Marathon Training

Sounds like you must be outside London? I'm lucky snow hasn't hit yet but I did my long run (miles) today just in case the weekend brings the snow!

I am going to start doing bootcamp classes and maybe spinning - would you girls recommend doing this as well as my runs on my run days or rest days? Or doing them instead of some of the easy runs? I want to do them to lose weight and gain muscle as I can't run all the time I can only run as much as my plan (and body) allows. In not losing weight for vanity it's because I gained 1.5 stones after I stopped running and it's causing me to be slower and more achey, particularly on the knees!! Xx
Sounds like you must be outside London? I'm lucky snow hasn't hit yet but I did my long run (miles) today just in case the weekend brings the snow!

I am going to start doing bootcamp classes and maybe spinning - would you girls recommend doing this as well as my runs on my run days or rest days? Or doing them instead of some of the easy runs? I want to do them to lose weight and gain muscle as I can't run all the time I can only run as much as my plan (and body) allows. In not losing weight for vanity it's because I gained 1.5 stones after I stopped running and it's causing me to be slower and more achey, particularly on the knees!! Xx

I'm in Newcastle. It was -6c when I got in my car this morning!

I do 2 bootcamps a week, mixed in with running and other gym classes, and have one complete rest day as well. As my marathon training schedule kicks in properly in two weeks, I am going to have to drop something to fit in the right number of runs per week and to up my mileage, otherwise I will end up running and doing a bootcamp/ class in one day, which is fine in the short term but would be too much over a period of time I think. I want to make sure I do the runs, have one total rest day, and then I'll keep doing whatever bootcamp or gym classes I can around that, as they are good for core work and taking the pressure of your knees which you get when running I think.
Yes that's exactly the reasons I wanted to do classes (core and less pressure on joints)

Running is the priority more and more as the weeks go on so I think I will do the same - fit the classes in around the running if I can rather than the other way around

Brrrrr wrap up warm!!!
started snowing a little dring todays run :(

dreading saturday, its due to snow heavy and im supposed to run 12.5 miles!
checked my emails and had an entry form for two more events, run preston 5k and 10k, and walk in the dark 2013 (half marathon walk).
this time i will start the run preston 5k on time!!! was around 10 mins behind everyone else last time and i missed the start completely!

ran it home today, 3 miles done from my programme. hate it being so cold out! i feel the cold very easy, my hands look blue now- even after i wear running gloves! my hands never look normal colour actually.... either very yellow or bluey!
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I'm glad my marathon isn't until October so I don't need to be doing serious runs at the moment, as I really can't handle how cold it is and running outside at the minute, so I'm running inside and doing it in time rather then in miles done. Can't wait for it to warm up a little so I can get back to my outside runs and see how many miles I'm doing though.
if i could run in my duvet i would!!! its -2 now, cold :(
checked my emails and had an entry form for two more events, run preston 5k and 10k, and walk in the dark 2013 (half marathon walk).
this time i will start the run preston 5k on time!!! was around 10 mins behind everyone else last time and i missed the start completely!

ran it home today, 3 miles done from my programme. hate it being so cold out! i feel the cold very easy, my hands look blue now- even after i wear running gloves! my hands never look normal colour actually.... either very yellow or bluey!

Wow, you've got a good bunch of runs planned. I need to sort more out!

I just bought some Sealskinz gloves and they are great - they are the all weather style, waterproof and thermal. I wear them for bootcamp when we do press ups etc on the cold ground and my hands are always toasty warm.
i want to keep up the running so i plan in advance, keeping october free as there might be a preston marathon again. theres the st cathrines moonlight walk coming up this year but it hasnt been announced yet, so thats at least one more to add.
I ran 9.5 miles in the snow last night but it's snowed heavily today and still snowing now, so not sure if/how I will do my 17 mile run tomorrow that my training schedule has planned for me. I have a charity fundraiser on Sunday that I have to prepare for tomorrow, (as well as loads of marking to do) . . .:sigh:

In other news, I've given 4 weeks notice at my gym, which is a ladies 30 minute circuit gym and I'm going to join the council-run leisure centre where I can use the gym that has a treadmill, as well as classes (I'm thinking body combat, pilates and aquafit) and swimming - all for less money too!

Finally, I weighed in at Slimming World last night (before my 9.5 mile run) thinking that I would lose 1.5lb and be back in target zone, but no, I had a 2.5lb gain. :banghead: I know I said I wanted to focus on my running and not my weight, but this is worrying me and think I need to go back on SW properly starting with a food diary and limiting myself to 10-15 syns a day. Start tomorrow. No, start now with a piece of fruit! :greenapple:

Oh, and I signed up for the full Shrewsbury marathon. :superwoman:
Wow Sally, you've been busy! I just go to my local leisure centre as well, much cheaper than the large chain gyms and in some respects just as good I think.

I've STS for the last few weeks (I'm doing SW too), which has frustrated me. I'm still keeping a food diary so trying to take a step back, read through it and see what's going wrong. Fingers crossed for us both to lose this week :)

I went to bootcamp this morning - 6am doing squats and lunges on the beach in a blizzard, loved it!
I know where I'm going wrong with the eating, but I thought I would get away with it because of all the running, but obviously not! I was little miss perfect Slimming World for 13 months - just got to get my head back in it.
I know where I'm going wrong with the eating, but I thought I would get away with it because of all the running, but obviously not! I was little miss perfect Slimming World for 13 months - just got to get my head back in it.

Sometimes a bit of a break/ not sticking to things exactly is worth it, then right back on plan and re-focused.
i go to my local council run gym too, its cheaper and i get to use two gyms out of one membership.
snowing :(

am i just being a wimp in not running? i did 5 classes instead of it
double metafit, body attack, combat and pump :)
Signed up to a 14 mile run in July :)

need some more in March/April time really, but still waiting for my club to confirm some runs. Plus moneys a bit tight at the mo and running races can add up to be expensive business.

I'm full of cold so haven't done a run today, hoping I can manage one tomorrow, if not then I'll def do one on Monday as I really don't want to loose my fitness
I have induction at the council gym tomorrow night so will be able to catch up on the running I have missed this weekend due to the snow. I have seen runners out there but I don't fancy it and I've heard too many injury stories to think it's a good idea. I'm not sure if I will be able to do 5 classes in one go but it seems a good challenge!

My charity lunch for tomorrow is cancelled because of the snow so I'm not feeling so stressed now, but still got that marking to do!