Lou's Journey in the land of JUDDD

well done you for cancelling fish and chips yummy .I am on a dd today going well but I am constantly thinking about food on a DD .what is S&s is it a low cal diet x
yes it's a website VLCD - Very Low Calorie Diet - Slim & Save are the Number One VLCD Supplier in the UK - just a cheaper version of a vlcd like Cambridge etc. Starter pack of a week's worth (shakes, bars, meals, soup) is £27.99 and then it's about £30 a week after that I think - I did lipotrim before and that was £48 a week. Just going to give it a go for a week see if I can stick it for any longer than that, but if not will do the week minimum :)

On my DDs I just work through diaries on here from start to finish to pass the hours :) keep it up you're nearly there! Then it'll be morning and you'll be on a sweet sweet UD!! xx
I just finished 5.5 months on s&s found it great, am using the products whilst I refeed using juddd :) the packs are really nice, plenty of variety!
WOW! 75lbs lost! that's amazing!! I think I'm going to try to do a 6 weeker before Xmas and then JUDDD refeed for Xmas and evaluate in the new year. Yes. I really really want to now. 5 1/2 months is an impressive amount of time to stick at it, good on ya!!! xxx
Sorry to lose you to S & S Lou, but hope it goes really well for you! I hated VLCD's when I did them, I always regained after them as well...I'm hoping that this JUDD lifestyle is the one & for ever. Hope you come back to us to maintain when you get to goal!!!
Good luck with your new plan seems some good losses . I could not before at the moment cut looks good some nice flavors :)
Hi Mummy - you have so little to lose I don't think it would be worth the stress of a VLCD

Jilly - Just thinking of the short term then I'll be right back on the JUDDD superhighway, I just have so much to lose that it feels like it will take FOREVERRRRRR, but at the same time, I've only done a VLCD once and only lasted 17 days so I suspect this time will be similar, but instead of going back to eating like a maniac, I'll come back to JUDDDing whenever the VLCD has done its course.

Anyway, still got 6 days of JUDDD left here's to a smashing down day Monday to everyone!! xx
How much have you got to loose hun am oh my phone ??

I did s&s as I had to be under BMI 30 for seeing consultant. I'm so tempted to do another month but I know I need to find a long term plan that I can maintain on as tempting as it is!!

Wish you luck on plan hun it is easy and flexible Xx
Got at least four stone to lose but that still makes me a little bit chubby :) so a pound a week would just take forever! Really heartening to see people still losing on Judd after the vlcd which is why I fancy giving it a go :) love this website just gets you in the zone!!
good luck we will all get there .I just need to start loosing and not gaining the same stone over and over again ,been like this for few years lol
So had a bit of a whoopsie and DD has turned into an ud, well either a restrained ud or an id! Er, will do DDS Tue and wed then up thur down Fri up weekend then s&s. Damn.made home made pizza (not as good as Han's!) As dd had friend round with oven chips and wolfed down the leftovers then 3 digestives for good measure.what a silly billy.never mind i've done a ddd before I can do it again :) sorry about random capitals etc i'm on phone and can't get the hang of making it look like i'm actually writing in English!
Never mind, we've all done it!!
add a whole tub of co-op posh vanilla ice cream to the above!! (500ml) :ashamed0005:

Right. attempting a ddd from today. If I hadn't had that ice cream I could have changed today into an ID but was feeling stressy last night - had to submit my OU assignment which I'd found really hard (my fault for bunking the last tutorial) and DH was ill (well, a funny neck which had left him sofa bound [no different from normal then!!]), er...can't actually give any more reasons why I felt like that but I came off pill a couple of weeks ago (well, just ran out and then basically refused to go back on so hubby has agreed to the snip woo hoo!) so possibly getting TOTM? With mini pill haven't had a proper period for EVERRRRR and feel like I need one. Sick of all the messing with women's bodies that is done, it's surely not a lack of medical expertise which has prevented the male pill from being invented - it's just that men are in charge of what is made available and they don't fancy being on the pill (ooh....political!!!)

Oh. and ran out of prozac also about 2 weeks ago and need to pick prescription up today :rolleyes: Yep, that might be it!!!!!!!! I've been quite smug lately about how good my mental health has been, but it's the meds keeping me on the straight and narrow!! Nevermind, back on it today :)

So. DD. Breakfast - 1 1/2 slices of seeded toast and butter (the small loaf with little slices) - 200 (ish) - bad choice!
er.... 2 digestives (7.25am) = 140 = total 340 so far today. Just teas and coffees for the rest of the day then :( BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but at least it doesn't require any thinking

***edit plus 10 wine gums = 154 = 494

Add 100 ish for teas and I'm still under 600 so fine.

Did nearly quaff the end of a french stick, but threw it in the bin, so crisis averted. If I'd done that I think it would have been game over for the rest of the day

Seem to have got through the 'badness' - mind you it is 10am!!
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*cough* mumbles.... Er...had Malteser tray bake which had been in dh drawer about a week..that is desperation. It was all soggy! also sweets that were there good knows how long.then baguette with ham and bbq sauce then two packs of Walkers baked.happy now.can relax :)
Aw never mind you needed it and tomorrow is another day. No point stressing over it good luck for tomorrow x
Lou you need to do some serious DD planning! Set out what you can have and don't give yourself permission to have anything else. Try and plan for foods with volume so you get a filling meal for your calories, soup is a great choice, or lots of veggies with gravy and pretend there is meat with it. Eating sweet stuff is the road to ruin because it causes an insulin spike and then a crash which leaves you craving more sweet stuff. Cmon give yourself a chance to succeed!
You're so right Jilly!!! Woke up 'starving' today, and was dreaming of cake before DD woke me up!! But am going to be sensible - I've got a bag of bean shoots which I'm going to cook with a little soy sauce to take to work for lunch. Then I'm going to stick some veg and stock in the slow cooker to make some kind of soup/stew for dinner. Cuppa for brekkie. Thanks for the wise words :)

Had a sneaky weigh and up 3.6lbs after FOUR UDs so, seriously can't complain at that.

My S&S stuff came yesterday and it came with a tape measure in the box, so I'll start taking some measurements too. I really see JUDDD being my long term option, because it's slow and steady and enjoyable - but just want to get a little boost with the S&S before Xmas parties. Just realised that next Monday is only 5 weeks before my first Xmas do - I thought it was 6! :( Anyway - my target was to be 12.5 stone before that so that is, what, 17.4lbs (from my official weight - not todays weigh in!!) so easily do-able with a few weeks S&S.

***edit - it is 6 weeks after all I was being a total spaz. YAY!

Let's be positive peeps, happy Wednesday all!
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