Total Solution Lynne's journey to losing 6stone and running 5k. Countdown to Philadelphia.

Hi. Sorry I've not been about. Work has been really busy and I''ve been rubbish (again!) diet wise. Was 12st 10lb yesterday but had an exante ish day and am 12st 8lb this morning. However I now have my new phone and fitbit and have no excuse not to keep in touch and start trying to get back on track properly. All set up now and measured my sleep last night
5h 20min asleep
You were awake for 14 mins (2x) and restless for 28 mins (9x)

My name on there is lynnewillbthin but I don't know how to find people.

Don't suppose that's very good. Today I'm going to try to get my steps in and then have a better night's sleep tonight.

Today is a new Day 1 and I'm definitely going to have a proper weigh in day of Sunday every week. Back on exante - apart from today's tea as my son is cooking a lamb dinner- had a chocolate shake for breakfast.

Happy mothers day. Hope everyone has a lovely sunday.
Hope the phone and the fit bit give you the incentive to keep on track lynne!

Enjoy your dinner, sounds lush xx
Happy Mothers day Lynne.

Good to see you back with the new stuff. Hope it helps you to stick to plan.

How are you finding the new phone. I want to get one but am used to pay as you go cos I dont really use it that much. Is it expensive per month.

Thats nice that your son is cooking you dinner. Is he a good cook :) x
Morning Lynne, hope you're well. I'm back on the Exante wagon with you tomorrow. xx
Hope you have had a good day Lynne xx
Hi Lynne, hope your getting on ok, the new gadgets sound great. It's very hard getting back on it I think that's why a lot of us end up frightened to start eating again. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. :)
Hi Lynne, how's it going xx
How are you doing Lynn?
Lynne, my buddy through peaks and troughs, I hope you have a good day, and I'm sure you'll get your Exante head on again. I'm off home tomorrow and when I'm back I want to do a month of Exante. May is going to be my 100% Exante TS Total Clean No Slipups Month. Are you with me?? :)
I'm not sure how much I'll manage to check in here but I wish you a steady run. We will get there. Eventually. xx
Hi Lynne hope all is well with you well done on those 2lbs that's great - hope youre enjoying the fitbit - I'm thinking about getting one but have to up the exercise big time before I can justify it - hope you had a lovely Mother's Day X
Hi everyone. Sorry I've not been about. Work has been pretty busy. I keep asking to go back to my old office but my manager won't let me! He justifies this by saying I've turned things round in the current workplace and how he needs me there because I'm a good manager but flattery doesn't work and I really wish \i could go back! There are far too many undercurrents and cliques etc where I am now. I wish people would just get on with what's required of them and stop moaning about it. I must admit I'm finding my new job really tiring and the extra travelling doesn't help! It's interesting that my fit bit shows ai have pretty restless nights so maybe that's why I'm so tired.

Diet wise I'm still struggling. I'm trying to keep some control and haven't had any chocolate binges this week! My weight has stayed the same so at least that's something. I'll definitely join you Bee in May for a TS month - at least until my birthday on 23rd when I'll be 60 which is another horrible milestone.

I'm taking today and tomorrow off work as TOIL so that means I have 4 days in a row to relax and also to have some control over my eating so hopefully I will have a loss by the time I have my weigh in on Monday.
Enjoy your break hun.
sorry to hear that work is tiring you nowdays. I can relate myself to you.
Hope you have lovely few days off.
Hugs xxx
Thanks Harry. Have had a really lazy day today!
Have a lovely break Lynne, think you need it - shame your work won't move you, I can understand where they are coming from as you're doing an excellent job, just a shame that you have to suffer because of that.

Stay strong lovely xx
A good rest day can do wonders mentally and physically! Especially when it's a day were normally in work. Hope you get yourself where you want to be mentally then it will seem so easy. Xxx
Thanks Katie and Carrie. It's my son's 25th birthday tomorrow so should be a good day!
Morning Lynne, sounds like you're pretty stressed. Hope the break from work helps and enjoy today with your son. xx

Happy birthday wishes sent to him :birthday::candle1::birthday: