ProPoints minxymoo diary

Well done for zumba-ing and low pp dinner ;)

Port is 3pp for 50ml x years resolution out the window. I've been a busy bunny so i have an excuse.
Rehearsing for a "intimate bar theatre" monologue. Called bombers and i play a bride. So do half the play in underwear and stockings!! Whilst i have no issues with "exposing" myself (i did burlesque dancing at my heaviest) it was mainly where i didn't have to see those people ever again. This time around, mmmmm
I would never even have auditioned this time last year had i known what i would have to wear!!
So this time next week will be my first night, and hopefully by then i would.have lost another lb or 2.
I put myself back up to 29 points after being really disappointed with my loss since changing down to 26. And lost a lb this week. And feel much better for it
Wow :) brave lady! Sounds like a fab show :) x
On my way to London with the weight watchers girls. Doing another advert for the plan learning the song on the train
Now in covent garden. Off to practise
Look out in the papers
Which paper?? Good luck with it and ur show cx
Not sure. They were sending it round to press desks so hopefully would be picked up by someone, if not printed then online
Oooo exciting :) tell us where/when x
Oh......hello diary. I know I've not been in contact for a while.....but I've had a lot on my plate. What with rehearsing. And plays and basically being confused for a doormat by my "friends"!!
Its good to know your always here, even when i do forget you.
So....I've not been doing particularly well. Still not below that 12 stone mark. Constantly hovering at 12.4 not quite reaching that 50 lb i wanted to reach by xmas...then January......then it seems i won't do that either,
Im getting the green eyed monster at people getting there and reaching something i want so bad before i am......that i turn to food. On the outside im like top motivation for everyone even been told i could be a leader, but inside im thinking not fair not fair not fair!!
I know im just feeling sorry for myself, but with all the other poop going on ie housing, lies from friends, kids, money, im finding it hard to focus on my food intake. Im binging again. And compensating by then not eating proper dinner so i don't go over points. And i know that's not good for me at all. going to get back in the zone. Track and also joined my fitness pal so i can log when out and finally finally sort my head out
Ok new head on.... New hair mainly gone blonde very blonde

Gorgeous!!! As always :) x
Back at yah!! Where are you planning on staying in Liverpool??
Not sure... Was gonna book trains next months and then hotels maybe month after... Depends what is cheap :) x
This week I mostly hate the world!!
Awwww why?! Hugs x
Was due on mostly, but feeling a little lonely Carly to be honest, yes I have friends, but I never actually get invited round for tea, and no one ever comes to see me, despite txt messages saying pop round, just feeling a little left out,
I really want to move, and have a bedroom for parents only as cooper is in with us, and I'd be quite happy moving out the area, but when I mentioned it to one of my friends she was disgusted I was even thinking about it, yet I go weeks without seeing her!!
Do what is best u for petal... Can cooper not go into his own room now he's a bit older?

U coming to Liverpool? X
The other two share a room already, and at the moment we are in a two bed flat!! Soon as we move he is in with bayley!!
Been looking into it, depends on fare and stuff x really want to though