Looking for a buddy - I have 100+ to lose

Oh God sorry i dont really know what a hernia is ... (dont get me wrong ive heard of it before) sounds painful though!
Its when part of you colon has a hole in it and some of the rest pushes through. Rather like having a hole in your tights and pulling some of the tights through it. Disgusting eh?
Well hello there fellow greedy cow, you've hit it completely on the nail - I don't have an off button either :D

My OH is 6'4" and works in the oil industry, so he has no weight problems with being so active, despite eating like a pig. I'm not so tall and not so active, but when he's home I can match him plate for plate :(

I think it's why this diet works for me, and will for you too. It takes away the requirement for me to work out my own portion control, which is something I just can't do. I tried SW once, and must be one of the only people who consistent put weight on... the group leader told me I could eat platefuls the size of a dustbin lid.... and so I did :(

I've also lost my enjoyment of food. I can make the most delicious meal, enjoy the first few mouthfuls, and then lose any pleasure from the actual food because I stuff my face until I'm too full to feel anything but disgusted with myself.

I know we can do it this time... we're all in this together and here for each other, so what more can we ask for (well except George Clooney and an endless supply of Hagen Daz that doesn't go straight to the hips?!) ;)

V x
One of the first benefits is that I'm no longer going through packets of rennies, bottles of other indigestion remedies. Also i don't feel uncomfortably full all the time. With my hernia it should have acted like a gastric balloon / band but not me - i ate right through the discomfort to more discomfort!! It truly amazes me that i can go from such gluttony to this -makes me feel really pleased with myself.
A big welcome to you :)) this is week 3 for me, I'm finding it really easy but iv had to much water flavouring and mix a moues today which ain't good !
It's my 3rd weigh in tomoz but it ain't looking look cuz of the above ! Oh well. I lost 8 ib last week which was fab :)) so I'm just gonna carry on with SS and see what happens,,,
Keep up the good work hun,,,

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Hi, Ive been doing the diet for about 4 weeks I've lost about a stone so far. I still have another stone to go to reach a healthy weight. It's getting easier I have good days and bad days. :)
A big welcome to you :)) this is week 3 for me, I'm finding it really easy but iv had to much water flavouring and mix a moues today which ain't good !
It's my 3rd weigh in tomoz but it ain't looking look cuz of the above ! Oh well. I lost 8 ib last week which was fab :)) so I'm just gonna carry on with SS and see what happens,,,
Keep up the good work hun,,,

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Hi mariapcollins .. welcome to you too. What are the water flavourings like are they nice? Good luck with your weigh in i bet you will be suprised and congrats on losing 8lbs last week that is fab!! How much are you looking to lose over all?
First weigj in just lost 9 lbs in 5.5 days. Woohoo!!!'

I've just bought some of the summer berry drink mix and its really nice
Woo hoo ladies,

How well are you doing.... what fab losses :worthy:

Well the Keto fairy has finally decided to visit again and I've got the furry mouth and terrible dog breath LOL! I blipped big time on Friday, but from Saturday I've been 100% on plan. I know I shouldn't, but I'm a serial scales jumper, so now I'm back in the pink I'll hop on in the morning and fingers crossed I'll have lost the weight I put back on after my blow out.

Hope everybody is having a good evening x

Hey girls...please can be a part of your little group...starting tomoz ...eek!!! xxx

Good luck for tomorrow , Im starting to get bored and im only on day seven now sorry for not being so happy , but i know i can do it but im not 100 per cent into doing it , 4 years ago I lost 4 stone on lighter life and loved it but then i had a child and became a stay at home mum and thats when ive balloned , Any tips for staying motivated , Sorry this post isnt Cheery for the girl just about to start x
Hi Mariah,

When I lost first time, I found that one of the best ways to fight boredom was to try to vary my packs a bit. OK, it's always going to be Cambridge, but I made crisps, muffins, ice cream etc with the packs. It became a bit of a challenge to see what I could make, or new flavours I could invent - half a pack of banana + half of toffee walnut = banoffee, half a pack of fruits of the forest + half a pack of chocolate = black forest (very nice made up with Mix a Mousse) :D

I'm sure there must be some recipes on either the CD or LL forums that could give you some new ideas.

Hope this helps x


I made a poppadom and a muffin on Sat , I dont know why my brain is not with it , my body needs it ha ha , Im feeling a bit better reading things on here roll on wed and im getting the bars.
Ooooh, I used to love the malt toffee bars. I used to slice them up thinly and then stick them in the freezer for a little while to make them last longer. I'm drooling now :D
How do you make muffins and stuff? Do you need a special thing to make them?? Mariah i'm glad your feeling better and i find the bars really nice and adds a bit of variety when you get fed up with the shakes! :) x