Smart Points Losing weight for Summer 2017 xx

I'm more exciting about going to disney!!! still waiting on family to get back to me Chris thinks sod it lets just book. I been looking at disney prices as they change quite quickly can't decide which hotel to stay at xx

10/9 isn't official date but should be around September time. So many nice things to look forward too x

What are your choices for hotel? X
Your days sounds very productive and your food has been fab.
The house move sounds as if it's going smoothly and you'll soon be enjoying your new home.
Which hotels are you deciding between?
I think we might need to book 2 rooms for Disney so it's bumping up the price- the standard rooms fit 2 adults, 2 children and infant but we got extra child but if we did book 2 rooms we only use the 1 room they do family rooms but not in all of hotels and appear to be booked on our dates. So we were just thinking of booking Cheyenne or pay bit more for New York xx
I think we might need to book 2 rooms for Disney so it's bumping up the price- the standard rooms fit 2 adults, 2 children and infant but we got extra child but if we did book 2 rooms we only use the 1 room they do family rooms but not in all of hotels and appear to be booked on our dates. So we were just thinking of booking Cheyenne or pay bit more for New York xx

Ooooooo New York, I've never stayed there! It's a pain that you'll have to pay for another room which you won't even use! X
I know it's silly, it be nice to stay in New York but don't know if it's worth paying that extra for it X

Going to the bank in bit so we can pay and book our Eurostar tickets-we've waited for week for family to get back to us so just going book!!

Yippee! Good Luck with the booking and let us know what hotel you decide on!!!! X
We ended up going sofa shopping took a drive to DFS- going go laptop once oh finishes his work to get prices for tickets etc and hopefully book x

Ooooodid u buy a sofa?!? X
I got this pic of a different sofa


Hollie never normally looks at the camera!!

We liked this one 3 plus 2 seater-
They were sitting one of those spinning chairs - to be honest sofa looks very similar to what we already got- different colour though - we went to look at corner sofas but changed our minds x

That swivel chair is quite similar to the one I've got! I also went to get a corner sofa and came away with a 4 seater and a swivel chair!!!! X
The sofa is on offer to the end of the
month we might change our mind by then. I've always liked those swivel chairs- their fab for children and grown ups!!

I actually based my sofa choice around my swivel chair as I liked it so much!!!! X