LoChan's diary - hello!

morning lo, hope your feeling better today, and will be able to get on your holiday

don't worry too much about the plan, you can pick it straight back up once you have had a break. The break will do you good:D

hope you and the family have a lovely time if you do manage to get away xx
Hope your feeling better this morning Lo
would be a terrible shame if you had to cancel
your holiday chuck sending you get well vibes xx
Hey Lo,
Hope you're feeling better today and that all goes well for the holiday, would hate for you to miss out xxxxxx
did you enjoy the wagamamas? i havent been in ages and really love it :) x

It was really nice, always get surprised by the mountain of noodles they manage to hide in the ramen bowls though :p
Mn Wales be off, coughing and stuff so it's not fair on the grandparents - both in their 80s so not safe to go near them with m'germs :sigh:

Eh well Plan B has come into effect - my dad's taking my son still so got three nights of quiet at home and the OH has taken off thurs/friday too so quiet day at home tomorrow with dvds and lemsip. We might go to the Trafford Centre on friday or saturday for lunch, a film and a spot of xmas shopping so I guess it's not too bad :)

I've gone and bought some naughty treats though including sausages :eek: I'm almost looking forward to next week since I'll be back in the regular routine with school walks and stuff so will just take the sensible attitude and aim for a STS or a tiny loss by 5th November :)

Gonna leave off the laptop again tonight to give m'eyes a break, catch up planned for tomorrow again xxx
Gosh, home alone with OH and no son. Sounds like a holiday in itself, hope you get well soon, and seriously I'm sorry your plans have gone awry
enjoy plan B.. what are the dvd choices? :D x
Not got round to dvds yet - OH's got the tv with playing Batman Arkham City... think he's a little disappointed I've stayed at home as he was hoping to play games for the next three days heh :rolleyes:

Will get some films on eventually, not sure what to watch - I've got some blockbuster ones that need watching before sunday - Book of Eli, Body of Lies, and I Spit on your grave (*pulls face* don't think I want to watch that, too disturbing)... but I've got comedy ones backed up aswell - hot tub time machine, superbad and knocked up. Also feel like reliving my teens and watching The Crow to gawp at Brandon Lee... choices choices lol

Need to decide on things to do tom'ow if we do the going out t'Trafford Centre... probably going to TGI Fridays :eek: Best not take a picture of -that- meal for my diary, since it's in the Weight Loss section :8855:

Not sure 'bout going cinema as keep having coughing fits which other film folk prolly wouldn't thank me for :p
LoChan1984 said:
Not got round to dvds yet - OH's got the tv with playing Batman Arkham City... think he's a little disappointed I've stayed at home as he was hoping to play games for the next three days heh :rolleyes:

Will get some films on eventually, not sure what to watch - I've got some blockbuster ones that need watching before sunday - Book of Eli, Body of Lies, and I Spit on your grave (*pulls face* don't think I want to watch that, too disturbing)... but I've got comedy ones backed up aswell - hot tub time machine, superbad and knocked up. Also feel like reliving my teens and watching The Crow to gawp at Brandon Lee... choices choices lol

Need to decide on things to do tom'ow if we do the going out t'Trafford Centre... probably going to TGI Fridays :eek: Best not take a picture of -that- meal for my diary, since it's in the Weight Loss section :8855:

Not sure 'bout going cinema as keep having coughing fits which other film folk prolly wouldn't thank me for :p

Mmmm.... TGI Fridays... Thats what I Fancied when I went to Trafford Center! :)

Although a friend has recommended Rice, a Thai place opposite the Chinese! It's supposed to be amazing!!!

I love spending the day at the Trafford Center! :) xx
just get steak? TGIs do the best steak around.. or they do a lush pasta with vegetables and chilli - i always ask for the cheese off it and its just a tomato based sauce x
So sorry you didn't get to go away hunni, hope you're cold is getting better, mine is ok apart from the tickly cough it's left behind, could have been a lot worse though like the bronchitis I had 8 years running, so I am happy with my lot lol
I've never been to TGI Friday's either but I hear it's fab and Kirsty raves about the steaks, so sounds like a plan to me, hope you enjoy it sweetie and try and enjoy the rest of your time off xxxxxxxxxxx

Think instead of visiting wales I decided to go a bit mental on the cake :eek: We did go out to the Trafford Centre, via a polish deli in chorlton (first cake stop) - made my usual not-so-sw-friendly meal choice in TGI fridays and then went and bought chinese and cheesecake from selfridges for tea :eek: Was probably a bad idea going out in many ways as it seems to have irritated my chest and moved from tickly cough to chesty cough so difficult to sleep :sigh:

I'm back on track as of yesterday though - going for Green Week Challenge 2.0, as reckon this will help me feel fuller while I'm getting over the off-plan madness. Also bought some hifi bars off ebay which should turn up mon/tues so a on-plan (if slightly expensive) treat to look forward to :)

Yesterday's food diary

B - Activia yoghurt

L - cheese, leek & ham pasta 'n sauce (1 syn) mixed with steamed broccoli and mushrooms sauteed in garlic and frylight. Muller corner strawberry crumble (8 syns?)

Afternoon - crackerbreads (hexb) & 40g philli light sweet chilli (3 syns). Oat-so-simple (hexb), milk (hexa) & banana.

D - Ginger lentil dhal & basmati rice.

Evening - milky coffee (hexa), rice krispy square (6 syns), apple.

Syns 18/105

No exercise for ages - got to walk out to blockbusters today (will go scarfed up and such) and will see if got energy for a wii game later, might need to sleep instead heh. I bought 'Don King's Boxing' on friday since I like the boxing on wii fit and think this got good reviews on amazon :)
if you want hi-fi bars hun, just ask and ill pick them up and post you them! x
Aww, thanks Rach I might take you up on that if these are any good lol I remember liking the pecan ones but I last went to a class in 2004 or some other time in the long and distant past so I would presume the recipes have been updated since then!

I've got a box of the deluxe chocolate ones (wonder if they're any better than fibre plus ones?) and three single bars of the mint crunch ones ordered. No idea how much they are in class but presume less than what I paid on ebay, can sort something out :)
hey, good to have you back hope you have had a good couple of days off:D

will it be good to get back to normal ?
hopefully just the break away from things will have recharged your battries :D

Hows the cold doing, any better ?
I hate having a cold hate that bunged up feeling:eek:

looking forward to your menu's this week could do with some inspiration:D:D