Mad Ramblings of a Yo-Yo Dieter......

Yay, that's the spirit :)

Only 4lb more until a stone is off :D

i was thinking about biggest loser and have realised that those who lost a lot on early days (ME :eek:) were a lot heavier at starting point than the others who started lighter (YOU :)) it makes sense :confused:

Don't worry about the tiny blip, you needed it today, but you won't need it tomorrow, so well done for not going on a binge, great self control maisie :)

You are doing well, good luck if you decide on SW. Perhaps you will find you need to eat just a little more to get the old metabolism going, maybe not, but a lb at a time means it is less likely to go back on!!!

keep on track, it will be so worth it, and you have done well with the first 10lb already :)
Thanks again Rose :)

You give GREAT motivational pep-talks, you really do!

I know I'm just being a bit of an impatient brat but it's not helped by 2 friends today saying "oh, is that all?" when they asked what I'd lost this week :rolleyes:
ooops silly friends! They obviously didn't mean it in a bad way, just the wrong term of phrase at the wrong time :rolleyes:

Every 'dieter' needs encouragement whether they have lost a lb or a stone!

Send them to me for one of my 'pep talks' :8855:

On a non weight related forum a couple of years back ;), a poster once asked me if I was a councellor as I always gave,
"sensible and friendly advice and support"

hee hee, maybe I've missed my vocation in life :angel09: :innocent0002::angel09:

Now, on a serious note, I can write anything and everything down which comes into my mind and heart, but ask me to 'talk' to a group of people face to face..and I would dissolve in front of their eyes :D

Have an extra special day, you deserve it.... :nono: no no no to any sausage and egg sarnies though ;)
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Hi Maisie

looking at the comments i would say its "not you in person and shape" its in relation to the effort you have put in and they have also watched Biggest Loser.

Its the shock of the routine not bringing what we see it bring..without fail... each week even a minimum of 3lb.

It could even be thier comment of not "pity" but thinking, joint support for your efforts and a 1lb, it just came out the worng way as you were dissapointed aready.

Im off to get m brain into sunshine mode
Cathc you later
Hugs xxx
Good morning fellow fat busters :)

The sun is shining gloriously here today so how can it not fail to lift my mood? :D

No sausage and egg sandwiches here today! Urgh, still feel a little queasy just thinking about it!

I slept in this morning (unheard of for me!) :eek: so there was no time for shredding before school, so I did it when I got back (via Tesco for more fruit :D)...... was really tempted to give it a miss today, was really not in the mood :eek: but I'm on Day 18 now and I just felt like I'd be letting myself down if I didn't do it (plus I knew I'd be mega cross with myself later and didn't want to put myself in a bad mood!).

Today's menu:

B - breakfast biscuits and a banana
L - crackers with dairylea light, chicken, tomato and red onion. Velvet crucnh crisps and a few strawberries.
D - WW cottage pie and a load of steamed veg. WW sundae.

Usual coffees, 1 latte, 2/3 ltr squash and 1 diet cherry coke.

Have a great day all, catch you later :D
All the early rises have taken their toll this morning ;) I too slept in one morning last week and I'm not exercising at 5.30!!!! lol, mad rush to get son to school etc, knocks you off your stride all day :eek:

I can relate again to you, getting into a bad mood with yourself if you fall off the wagon, I know in the past, that if I slip up, I am so cross with myself the rest of the day AND the day after, (think, crossed arms over body and petted lip and tears in my eyes :rolleyes:)

I've got to go stock up on fruit today too and some beetroot (becoming slightly addictive) also want a quick walk before the rain starts!!!!!

enjoy your day and thanks again for lovely kind words on my thread :)
Me too, I hate sleeping in, it really knocks me all out of sorts for hours! I must have needed the sleep though, but I was asleep last night for just after 9.00pm, so you'd have thought that would be enough :rolleyes:

Lol @ the stroppy body language - sounds just like my 15 year old about 95% of the time..... apart from when she's getting money out of me of course ;)

Have just made the kids pancakes <drool> but I resisted because I knew I'd never be able to have just one, so thought better not to have any <polishes halo> ;)
OMG, stop the presses, we have had a MOST unusual occurence happen ;)

I have Left Some Dinner On My Plate :eek:

This simply never happens with me. Ever. I have been known to eat to the point of feeling sick....... but as it got to the last few forkfuls I just thought "hmmmm, I've had enough of this now, delicious as it was" and pushed the plate away.


<goes for a lie down>
I'm sure it's only a one-off, would be very surprised if it happens again ;)
Hi Maisie and Rose.

I often look at myslef side on in the mirror at my belly hanging and think my poor stomach.

As you have been exercising alot Maisie i wonder if you have gained structure in your muscles and it is now creating a more solid structure supporting your stomach and so ( not shrinking it) but giving it less space. I know fat can push your heart and organs about so i wonder if this has an effect on the sitting of your stomach.

i have a vivid imagination can you tell pmsl:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Rose Beetroot juice is wondefull for Stamina if you have een eating it alot, and craving it now thats your body been retrained to ask for something that helps it, rather than ask for all it new to gain what little it got some nutrition from..maybe junk..choc..crisps etc. A quick google will bring up bits for you.:) xx
That's very interesting LFM because when I was discussing my slower weight loss with a friend the other day and she commented that I possibly wasn't eating enough; I told her that I wasn't actually hungry though, between meals and when I've eaten. I definitely feel like I'm eating enough, I don't feel deprived at all, so maybe you're right, maybe the stomach is shrinking :eek:

Normal service resumed here this morning, date with Jillian at 0530 :p Day 19 today, so have decided to measure myself again tomorrow on day 20; see if the slow movement on the scales is being made up for elsewhere!

Have a great day fat fighters, catch you all later :)
Morning Maisie,
yes maisie, that's a good idea, good luck with the measuring tape tomorrow. I've often heard even if you don't lose lbs, you can still lose inches!!! :confused:
At the risk of repeating myself, sorry, sure I've said it before :confused: ...if you don't eat enough your body clings onto fat reserves as it believes it is being starved! I once 'starved' myself on holiday, not eating breakfast (tut tut), and very little at night AND walked and walked and walked everywhere, came home, a week later, jumped on scales and had lost NOTHING at all :cry: I was later advised that was why!

Good luck for today, well done on the exercise front..yay! You are in the zone girl :)

Thanks for the beetroot tip LFM, good to know, so glad, as I love it!!!!
OMG Rose, fancy 'starving' yourself on holiday - are you mad woman?! ;) Holidays are for eating everything in sight surely...... or is that just me? :rolleyes:

I honestly don't feel like I'm starving :confused: you've seen my food menus, what do you think?

US Biggest Loser to look forward to tonight (V+'d from last night), am FAR too excited about this, it's the highlight of my Wednesdays! Fat Families is finished though :( didn't seem to be a very long series this time...... or maybe I missed the first few :confused:

Be good all, catch up later :)
Hi Maisie, Just read thro' your posts to date and must say you are continuiing to do very well.

One of the things that I have been training myself to do is just "enjoy" the extras when you have a blip. I know that may sound strange but what is the point of beating yourself up about it and also the angst can work against losing weight.

Keep up the good work!!...:)
Thanks for your kind words Emmaline :) You're absolutely right, no more beating myself up if I have a blip...... it's the bigger picture, the whole journey, that's important :)
well said Maisie :)

I am no expert as you know ;) but your menu looks okay to me, it's all to do with portion size I suppose, so if you are eating enough of all your good choices, then the scales will reward you, if you see what I mean :confused:

I'm sure your next weigh in will have you grinning :D

( I know I was mad to attempt to lose weight by eating next to nothing AND on holiday, while everyone tucked into delicious lunches and dinners, I sat with an apple for lunch and a cold meat salad for dinner every day and refused ice creams, late night chips, burgers etc etc thinking my food intake and miles of walking would mean I would lose a mega amount of weight :eek: :eek:..silly silly woman that I am ;) My body panicked at the level of food intake...not surprised, as I was absolutely starving every day... and held on to every single pound and stone !!! I got sensible the following week and lost 3lb:) It was 8 years ago when I tried that!!!!...I am so much more mature now.... yep, mature, sensible.....and heavier! :8855:)

Enjoy what is left of Wednesday, soon be another day closer to weigh in :eek:
Heya :)
The post about leaving food on the plate actually made me laugh out loud!
Measurements are always a good idea, sometimes your weight can stay the same but your body shape can totally change, especially if you're building muscle as it weighs more than fat.

Hope that you have a good week (or what's left of it).
Hi Pink, thank you for your kind words :) Definitely agree with you about taking measurements, especially when the scales seem to be on a bit of a go-slow ;)

Rose, I can't believe you did that :eek: on holiday too! You mad, crazy woman :8855:

Had my fix of US Biggest Loser last night - anyone else see it? :D How amazing is Michael doing? :eek: Almost 10 stone in 10 weeks? :eek: Incredible! Spent most of the programme sniffing and trying not to cry, they're so inspirational...... :eek:

It's 05.15am in the Moodle household and all is quiet....... not for long though - in about 15 minutes there will be strange grunting and panting coming from the living room, along with the occasional choice swear word ;) Yes, it's Jillian time again!

Going swimming later this morning and then probably a trip to Starbucks where I will NOT be partaking in any of their "skinny" (yeah right) muffins :rolleyes:

Have a great day everyone, I'll post back later this morning with new measurement updates (hopefully!) :)