Lucie's SW Journey from 24 Stone to 15 Stone - 1lbs at a time!


Full Member
Hi everyone,

My name's Lucie and I've decided I want to lose 9(ish) stone. *waves*

In an attempt to save some pennies, I thought I'd sign upto Minimins and use the forum to document my food diary, gain inspiration and meal idea's as well as support from some of you beautiful beautiful people, rather than go to a class each week or pay online. Sadly due to my job I'm unable to commit to a meeting so I thought I'd give this community a go!

So a bit about me, I'm 27, soon to be 28. I live in London and work a full-time demanding job. I had joined slimming world in May 2014 and up until Feb 2015 had lost 3 stone, I then was in and out of hospital with gallbladder issues through till September when I finally had it out and by then had lost a further 2 stone. Then after coming back to my job working 8-8 and after months of basically eating nothing, I found I was eating rubbish and not following a plan all the way up till now where I'm starting again at 22 stone 6lbs.

I'm newly engaged and myself and my Fiancé hope to be moving in to our new home this year as-well as try to start a family so lots of reasons to get fit and improve my health and I plan to do it 1 lbs and 1 inch at a time! I'll be posting 5 or so times a week with meal updates and what I'm up to and should you feel like commenting please do as I always return the comment and would love to get to know others, especially those on a long journey like myself :)

Week 1
Sunday 3rd Jan - Starting Weight 22st 6lbs

Starting Measurements
Neck - 17"
Underbust - 44.5"
Belly - 59.5"
Right Thigh - 30.5"
Left Thigh - 31.5"
Right Arm - 16"
Left Arm - 16.5"

Brunch - Muller Light Yogurt + an apple ( I had a party Saturday night and ate and drank alot so a late and full start already! )

Dinner - I made SW Diet Cola Chicken which is Free

Snack Muller light Yogurt + Peaches in jucie (100ml = 2.5 Syns )

Total 2.5 syns

After feeling a tad hungover and full I didn't eat alot till dinner. I managed to take myself into town and purchased a pair of trainers as my first treat that's not food for a change and have decided that I'll start walking to work starting Monday. It's an uphill walk for the most part but its 45 mins of extra body magic as I was getting a bus before so that's a positive start!
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12 hr shift at work at the moment as all the staff have left so I'm working 8-8 which means taking enough food with me to last me all day! Being the weight I am I get 20 syns so please bare that in mind when reading my plan!

Breakfast - Special K porridge (HEB) + 100ml peaches in jucie (2.5 Syns)
Lunch - 2x Brown roll with ham and tomato (12 syns ) + the tiny bit of leftover of last nights SW Diet Cola Chicken.
Dinner - Chicken with lemon and herbs ( It's a S/W recipe but can't remember the proper name ) with mushrooms and SW sweet potato fries with frylight

Total 14.5 syns

Got quite the bit of body magic in which was good! Though I was super out of breathe when I got to work, I know it will get easier but I felt proud of myself for getting up at 6 even though I knew I'd be working till 8pm. It's only 5pm now but dinner will be yummy and filling and I can chill out for the evening ready for my body magic in the morning!
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well done sounds like a good day :)
i too am doing it from home
Yeah, it's been fairly easy, just trying to do 1 day at 100% and then another day so before I know it I've done a whole week eating 100% haha. I wish I was doing it from home, sadly I work 60hr weeks so alot of my stuff is leftovers from dinner if I don't get in too late / if I can be bothered to cook haha.
Yeah, it's been fairly easy, just trying to do 1 day at 100% and then another day so before I know it I've done a whole week eating 100% haha. I wish I was doing it from home, sadly I work 60hr weeks so alot of my stuff is leftovers from dinner if I don't get in too late / if I can be bothered to cook haha.

oh wow 60 hours!!!
i work in a school :)
i hope it goes that quick and easy for me! its great to know uv been 100% tho or within syns at least x
Hi there! Well done on choosing to sign up to this website. I've found it to be a fabulous source of support and information :D

I, too, am on a long journey. I have about another 8 to 9 stone left to lose. But, like you, I'm taking it one step at a time :) Looking forward to reading about your journey and I wish you the best of luck for this week.

So after another day at 100% ( my old SW consultant use to say if you stuck to plan within your syns it was a 100% day and you get one, and then the next day and just take it a day at a time ) and I'm really pleased with myself, It's been a long time coming for me to get back to plan after I had my Surgery last year and my head just wasn't in the right place but it feels like it is and I figured, well I'll sure as hell moan here in my little thread when I'm having a bad day so It's just as important to pat myself on the back and post about when I've had a good one.

I'm actually looking forward to walking to work tomorrow, knowing I'm doing some excercise and pushing myself. I get to finish at 6pm again which is great as I usually wont finish till 8 so I don't have to eat as late which is a plus! Nice and easy SW Spaghetti Cabonara for dinner so I can put my feet up the rest of the night as I'm off Wednesday and have plans to cook some meals in bulk.

Dinner was LUSH this evening and will deffo be doing it again! It was in the Extra Easy Express book (pg 79) - Chicken with lemon and herbs and it was so quick and easy. Just slice into the breasts and I just got a bowl and put in some frylight, lemon juice ( i didn't have lemons ) salt, pepper, tarragon and 2 cloves of garlic and I just coated the chicken in that, put it in the oven at 200 for 25 mins along with some sweet potato fries in frylight with cucumber and tomato on the side. Super light yet filling. YUM.

Anyway, just thought at some point i'll be having a bad day and I'll read through this and wanted to see the positivity I had today and hopefully it can inspire me re-reading my words!

Now off to wash up and get into bed with some cheeky netflix and an early night for me!

Night all! x


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oh wow 60 hours!!!
i work in a school :)
i hope it goes that quick and easy for me! its great to know uv been 100% tho or within syns at least x
OO I bet that's fun! Do you have a diary that I could check out? I tired to have a look but as im a new member I can't visit your profile yet! Hopefully I can find it tomorrow and catch up on how you're getting on :) xx
Hi there! Well done on choosing to sign up to this website. I've found it to be a fabulous source of support and information :D

I, too, am on a long journey. I have about another 8 to 9 stone left to lose. But, like you, I'm taking it one step at a time :) Looking forward to reading about your journey and I wish you the best of luck for this week.

Aw thank you! I'm really looking forward to making some friends and finding inspiration and who knows, maybe even inspiring some! It's lovely to see others on long journeys too! I'll be sure to sub to your thread so we can keep each other going! Hope you have a great week lovely! :) xx
Hi lucie...well done on your fantastic start!!! I hope i can nick some of your positive attitude! keep going, we'll get there, as you said, 1 pound and 1 inch at a time!
Hi and good luck. I started at similar weight as you. At my heaviest I was 25 st 2 Manage to lose stone by myself and then I joined SW. Sw is brilliant for big weight loss as can get enough food and not to go hungry. Will be reading your journey with interest. I am sure you can lose weight. You have so big motivation and you have support. You will do just great.
Hi lucie...well done on your fantastic start!!! I hope i can nick some of your positive attitude! keep going, we'll get there, as you said, 1 pound and 1 inch at a time!

Bless you thank you! Take it! TAKE IT ALL! I feel with the New Year behind me giving me that extra boost I'm ( in this moment) 100% committed and I've got positivity oozing out of me so plenty to go around!! We WILL get there 1 pound and 1 inch at a time hehe!

Hi and good luck. I started at similar weight as you. At my heaviest I was 25 st 2 Manage to lose stone by myself and then I joined SW. Sw is brilliant for big weight loss as can get enough food and not to go hungry. Will be reading your journey with interest. I am sure you can lose weight. You have so big motivation and you have support. You will do just great.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but I think I remember you from the old minimins site? you were a chef? Maybe I've got my names confused! Either way if it is you, HI it's me lucie ( fatbeautyx ) if that rings a bell! You were always such an inspiration and I can see your thread is 25 pages long so I have alot of catching up todo hehe :) I hope you are doing well and I look forward to finding out when I check out your thread :) x
Here's my meal plan for the day:
B - Special K porridge with berries with water and 100ml peaches in juice (2.5 syns)
L - leftover chicken from last night with sweet potato fries and ketchup (3 syns )
D - SW Cabonara
S - 2 x Brown Roll (12 syns) no butter, Ham, WW mature cheese slice ( HEA ) + fruit and 1/2 syn jelly pot if I need it

total syns - 17

Morning! :) Today I was super tired, and managed to snooze the alarm clock for 15 mins ( why do we do that? It feels like 15 seconds extra? what's the point?) and rushed around, thankfully had my lunch sorted so just made some rolls to keep me going as I'd rather have controlled syns then not have anything and have to go grab a boots meal deal which we all know is a sandwich, crisps and a chocolate bar! I walked to work again today and managed to get my 45 minute walk down to 36 minutes and boy did I go for it. Feeling it now though, haha! Going to grab a water bottle to fill up to take with me on my walk as I think I could easily drink one on my hike to work!

I'm also pretty proud that I have't weighed myself. I know this sounds silly and I know people are like " you shouldn't weigh yourself every day " but I believe there are 2 types of people and they are the ones that can get on the scales and see a loss or gain and roll with it and STILL have a focused day and use those results to keep them going and there are some that get on and if it's not what they were expecting get thrown off and I'm certainly a focused girl! Seeing a good loss would only excite me and keep me going and equally seeing a shitty loss would only make me think I need to step it up a gear. I know I'm giving it my best and I'm organised and I'm planning and I'm sticking to plan so I should have a nice first week loss and I want to really give myself that gift of a loss so no scales for me! Can't wait for Sunday!

well I'm off to read some other threads! Have a good day! xx:p
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He Lucky =) Glad to see you back here and yes you are right. I'm the chef :p
It been a long time since I seen you last and if I remember correctly you did very well last time, so I am more the sure you will rock it again. Keep it up and keep posting =)
PS I'm very happy to see you changed your username, old one did not suit you ;)
Day 3 Edit

B - nothing
L - leftover chicken from last night with sweet potato fries and ketchup (3 syns )
D - SW Cabonara
S - 1 x Brown Roll (HEB) no butter, Ham, WW mature cheese slice ( HEA )

total syns - 3

So today was a bit of a flop, had words with my area manager about not wanting to work 68 hr weeks and got myself in such a state that before I knew it, it was 1pm and I hadn't eaten anything. I had my lunch and one of my rolls at 3 and I'm getting a little peckish now but am going to wait till I finish and go home and have my cabonara. Thankfully it's a day off tomorrow so wont have to worry about stress eating.
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You are doing really well. Batch cooking will help a lot with working late. Keep up the good work. All the best
Aw thanks hun! Just annoyed with work, it's amazing how easy it would be to go home and " cheer myself up with a take away" but I'm super determined!

Looking forward to batch cooking tomorrow, going to make chilli con carne for the first time and I have a SW recipe a friend gave me so going to make that and cook some of the italia heck chicken sausages which are 1/2 syn for 2 .. lots of yummy food tomorrow and it will ALL pay off on Sunday weigh in!

How are you getting on today babe? x
Yeah, it's been fairly easy, just trying to do 1 day at 100% and then another day so before I know it I've done a whole week eating 100% haha. I wish I was doing it from home, sadly I work 60hr weeks so alot of my stuff is leftovers from dinner if I don't get in too late / if I can be bothered to cook haha.

I love your attitude towards your new journey, couldn't have put it better myself. Good luck :D