MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

Well done :) You're doing brilliant xxx

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Lol I'm extremely happy fast forward this week so dead focused and hoping for 3 this week! That would be nice :) xx
I'm still pumped haha! I feel like a child at Xmas! I'm so bouncy its silly!! X
Second day of ff and I'm starving lol! Better bloody work! Lol

Pilates and aerobics tonight whoop whoop! Let's hope I can stay motivated to go lol x
So another day another motivated me :)

However I am beginning to feel somewhat light headed and a bit fuzzy completely exhausted and feel bloated (why not so sure not water retention I'm sure it's a mental bloated!) looking forward to my week off as I'm not really functioning to well ATM!

Let's hope it'll be worth it when I hop on the scales Monday night! X
Sonoma handing in my repeat prescription for xen today! Lets hope its not so difficult to get hold of I'm worried now! X
Why would it be hard to get?
Kes said:
Why would it be hard to get?

There's apparently been a fire at the xenical factory so they're prescribing orlistat from a different manufacturer who had packaged up in 68s not 82s so some people have been having problems getting their prescriptions filled x
Ah now it all makes sense

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Ahhh how interesting I pick up my repeat Monday! Hoping won't be too hard to get hold of! I'm worked now! X
I see... very interesting!
Well once again I'm in panic mode prior to wi tomorrow! Went off plan yesterday as went out to celebrate my best friends engagement! But meant im well over cals! :( I'm so anxious I've undone my entire weeks hard work :( x
Mizkirsty said:
Well once again I'm in panic mode prior to wi tomorrow! Went off plan yesterday as went out to celebrate my best friends engagement! But meant im well over cals! :( I'm so anxious I've undone my entire weeks hard work :( x

I'm sure with all the good work you have done this week a small blip won't matter x
LisaM1977 said:
I'm sure with all the good work you have done this week a small blip won't matter x

I completely agree! I know how hard you've worked this week & I really don't see that will stop a loss xx
If the rest of the week was brill then last night won't matter :) don't worry

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I hope so maybe if it were the winning of the week yes but as its so close to wi I'm worrie you know? X