

Full Member
Im just wondering if what I have for lunch is OK? As I feel like its probably not really following the plan- Im still in my first week but 2-3 times this week I've had a mugshot (sometimes one that needs synning), a mullerlight and a cereal bar. This isn't 1/3 superfree is it? Also sometimes I'll have scrambled eggs with beans for brekkie- this isn't superfree either is it? :eek:
If you had a big fruit salad before/along with your lunch I think that would be fine? (Correct me if I'm wrong, haven't been a member too long myself either :p) And for your breakie that would be perfect if you had mushrooms or onions or a big side salad along with it! :)
You do need the superfree foods, but they are easy to add to your menu. Just have some fruit with your breakfast and a side salad with your lunch. Sorted :D
If you're following EE, you really do need the 1/3 SuperFree or the plan won't work. The whole point of the 1/3 SuperFree rule is so that you fill up on these foods which are lower in calories etc, and eat less of the higher calorie foods, subconciously.

From what you're eating, it would be easy to get your superfree in there. With your breakfast, why not add chopped tomatoes, grilled mushrooms and onions - that would be plenty of SuperFree. With your lunch, why not have a salad with your mugshot.

If you're struggling with getting your 1/3 SuperFree, then maybe try green/red days. It really is crucial to have your SuperFree with EE, or you won't lose weight.
Yep! As the others have said, you do need to fit some more fruit and veg into those meals. But don't worry too much - your first week is all about getting used to the diet and learning the rules, so I doubt a few meals without superfree are going to harm your losses significantly. Just remember the superfree in future :)
You could buy some frozen veg, blast in the micro then stir into your mugshot? or throw a handful of stir fry veg in a pan to sizzle then pour the mugshot over and have a veggie noodle stir fry thingy? If you like mugshots then keep having them but get that veg in somewhere!!
Are all mugshots flavour's free food???

No, only the ones that have 'Less than 1% fat' on the packet are, like spicy sweet and sour and tomato and herb.
Ones with 'Less than 2% fat' are 1 syn, like the creamy Thai (I think, from memory) but definitely < 2% = 1 syn
Ones with 'Less than 3% fat' are 2 syns, like the creamy cheese ones

And as much as they are good for snacking or lunching occasionally, I've been told it's best not to rely on them too heavily as an every day addition to your diet (or super noodles, or pasta'n'sauces) as it's better to make your own and get some superfree in the making, and also they're not intended to be staples. However, I say this as someone who is so lazy I have on at least one occasion in the past munched on a syn free mugshot for breakfast with some fruit, syn free Super Noodles for lunch w salad and then a syn free pasta'n'sauce for dinner with salad again, so I'm sure that was somewhat specific to my tendency to just go from the sofa, to the microwave, back to the sofa again :D
Haha! On the mugshot subject, im being very lazy and having a late lunch of 2x mugshots with tomatoes and celery stirred through ;) lol