Missy vs DitzeeB! BB challenge.. Missy wins the BB challenge!!

I'm just about feeling better after my vodka fest last night! Myscales showed a 6lb gain this morning very bizarre since all I drank was vodak slimline!

Not eaten much today & hardly drank.. only 2 litres of water so far very poor performance!

What takeaway are you thinking of having Missy? x
chinese...im about to scrutinise the menu to make sure i have the most atkins friendly meal lol

i have chardonnay and vodka if i finish that...jeez im a partay gal haha
aww hopr the kidlets are being good...

i now have incredible pain in and around the top of my ribs cause i ate like a feckin pig :(

**was nice though**
hi linz, sorry ive been awol the last few days!!

i ended up having chinese. it was lovely, then had a sort of day off on sunday.....what did i eat? i hear you say.....

All day? the end of a french stick with butter and a burger in a bun lol

the french stick was gorgeous!!!

but we all know i struggle through a weekend to eat...i, on the other hand have no probles drinking lol

ive had vodka this weekend and had a really bad head (not self inflicted) on sunday so went to bed early...yesterday, cricket matches meant i was running around like a loon...

im not very confident of a loss though this week due to the bread i ate on sunday and the chinese saturday...if i STS i will be happy. (well, happier than if i put on anyway)

Hows things in the House with linz?
I'm also struggling with the confinement of the house & had a dreadful day yesterday!! Ice cream, chips & maltesers (not all together) the scales shocked me back into it this morning... nearly 6lbs up on fridays weight.. I'm going to be estatic if I get a sts this week!

I just can't have a slither of anything it sends me into a carb downward spiral!!
What are we like. Day 9 and already too much temptation in the way. Come on girlies you can do this.
aww linz...bet the maltesers were good though ;)
i was back on track yesterday, i have the ability to completely ignore my failings lol and get straight back on the wagon the day after...and if i dont...my staff at work are really supportive and would go ballistic if they saw me eating carbs lol

i might have a chance of minimizing the gap between our weights from last week then linz :D ;) xx
hows the ketosis kicking in? lol
you will lose something Linz xxxx both of you will :D
you have 2 days to go :) just get some wii fit in :D the ketosis fairy is coming.....
i think im doing ok this week......had a weak moment when OH cooked sausage and cheesy rolls yesterday but had 5 mini ones and didnt eat lots of carbs yesterday anyway...

im still hoping for that 2lb loss :D