::mOd-kArEn79's DiArY::

thought i'd give a little update.

i've been yo-yoing all year and under lots of stress at work. when i'm stressed i eat, unless i'm on the verge of a breakdown, then i don't eat!

i'm off to Monaco for 18 days on 26th August and took the insane decision to once again do Celebrity Slim. i'm glad i made that decision as i've managed to lose a stone in 2 weeks - not healthy i know, but i'm desperate! i have 10 days to go and am still going strong, except i can feel that the shakes are going to make me retch very soon!
Hiya hun, nice to see your update, looks like you're doing brilliantly, well done!! Tip with the shakes - make them with ice cold water, taste better then.

I've still got 2 weeks worth of CS in my kitchen cupboards, I'm tempted to try it myself again...
don't do it lou - you're doing amazing and getting to eat at the same time!

you're right about the water - the flavour of the shakes aren't as pungent when you use ice cold water. i'm really bad at remembering to put some in the fridge for the next day - so lots of grimacing and slamming fists on my desk at work during lunch!
That is what would make me give up! That and the low carbness of CS. I am doing Tesco UltraSlim at the moment and although the variety is limited they are nice
Mmm, I love peanut butter... you lucky thing! As you're vegetarian what are you eating for your evening meals on CS? Just loads of quorn and salad? x
been having quite nice dinners as i can have bad things that cost a million syns on SW but because they're low carb it's ok to eat them.

it's a struggle to think of low carb meals cos i don't eat meat/fish but here's an example of what i have been having:

  • mozarella, tomato and basil salad on a bed of lettuce drizzled in pesto and olive oil
  • vegetarian bolognaise stuffed in halved large courgettes and topped with olives and mozarella - baked in the oven
  • salad with humous, olives, sundried tomatoes and halloumi cheese
  • butternut squash chips (bit soggy) with garlic and onion dip, roast vegetables done in pesto and veggie sausages
  • spiced tofu in a veg stir fry with mushrooms
....and i am LOVING the peanut butter! i've got through a jar in 2 weeks :)
hey lou - been checking out your diary. looks like you're doing AMAZING even through those self sabotage times! keep it up cos even during the naughty times you've been doing something right to get your motivation back.

i'm starting SW tomorrow - not classes as none in my area are convenient for me right now, but gonna be following SW plan and start swimming.

i did really well on holiday and as soon as i came home have been binging like a crazy person and put the weight back on.

also looking into hypnotherapy - to keep me motivated.
I'm going back to following the SW plan too, not classes just on my own.

Good luck with the restart, good to see you back x
yay taz - lets DO IT!

lou i haven't started yet - grrr! had some food to use up (cheeses and a crumble) before i can get on plan. the fact that i'm pissed off is good and i'm ready to get on with it. i plan to start tomorrow :)