Mike 24's Diary

Oh wow Mike

is that 43lb in 6 weeks - amazing - well done to you....

Good idea about upping the water - it certainly paid off for you - well done :D great news on the clothes front too - such a great feeling - enjoy it matey :D
Hi Mike

That's brilliant, what a great weight loss so far, you're doing brilliantly. And get you - shopping in H&M no less, & I don't think they're clothes are cut on the generous side either!

I opened a Next account when I got to goal last year, oh boy was that expensive, but I reckoned I was worth it :p

Well done on the water, everyone says you lose more when you drink more, nice to see that it's worked for you.

Keep up the good work & keep on shrinking :D

Hello guys!

Well, what is this now, end of week 7 and I'm feeling quite good!

I kept to my 6 litres this week, didn't really do much exercising (I need to up that this week I think) and I've managed to shift 5lbs which I'm happy with :). It means I'm only 1lb of being 3 1/2 stone lighter than at the beginning. I'm hoping possibly doing a bit more swimming will help me get possibly 6 next week as I only went once this week (mainly because I'm a lazy bum). So, we will see what happens if I can do three, thirty minute swims over the week.

Not much more really to report this week I must say. :sigh:

Wow Mike - 3½ stones already - that's absolutely brilliant, what a fab achievement.

You'll soon be halfway there and its downhill all the way then :D
Good/Bad Week

Hey Guys

Well, good news is this week I lost 7lbs which means I am 1lb away from looking 4 stone, and thats in 8 weeks so I'm chuffed with that.

I made sure I did some proper exercising this week and I think that really helped.

I went out friday night clubbing with friends. I must say it was the HARDEST experience of my life, being perfectly sober in a gay club isn't the easiest of nights out I must tell you. Still, all my friends said how good I was now looking so that was a big booster to the evening. I did have to leave early thou as I was getting tired and not really enjoying myself by 1am lol!

Had a great show in Croydon on Saturday which I did even with a sore throat! The strippers I was working with said I was looking so much better and one said (jokingly I hope) that I'll be stripping with him my August :p. He also said he's going to help me out with a decent exercise plan once I get to my target weight to build up a nice flat stomach and some muscle :D (oh I live a good life!)

Bad news is I haven' been very well the last couple of days. I think I might have brought it on myself. Saturday I was in such a rush getting ready for the show and not getting back until 2am that I only had one milkshake and yesterday I only had 2! After my weigh in yesterday I was exhausted and by 2pm I was in bed...and slept until 11.30pm! I woke up with the most agonising cramps in my stomach. I tried to go to the toilet but I couldn't, and then started feeling like I was gunna faint. This was then followed my me vomiting....and this happened about 6 times throughout the night.

I've taken today off work, I still feel terrible and my stomach hurts. But I MUST be fit for tomorrow, I have an interview for a position at work and there is no way I'm missing it for anyone!

So, there is my good/bad week!
Hope you're feeling better today Mike - that's sounds awful. You really must make sure you have all your shakes (wagging finger here now) especially with all that you're doing - but of course you should have them all anyway.

Well done on the 7lbs - that's absolutely amazing and 4 stone (as near as dammit :p ) in 8 week - WOW!!!!!

Keep up the good work & make sure you have all your shakes!

HELLO everyone!

Well, its been MONTHS since I trod thes hallowed grounds...mainly through sheer lazyness and me not knowing what I was doing :).

Yes, I'm back...and here to stay folkes. Don't know how many of you remember me but I'm Mike and i'm 24 (25 in a month!) and I've been going at this diet since January now! :D

I started at 21st1lb and as of yesterday I am currently 14st7lbs! Now, I did get to 14st but I fell off the wagon and got myself into a spiral of eating over a month, all my fault, but I've pulled myself up, dusted myself off and I'm back!

Some of you may also remember I work as a drag queen (hehe) so I thought you might like to see how I'm getting along so...please if you will, go have a gander at my website Ginny Tonic - London Based Drag Queen & Entertainer to get the full Idea of what Ginny is shaping up to be! I'm having a propper photo shoot in a couple of months so thats gunna be a LOT of fun!

If anyone can help me locate my old pic of Ginny I posted on the site to stick on this one I would be eternally greatful LOL! That'll give you some idea of the change!

Anyway, I've also attached a couple of pics of me so far compared to my January pics :D as well so you can see how I'm doing. Maybe I'll manage to bag myself a nice new man at my party :p

Hope you are all well, come say hi...i've missed you all

Big hugs and kisses


hi mike
just had a look at your web site
you look stunning
well done on the weight loss so far
i have been on cd since april
i still have loads to go but determined and will get to my goal

keep up the good work, although looking at your pics i`d say you dont have much further to your goal

well done :D

kaz x
Hiya Mike

How lovely to see you back again and so good to hear that while you were away you were still busy losing tons of weight. Miss Ginny's looking fabulous dahlin - mega congrats and keep up the good work.

Fially kicked it!

Yes....I'm under the 14 st mark:party0019:

Had my weigh in today and I'd lost a remarkable 11lbs! That now brings me to 13st10lbs!!!!!!:D

I must say, I really worked at sticking to it this week along with going to the gym! I feel FAB now that I've managed to get below the 14's now!

Its 2 weekends until my Bday Party! (25 years, oh the pain!) and I'm determined to look my best...panicing however because this is the first time as an adult I've actually had a CHOICE about what to wear...it used to be the case that I could only go to slect 'larger' shops e.g. burtons (at a push as their XXL used to be 'filled to capacity') or i'd get stuck with asda or tesco clothes...this time I need to look GOOD! Now, being a drag act contstantly in great costumes you'd think I might have an idea how to dress myself...well your WRONG! I'm completely cumbfounded about what to wear! EEK! :confused:...I mean I'm not a compelte fashion disaster but you knwo what I mean when I say you want to stand out when its something like your birthday!...Anyway I bought a nice top in next I quite like but I have a feeling the next two weeks will consist of me looking around shops trying to find what to wear....oh god I'm such a queen :p.

My LLC asked me if I planned to eat and drink on my Birthday...she said this with a glint in her eye knowing what i was about to say :eek:...I said yes,:party0016: but nothing completely OTT and only on the day of the party (and lets face it, three drinks and I'll be anyones the ammount of weight I've lost). She was quite supportive actually and said I should just make sure if I do drink i eat something and space drinks out with plenty of non alcoholic liquids!....Fair cop to her she chould have been a right Nazi about it!:p

Ohhhhh, I'm so excited about this party....finalyl get to show people how well I've done! I'm going to Soho for a few drinks with friends and also then headding off to a club called Heaven (Fabulous place!)....Hopefully I won't stick out liek a sore obese thumb any more :innocent0001:...My parents have paid for me to stay at the Thistle Charing Cross for my bday too (a suite!) so evne better! :D...Don't worry I'll take my camera so pics will follow!

Anyway...other than that, I'm pretty happy at the mo. Finalyl booked my flights for November to go to New York... will be nice to be able to actually fit into the seats :rolleyes:.

Lastly....I want to add a little note here...As I said in my last post on here...I had a break from Lighter Life and put some weight back on and no, it wasn't the best thing to do....but peps PLEASE DON'T BE AFRIAD TO GO BACK AND GET BACK ON THAT HORSE! It would be easy for us to feel guilty, ashamed or even a bit scared about the reaction you may get for falling off the wagon for a bit but remember its far better to dust yoruself off and get back on that horse than to be scared of it and not go back...it IS worth giving it another try and it isn't a bad thing to admit you're human! ;).

There we go....nice long blurb for you all

Love you all as always


well done mike
you deserve to really enjoy your birthday you have done so well
knock em dead mate and have lots of fun

as you see by my ticker is still have a huge amount to lose but with inspirational threads like yours i know it can be done


kaz :D