Total Solution Mere's Diary

Good to hear you had a good time
Fabulous Mere, how are you doing now, diet-wise? xx
Hi life is a bit hectic at the moment as my mother was taken into hospital and I am visiting twice a day, then fielding phone calls from friends and running about trying to do all the jobs my mother needs done. She is on so many drugs she is as nutty as a fruit cake and does not know what she is doing most of the time. Very stressful and exhausting! Will catch up with you all when life returns to normal.
Aww take care Mere :)
I hope your mum is better soon x
Oh Mere huge huge hugs xxx

My thoughts are with you and I wish your Mum a healthy recovery xxx
Hope your mums health improve by now. Hugs xxx
Look after yourself Mere.
So sorry to hear about your Mum...but look after yourself, don't wear yourself out as you will need every ounce of energy doing two visits to the hospital every day + everything else x
Have been following you all but not really even trying to watch what I eat as I am so busy and so stressed. Mum is still in hospital but may get out today or tomorrow. X
Thanks Jael. x
Hugs Mere.
Hope everything get sorted quickly I know how you feel . sometimes its so hard to keep everything in balance.
Hi to all those who sent their good wishes to my mum, thank you. She is now out of the hospital after a 4 week stay. She is still very weak and the doc has said she will get stronger but will never get any better. She has damage to her heart, lungs and intestines.

My hubby took me to Skye for a few days to have a rest as he felt I was on the verge of a breakdown. I am fine now but have piled on the weight.

I have ordered more shakes and am going to try to lose the weight I have gained in time for Christmas. That is 9lbs so doable.
Wish me luck.
Mere x
What a difficult time. Thoughts and hugs are with you. 9lbs will be gone in no time on ts xxx
Oh Mere sorry to hear about your Mum but you must look after yourself.

that number I am sure you will be able to sort by Christmas
Thanks Shrimp, I am on it with two days TS under my belt. Will WI on Wednesday and hope for a reasonable loss.