Step 1 Sole Source Lou's cambridge journey...

Ah it won't let me post my picture without going online, how annoying....

I started in the 17's and am happy to report I'm now in the 15's, fingers crossed by end of next week I'll see 14's. It's amazing how quickly you see results with this x

Week 1) -7
Week 2) -12
Week 3) -3
Week 4) -5
Week 5) -3 (even with a full night off)
Yay, hey girls :)

Beautiful :)

On another note, seriously I think you need to almost constantly be sipping water to get through 2.25 litres....aaaaahhhhhhhhh

Week 1) -7
Week 2) -12
Week 3) -3
Week 4) -5
Week 5) -3 (even with a full night off)
Awww thanks Emz xx you're gorge Hun, loving your hair too!

I am totally struggling with this water today, I ran into Poundland on my lunch break and got a few of the 1 litre nestle water and I've only got through half the bottle lol, don't know how I'll get through another bottle let alone this one!

Ladies we can do this! Look at the progress made already! And seriously a reunion in London sounds bloody brilliant lol well I say reunion but I don't think that's quite the right word because we would've had to have met up before for a reunion to happen isn't it lol but you get my drift lol
Great idea to all meet up x

Week 1) -7
Week 2) -12
Week 3) -3
Week 4) -5
Week 5) -3 (even with a full night off)
Hi Viita

Ooooh I'll definitely be investing in a couple of those!

Don't know if it's me having some kind hot flush or if it's really mild today?!?

2 packs down 1 to go!

No way really! Fruit tea's?? I thought only leaf tea's, well that's bloomin brilliant, oooooh how excited am I! Getting excited over fruit tea's lol it's official this diet has turned me into a raving lunatic haha but seriously, that's a major help because forcing water down me every nano second of the day is driving me nuts and it never feels like I'm getting enough!
Wow we are some seriously sexy ladies!!! Woop woop!!

Omg Lou I'm so excited, I'm gonna bloody do it stay in the plan strict until April 17th and lent if course and come to bloody London!!

Whose up for it ladies??? Em, Fran, Lou? Anyone else, right Lou u need to be thinking of hotels for me to stay and most of all places to EAT and DRINK!!!

I'm so excited about this diet now as hope to have a goal haha xxx
Of course I'm blimmin up for it!!!! I'm looking forward to it, I will defo start looking for hotels n stuff ooooh how mad are we eh! Lol

That's another goal for us to work towards!

Work finished and off home now ahhhh lovely

I know but it feels so right to do it lol and y not I never treat myself!

Yeah I'm home now drinking golden veg drink mmmm xx
It does doesn't it! I'm never one to turn down a chance to let my hair down lol

I'm looking forward to a chicken n mushroom soup at 6!
I've never had the veg one I don't think, is it nice?!
Well let our hair down and be on a way to b skinny hell yeah!!

I've got spicy tomato and leek and potato so might have one of them in a bit, haven't tried any others so can't tell u!!!

Im not sure wat to have shake or soup....god bring on next week wen I can have bars xxx
I know! Decisions decisions! I was pondering the same thing, I've got rice pudding aswell which I really love but I've decided to have the soup as the rice pudding might get me in the mood for wanting something extra lol

Im a bit upset as I have no butterscotch shakes left lol, I now have to wait all the way until Monday now to get my next fix! I have that one Luke warm and it's sooooo heavenly!

Kids all here and driving me bonkers already!

Can't wait for today to be over and wake up in the morning feeling accomplished! Lol I'm looking forward to our meet up! Xx