Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

Big hugs Lynne, traffic and travel was a nightmare here yesterday thanks to the weather. It took OH 2 hours 50 minutes to get to work which is always a 15 minute drive. Bridges and roads were closed because of the weather damage and danger. You could have done a lot worse, don't let this dampen your spirits and all will not be lost :)

Every morning is a brand new chance to chose better, regardless of the previous day. You can do this Lynne, you've been doing fab. The 11s are not far away. Have a great day! xxx
Hope you have a good day today Lynn
Hope today is going better Lynne x
Hiya Lynne, I hope today's a better day travel and dietwise xx
Horrid travel you had there Lynne :( Hope today has been much better for up you xx
Hi Lynne
Traffic and work! 2 things I hate! Hope your getting back on track x
Hope your okay and chose better :) if not, all you can do is try again today. But we do want a difference come 1st march... Xxx
Hi Lynne, hope you're having a good day and that you're not in so much pain now xx
Hope your okay and chose better :) if not, all you can do is try again today. But we do want a difference come 1st march... Xxx

Or try again tomorrow as the case may be now ;) but I agree with Carrie - we want to see even a wee loss from you on 01.03 - you can do this Lynne! :D xx
The weather is just torture at the moment eh ?
It seems to be mad everywhere in one way or another.
I hope you have had a good day Lynne :)
Right, I'm back for yet another restart. I need to get my act together and make sure I get some early nights in to build up my strength. I'm finding it really tiring travelling so far to and from work and then having so much to cram in when I'm there. I have to leave home at 7 every day and don't get back until 8.30 and whereas my previous team were settled and relatively easy to manage I feel like I've been thrown to the lions with my new one. Talk about having to be assertive! As well as having to sort out practice issues there are all sorts of petty sqabbles an office politics going on and there have been grievances taken out against each other that have left a very strained atmosphere. I seem to be doing OK and a number of staff have said things are improving but it is so stressful. At the same time, even though I was dreading coming and really angry about the change over, I'm quite enjoying myself and members of my old team come across quite a lot. My main problem has been tiredness and I think that's why I have been eating all the wrong stuff - chocolate, sweets, pizza, bread, noodles etc - again! It's a catch 22 situation really because I find that eating badly in turn makes me feel worse and have even less energy.
Anyway, here goes. Another attempt to get back on track. I know I should get through Saturday and Sunday. I know a lot of people struggle at weekends but I actually find it easier, probably because I spend more hours in bed and I'm not in the city with lots of shops, cafes and restaurants outside my front door. Monday and Tuesday will be difficult because I have lunches out on those days but I will try to eat sensibly. After Wednesday I'll then have a clear run for 7 days. Next Wednesday I'm meeting up with a friend / colleague who is on adoption leave having adopted a little boy 3 weeks ago who was one last November. I'm an honorary auntie and this will be the first time I've seen him (apart from pictures) so I can't wait.
I know that I can still lose weight well if I eat sensibly when I do go out and stick to TS the rest of the time but it's a case of not adding stupid food into the equation. Perhaps I should just ensure that if I have days when I can't stick to it I go to Crawshaws and get a hot chicken breast. That will do much less harm than the packet of minstrels and wine gums on the train going home following the pie and peas, soup and baguette or noodle king meal at lunch time. I can't wait for Spring to arrive.I'm not bothered about losing really quickly - I don't want my skin to be baggy - but I want to lose at a steady rate! I function much better when it is sunny and warm - the rain, wind and cold and leaving home and arriving back in the dark don't suit me at all!
Today will definitely be a 3 pack day! I'm also going to do my plank, squat and crunches and try to get as many steps in as possible. I will try to catch up with everyone's diaries but will have to do some of that this evening as I need to get my exercise and housework in!
It's good to be back. I hope everyone has a brilliant day!
Happy to see you back Lynne :)

Trying to fit life and work around this diet is hard, and you can only do what you can do

.....I can really empathise with the travelling issue, really hard going!

All the very best to you :gen126:
Good to see you back Lynne. You've just got to keep trying. You'll get there!

Exciting news about your friend's child. My older sister is looking into that. She's 45 I think and had IVF but to no avail. She's one if the loveliest people I know and her husband would make a great dad. Fingers crossed for them. Can I ask how long it took ur friend? Is she married, what's her living circumstances? Does she work? Will be great seeing the wee one. All the more special :) x

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4 -5 BMI 31.6 no WI till 12 March
Hi TH. I'm not sure how old she is. In late 30s, early 40s I think. She's had a number of attempts at IVF and decided to adopt last year. I think it was last June that they first enquired about doing so. I was one of her references. There are a lot of panels, meetings etc to go to and I think the selection process is quite rigorous - as it should be. It does seem to happen quite quickly though. She found it difficult when she got to the stage of looking through children's profiles. I would too, I'd probably want to adopt them all! The little boy my friend adopted was fostered by a couple of women and my friend and her husband had to qradually get to know him over a 2 week period starting with short visits at different times of day at the foster carers' home. They even had to take the dog across for a visit and she made he husband walk the dog for 3 hours before they set off so that she wasn't too boisterous! My friend works full time but has adoption leave until next September. It has been really sad seeing her going through IVF and I'm so happy for them both. They'll make wonderful parents. She has said she will be coming back to work full time. She may do but that remains tobe seen. I wen't back full time after my first son was born and hated it so had a period of half time working after my second one. I went from having aspirations of being the next Chief Probation Officer to becoming some kind of earth mother over a relatively short time. I have to say now that mine have gone through adolescence and are in their early 20s (still going on 15) - and I still love them - I have a much more measured view! Going back to adoption, it has been a pleasure being able to share my friend's experience and I am overjoyed for her. I can't wait to meet her little boy!
Welcome back Lynne. I'm restarting again today day after an on off week. We can do the weekend TS together . Just done the plank challenge & feel better for it. So here we go :slap: xx