Losses through the weeks...


Full Member
Thought I'd start my own little diary and hope others can share their successes or bad weeks with me!

I started on WW on 3rd Jan 2012 and seem to have really taken to it. So far I have lost 1st and 4lbs in 7 weeks. I absolutely love WW and don't feel like I'm dieting, I saw someone else mention on here that they didn't see it as a diet, more a making better choices lifestyle. I'm sure you all feel the same!

My goal is around 4 stone, but considering it's been years since I was that weight I have no idea how I will look, so it's just a marker at the moment.

My worst fear is plateau-ing, I've been fortunate and lost at least 1lb each week but it's bound to come soon right?!
Didnt lose anything this week- was a bit naughty on a night out but i stayed within my weeklies, will this be a common thing does anyone think? Concerned Im hitting the dreaded plateau already!
How are others doing 8 weeks in? Do you still get high numbers or does it vary? I seem to be stuck on 1lb a week at the minute, which is still great as it is a loss but I would like to try for higher numbers.
Hi:) I started on 10th Jan, I had about 7 stone to lose so far I've lost 33 lbs, one week I put on 2 after a weekend away and one sts both were expected, other than that I've had reasonable losses, got a massive shock on tues when I lost 6lbs, I thought I was done with big losses, I used most of my weeklies for one of the first times (i have 39pp per day so have never needed to) i walked more but I honestly wasn't expecting it! X
Wow 33lbs that's incredible! You must be so pleased, well done! I think I keep trying to find some kind of logic in the losses but sometimes they are just random, I've lost 20lbs so far and want to lose 4 stone in total, but in the last few weeks I can feel myself not being as strict counting points- I guess this could be because i now know the points for a lot of my usual foods, so I find myself making a reasonable estimate of the points.

How are you finding it, are you sticking to it as well now you're a couple of months in? Congrats again!x
Well done you on 20lbs;) feels good doesn't it;) I am so motivated but had a day off yest for mothers day.... Indian Buffett.... I so enjoyed it tho so I'm not going to be too upset tomorrow if I don't lose, was good all week tho so would love to sts. I can't honestly believe it's been 2months now! Feels like only yesterday I went to class so nervous! I will do it this time hopefully;) how are you doing this week? X
Thank you! I weighed in this morning and got another 1lb off- that seems to be my standard, but i think i need to recalculate my daily points allowance as I haven't since I started. Anyway, it's still a loss!

Doing ok this week, got no plans to go out so I shouldn't be off track just need to try work in some exercise. Mothers' day is a necessary day off! I am not a mother however so I didn't have an excuse haha.

When is your weigh in day?x
Hi:) well done today:) I also weigh in on a tuesday morning, 3lbs off today, delighted with that even though i had my day on sunday I was really good the rest of the week, but ill need to watch this week. Im still losing quite well as I have so much to lose tbh, I know it will slow down, i kinna thought it might of by now but im really just hoping for 1-2 a week to keep me going till my holiday, went out for lunch afterwards with my mum mind you...will i ever learn lol, Tusday = treat day!!!
Well done Drea!

Queen do you find you are doing anything differently diet wise? If i am honest with myself I am a lot less precise now with measurements etc, and I also just calculated I am entitled to 3 points less a day now so that could be it?
I'm doing ok! Had some treats yesterday but I made sure they were small portions and I am going to do some high intensity exercise for 30 mins this aft (does anyone know how many activity points that accumulates?)- so hopefully the scales will be kind on wednesday- also its my first week on less points.. so fingers crossed!!

How about you?
Well I managed to lose 2lbs at weigh in yesterday, was almost 3! So am very pleased, reducing points and working in a bit of exercise has finally got me off the 1lb mark each week, next goal, 2 stone!
Lost 2lb this week too, even after pizza, burger and a fair amount of cocktails! Reducing my points allowance has really worked wonders, and I am finally in the next stone bracket! Safe to say I've not been there for about 3-4 years!
Well i STS this week, no great surprise after a very indulgent Easter weekend! More surprised I didn't put on.

Need to get back into the mindset though, how do people do it? I don't feel I have gone totally off the rails or anything, but another 3lb and I have lost 2 stone and finally got bmi under 30, so am keen to hit it in maybe the next couple weeks.
Finally got a decent loss! 3lbs off, really stuck to it this week and even had a few treats. Also now hit 2 stone and am just overweight not obese anymore.. big day for me! Where's the cake... haha.