Monday always a good day to restart!

we all plateau and then bust through it.... just keep with it it will happen for ya babe xxxx
I am useless.... I have had 3 squares of Lindt chocolate and 10 grapes! Hoping this isn't too much damage. Ate the choc without thinking really then decided to eat the grapes instead of having more chocolate when i walked past them later..... AND I WASN'T EVEN HUNGRY!

I have a very painful foot which i need to get seen to and have only drunk 1.25ltrs of water and it is 2.30pm. So going to buy some water for the drive home. I left my bullion drink at home too!

Dinner should be as planned Tofu and vege or Tuna steak. I muist be more prepared tomorrow. Hoping for a good WI on Thursday and a good loss. Fingers crossed for a kilo or more so 2.2lbs.

I was hoping to reach my mini goal by next Friday but this has been re assessed by me. So I would like to be in the 74's by the end of next week and in the 75's by this WI on Thursday.

Then onto 72kg's. Praying for 1kg every week until I leave, that's 2.2lbs each week. Achievable definitely and will make me around 6 or 7 kilos lighter in 7 weeks. 810 works I just need to keep up the water and exercise 3 or 4 times a week to ensure that I get there.

c'mon Bren,... you know you CAN do this!
is there something or someone stopping your motivation at the mo?
keep the faith hunni.
Careful with that foot, if its needs rest then rest!!!! You don't want to do any long term damage!

Well done you no nibbling nuts today whoo hoo!

Get with it girl you are getting time crunched now! YOU CAN DO THIS
Bren, you are not rubbish! We all struggle at times! Use how you felt after eating the Lindt and capture it; if you're ever tempted remember how annoyed you felt. You can do this Bren, you can!
Thanks Shantel, just really doubting myself and CD a little.

Ok missy, no need to doubt yourself look at what you have done so far. CD works, you just have to 100% it. Once you add in extras, it becomes a slippery slope and doubt creeps in. You want this too much to cheat and you deserve to have what you want so STOP making it so hard on yourself and start it the easier way... 100%

Sorry for the tough love hun but I know you are strong enough to do this and look fantastic for your trip home xxx big hugs
Cannot wait to be under 76kg's this is just not giving up this kilo. Holding on and on and on!

Perhaps I need to move up to a higher plan and feel like I am achieving? Might discuss this with CDC on Thursday night?


Thanks again AM.
Was a bit worried about offending you, glad you took it the way it was meant... .supportive. Have a word with your cdc just remember to do something achievable, whatever plan you can do 100% take the choice and reasoning out of the equation and it is so much easier.

Hugs for ya..... let us know how it goes. You a strong and determined person you can do this!
Thanks AM!

I did a higher plan yesterday, I combined my old Cohen's diet with CD, like I did at the beginning of the year before I went to Thailand and lost 5.6kg's in 5 weeks. The food list is virtually the same as CD and I dont feel like cheating. Yesterday I gave in to 4 coffee lollies and 10 choc buds! Think this was due to not having the sweet taste of shakes etc all day? I have had a little loss this morning and feeling more positive about today. So thinking that 100% is what today will be. I will post again later and let you know.

Thanks again.

You're very welcome.
Whoo hoo you are doing well chick, have a great day and keep me posted! Come on here and check out the exercise forum if you feel the need to munch - it will soon pass!
Well much better today I had 2 coffee lollies and otherwise a perfect day.

Off to a counselling session and then home to cook dinner.

I have stuck to all the food and drunk about 2ltrs of water. So another bottle for the drive home.

Fingers crossed for my morning check on the scales and my WI tomorrow evening.

Whoo hoo how virtuous do you feel right now.... keep us posted as to how it goes with your dealer!
Disappointed that my dealer decided not to weigh me.....! She said I should go by my scales as I seem to get disappointed and head out of control mid week because of this. I suppose she is right. She also spoke to me about Ultra Lite, which I wont be doing, at least for now.

This morning was a small loss so weighing at 76.4kg's and I am soon hoping to be under the 76 mark. I am OVER IT!

The past 3 days combining a CD product with my old Cohen's diet (weighing your food, protein at every meal and VCLD) has seen me loose 700gm in 2 days. I haven't been hungry and much better 150% with the nibbling. I think I am going to continue like this for a week until I return to CDC and if it's working then why fix it I say.

I am really feeling positive about things for the first time in months with my diet. I haven't thought about food and I have even resisted!!?? THIS DID SURPRISE ME!

Fingers crossed for the scales in the morning. I have drunk 2.8ltrs of water and been to the gym for 55 mins.

:woohoo:Bren is back in the zone!!!

Congratulations, a loss is a loss you are doing well stick with it girl.

What's ultra lite?

AM :hug99:
It's weighing real food and having 4 supplement sachets a day you can loose up to 10kg's in 5 weeks. Which is what I need to loose exactly but I'm happy with the past 4 days as I have as of this morning lost 1kg in 4 days!!!! Yay. Hoping to be in the 75's tomorrow and then in the 74's by next Friday..... fingers crossed!

How's the new hair cut??

oh i haven't changed my ticker!

Well done you!

Congratulations, sounds ike this is working for you and you have a plan you can stick with!

My hair is no longer grey and taily - I haven't had it done in 2 months so it was in a right state - now I am feeling back to normalish!

Have a great day.... or evening!
Yep and another little loss this morning! 200 gms. That makes 1.2kg's since Tuesday so 4 days. Forgot to do my measurements though so will do them tomorrow morning.


And big news............ this morning 75.9!! THAT MEANS I AM IN THE 75'S !!!!!!!!!
