Lou's Journey in the land of JUDDD

Ooh yummy yummy could just eat that Mmm
Right. DD yesterday complete :checkmark:
Had (from memory)
one slice seeded toast and can't believe it's not butter 150
one crumpet and can't believe it's not butter 130
some watermelon 150
about 6 oven chips...OK OK about 10!! 80?
cups of tea.....total 550 ish. That will do.

Trying for a DD today to make it the double, but will settle for a ID if I can't handle it. Feel good atm but then I have already had half my cals at 6.44am!! seedy toast is just too irresistable :eating: but I actually feel quite stuffed and satisfied (for now...)

Another birthday at work today but hopefully this won't be as tempting as the food there on Friday - home made cake (about 5 types! inc my fave carrot cake and this malteser cake thing which apparently is from the MacMillan book from the coffee morning the other week) home-made shortbread, home-made cheese and marmite straws, pizza, olives and feta. Seriously, you'd have needed a will of iron to resist that I'm not ashamed that I caved.

Happy Monday JUDDDers! :)
fell asleep on the sofa about 8 last night and dragged myself to bed about 9 :) made this last night MALTESER TRAYBAKE | Recipes | Nigella Lawson and just had a (small) piece (plus crumbs that fell off as I was cutting it) for brekkie(!) and feel really sick. I'm not sure that the recipe is right it's sooooo sickly. well nice though

DDD was brutal but do-able so I know I can stick that in my tool-kit for any whoopsies/treble UDs etc.

sneaky weigh this morning shows 0.6lb down from last Thurs but as it's after a DDD not sure if I should be recording it. Too late - recorded!!

Have a good day everyone :)
Had a cracking up day dinner of cauliflower cheese with bacon and roast potatoes and malteser traybake for pudding woo hoo! Reckon i'm on about 2500 from a quick tot up. Makes the ddd worth it. Trying to knuckle down to do an OU assignment but procrastinating like a true pro. Did some reading and note taking surely that's an evenings work?! yes deserve a rest now ;)
you are doing fab I am attempting a ddd too
Thanks mummy good luck on the ddd :)

I weighed in this morning after yesterdays dd and was up a pound.I know you shouldn't worry about the short term but can't help be annoyed about it so no weighing for me until Monday now. Don't feel slimmer at all so no nsv to spur me on either, but I guess Rome wasn't built in a day. Just heading to your diary to have a nose and catch up :)
Hellooooo Minis! (said in a Hellooo Glastonbury kinda way)

CRACKING DD today, totes NAILED IT. Had a pomegranate, a sliver of bread with butter, 2 packets prawn cocktail crisps (!) and that's all.

Easy. NEXT!

Keep seeing about Slim and Save though and thinking 'ooh wouldn't it be great to get a load off quickly before Christmas' but then I remember I was virtually MENTAL when I did lipotrim a few years ago. Hmmm. But also thinking 'yes but if I only got 2 weeks worth then I'd have a definite end date and it would be more bearable, just to get a little boost' but then arguing back with 'yes but this should be a change for life, not just a quick fix to get into a sexy dress for Xmas parties'

...and other such internal ramblings

DD (6) is on her first ever friends sleepover tonight and I'm waiting for the phone to ring...I don't think I'll get any sleep at all!! Bless her little heart, I do think 6 is a bit young but she got invited and really wanted to go so just letting her give it a try! Gave them all our phone numbers and was like 'ring if you need me, even if it's the middle of the night!!' DS (12) was all like 'God! Mum she's with her friends she'll be fine' (i.e. chill out babe..)

Woo! Up day tomoz!!
Well had a lie in to 7.45, the phone didn't ring and this morning I'm down 0.4lbs :D

UD today but trying to eat healthy because I was being silly before, and I guess I've reached that 'few weeks in' time when it sort of starts clicking into place and you realise that you don't need to eat only choc and chips on and UD just 'because you can'. Not that I'm not going to have any - just not 2500 cals worth!

So banana with hazlenut yog for brekkie. Hazlenut yoghurt from sainsbury's disappointing compared to the Morrisons one, also accidentally bought low-fat which I'm trying to avoid now after watching 'the men who made us fat' and also from my own common sense.

Also set up my body fat scales with my stats today and came out at 46.5% :eek: so will start recording this with my weight too.

Happy Saturday!
looking good .Glad the sleep over went well and I must watch the men who made us fat .I recently watched forks over knives as well .Have you seen that one :)
Right. so I've ordered the sample pack (28 packs) of S&S which is next working day delivery, which I guess is Tuesday if they despatch tomorrow. Had a good UD yesterday :) so counting today as my last UD for a nice up weekend (although had too many strawberry pencils bleurgh..) and a DD tomorrow in preparation to start VLCD on Tuesday (or wednesday I guess depending on what time it comes? - shoot didn't think of that I should've had DD today UD tomorrow DD Tues and then S&S Weds. Nevermind. I'll wing it!!)

Just going to do the first week and see how it goes - no pressure. I guess I'll need to make a decision about carrying it on by the weekend, but it's payday on Fri so that works out well, can order more then if I want to, or just go back to JUDDD (which I'll go back to in the end anyway as I lurve it).

Don't really want to make it common knowledge so may make the veg allowance in the morning and put it in a tub with one of the meals to heat up at work so it just looks like I'm eating veg with sauce for lunch.

Food yesterday - hazlenut yog & banana, cauliflower cheese (small bowl), cheese tomato and chorizo quaesedilla, mamee noodle snack, 3 :ashamed0005: mars ice creams, egg fried rice with peas (homemade) salmon in oyster sauce and corn on the cob, a pomelo (disappointing, never had one before but it wasn't v ripe), a pomegranate, and I think that's it, oh - one more hazlenut yog at bedtime **edit just remembered 2 or 3 digestive biscuits

Food today - seeded toast and butter x 3, strawberry pencils (lots), french stick and butter, mars ice cream (the last one to bloomin get rid of it!), walkers baked x 3 :ashamed0005: and will have fish and oven chips later.

Here's to my last UD for a while :)

btw - i was already thinking of S&S but then bought this dress from Tesco which looked quite roomy at the bottom so bought size 16 and can't fricking get it over my hips - I could wear it as a top with the bottom bit scrunched around my waist!!! So target 1 = get into the cute dress. It's hanging on the outside of my wardrobe to remind me.
I know! I don't blame them though, I'm constantly starting a new diet/regime so they all think I'm loopy (plus the fact that I only ever get bigger not smaller!!)

Change of plan - in laws are coming for dinner on Thursday, and I'm cooking roti which involves lots of ghee and I won't be able to not eat (not that I'd want to miss out on that!) plus also realised that it's our yearly Xmas dinner at the in-laws next Sunday (they live abroad and come back this time every year so we have a family Christmas dinner 2 months early - love it!!) so I think the best thing to do is start the S&S on Monday 22nd October. No point starting it if I can't do a clean run of it. That gives me 6 weeks before my work Christmas party (7th December) so might try and stick it out for the whole 6 weeks - surely I can lose 21-28 lbs in that time - and then back onto JUDDD before Xmas to carry on my journey. Will stick with JUDDD this week with DD Mon Wed and Fri and weigh in on Sat again for a double up weekend then a new regime of S&S for however long I can hack it!!

That is the plan. amen.
And - also - I'm not hungry for dinner so am cancelling the fish and chips tonight and feeling very smug about it too!! :innocent0002::innocent0002: