Maybelles, you are all very quiet tonight... Hope that you have all enjoyed the sunshine today, and are looking forward to a fantastic abstinent weekend!!!

yup , birthday celebrations at my sisters house , missed my hubbie though x
off to the lake to sunbathe and chill again today :0)woo hoo
Yay!! there is life out there after all, I was starting to feel all alone. Ha, I really should still be asleep, this is way to early to be awake on a weekend, but since starting LL I can't seem to sleep in as much anymore. Day by the Lake sounds divine, My folks are not far from there, so I am absolutely planning a trip to the lake when I visit them in August. I think today I really need to have a small sort out of the clothes cupboard... and then have a little sit in the sunshine. The one thing I dislike about living in a flat is that its a communal garden, and I still feel a bit embarrassed to go and sit out there alone. Still perhaps a walk to the park will do instead! How was the party Sukie, did you get through on all your packs?

god im soooo embarrased , i didnt have any at all yesterday !!! im so ashamed of myself , there has been hell on with work so ive been a bit of a wreck so have lost my appetite completely , my sister hijacked me and told me there was no way i was spendind my birthday on my own sobbing like a snot nosed kid(older sister , takes no cr*p). she had got me a special treat for my allowable meal and put on a bbq for us all , must admit i hoovered it up , *legal*has never tasted so good:eek:
must admit im quite tempteg to jack off light , even though its working so well and go on abstinence, hubbies gone now so sharing a meal at night is redundant, im never hungry in ketosis , especially when im upset so cooking is just a pain in the jacksie really :D.
will have to ponder it some more. the only thing is that its easier to get back to "normal" eating from light. hmmmm dont know , anyway , hows you ?
Im fantastic hun, glad to hear that legal tasted amazing!! Being a chef I was really concerned about the fact that I 1) wouldnt like the food pack flavours or would find them dull and 2) there wouldn't be enough variety to keep me happy.

Glad to say I like all the packs, though def have a few faves. I did "cook" with one of the packs yesterday and the day before and was really impressed. Hahaha perhaps when I get to goal and maintain, I should write a LL recipe book for those of us on maintenance!!! Where has hubbie gone too? I agree, cooking for 1 is pants, I can never manage, no matter how hard I try to cook for 1 or 2 it always ends up being enough to feed at least 6. But then I suppose the minimum numbers I cook for are 100 and the max 5000 so Its hard reducing that <G> Still RTM is going to be my time to learn about cooking small!!! Can't believe I am 3 weeks in already. Have you got a specific goal weight in mind btw? I had what I thought was my goal weight in mind but now think perhaps I should go lower, does this seem to fluctuate? I suppose I will see how my body feels and if I am comfortable in it when I get to the original goal weight.
