Monday- hour by hour

hey berryred. i read twilight on saturday and new moon yesterday, and then bits of twilight again :) which i will be continuing when i get home... need the third one now... but might have to wait before buying it for some delayed gratification. i read too fast and they run out too quickly!!

abz xx
Hey girls
glad to asee you are all okay - Im having an absolute mare with my internet connection and it keeps disconnecting me!!!! so I will copy what i put in the other hour by hour thread rather than havin to retype cos it may disconeect again GGGRRR and hopefully if my pc has a day of 'rest' while Im out and about it may be okay for tonight!!! Fingers xed. I cant do without here today to keep me on track.

(from the other one)

Morning Lazy hound - not living up to your name then being up before 9 on a bank hol;)

This thread was my saviour again yesterday and I have scale hopped again - naughty I know but I have to to keep me going and Ive lost another 0.8lbs :D:D:D

We WILL stay strong today - Ive got shopping at tesco to do - no worries and then off to my mums for big family dinner. Will avoid eating and she will be fine as I didnt have xmas dinner 3 years ago when i was in the throes of LL so she will be fine about it luckily. Will be having my hot choc - scrummy.

Mia - I hope you are okay today - please dont think I was trying to encourage you to eat last night - I wasnt - but if you are anything like me (which I dont know you well enough to know) that when I get an idea in my head of having something - sometimes it is better to to have it and think I chose to have it rather than not and then get my head in the right place again overnight ready for the next day.
I suppose you already know that your head has to be in the right place to do any diet but especially this one! I have lost count of the amount of times I have 'restarted' only to fall off the wagon cos my head wasnt in the right place, but luckily this time it is!
I dont think it helps either having such a reaction to the shakes.
Am sending you as many positive vibes as possible to get your head in the right place and for your rash to go. Ive got pics of mine in my gallery when I had one of my numerous restarts in May last year
Stay strong chick you can do it x

Abz you will need to get yourself a library soon ;)

Mojo Jojo - keep strong today girl you are now starting this crazy journey to begin the rest of your life happy and healthy x

Keep up the good work everyone we can do this together on this thread.
i try to avoid the library because i always end up owing them money.. which is embarrassing as i worked in the uni library for years :D

i tend to read my books again and again though... and some of them i love again and again.. i do need to read the last harry potters again though. haven't read them much yet :)

abz xx
Well done Sparkles thats fab!! especially if its your totm I have mine too.. I hate them!!! urghh especially the fact that it does make a difference with your weight.
Mine is really mucking about though as it started like last monday then stopped for a few days now I have it again properly.. hmm strange.
That's exactly what mine are like at the moment. In my first week of CD I had my TOTM a week early. It was really light-lasted about 2 days then went. It came back for about a day again and that was it. This time round it was a week early again. Came on Thursday-really light again. Gone by Friday. Except this time it came back with a vengeance on Saturday. It's much heavier this time round and I have had a stomach ache since Saturday.:( I normally have Feminax in the house, but not this time-and no chance of getting any due to the chemist being shut for the Easter hols. Aaargh. By the time he's open tomorrow the pain (hopefully) will have gone.
try to think of it as proof that your fat cells are shrinking!! that's what it is. it's the hormones stored in fat being released as the fat gets burnt away. it still sucks, but i try to cling onto the fact it's proof that it's working!! ha.

abz xx
Hey everyone...

Day 63 of sticking to this diet 100%!

I have to admit the last few days have been hard... since introducing bars and going up to SS+ ive been so hungry.. plus Easter hasnt helped. Ah well its over with now... Weigh in tomorrow so I gotta be super good today and try and lose a little bit so the scales will be nice to me!

Going to Dancing on Ice tonight so Im aiming to have all shakes and meal gone before 7 so they can pass out of me before weigh in haha!! x
Good morning. I aim to be 100% today but then again I aimed for that yesterday!! Can't believe what I did yesterday evening and spoilt all my hard work. Now I think about it I want to cry :(. I know it could have been worse but its my first weigh in on Wednesday and I have spoilt it all.
No, I resisted the urge. Just stopped at what I'd had, the salmon, prawns and ice cream. Felt ill when I went to bed too - I don't know why I do it?
Have I not? Will the scales still register a loss do you think? Get weighed Wednesday evening so all day Monday, all day Tuesday then all day Wednesday till 6.00 p.m. Any suggestions how to lose a bit more?
Abz is right Mia hun. You've only ruined it if you let it be ruined. So you had a little slip up- at least it was a low carb one. Important thing is that you get right back on it again today and forget about yesterday. And well blooming done for not having chinese- once you mentioned it last night I was craving it beyond belief too. But very glad this morning that I didn't cave in.
drink about 3 litres of water a day and stick to it!! and you will still get a loss i'm sure :)

abz xx
Hi guys,
I think that I need to join you today! I am day five today, back after a cheat (for a whole week, oops). I am really struggling, I want to loose weight and feel motivated but I am still not in Ketosis and I am hungry and feel pretty rubbish, and five days of feeling hungry and tired and grumpy is getting to me!!! I don't understand why I am not in ketosis as I am doing everything that I should, and not doing anything that I shouldn't. And my head thinks that if i am not in Ketosis then a little nibble on something won't do so much harm!!! I do think without the hunger I would be ok, but....
Mia, get back on it today and you will still have a loss on Wednesday :)
Abz, I hope that work goes ok hon, and you get through the dreaded day three!
Hope everyone else is doing ok,
i have realised that i haven't had a pack yet. i was gagging for it earlier, decided to wait a bit longer, and now i don't want it. in fact i feel a bit sick thinking about eating it. but i'm going to fall over if i don't have it soon so am off to make an apple and cinnamon porridge :D

abz xx
Afternoon Ladies :)

I've had a busy morning already, up at 6, died my hair, been to Sainsburys, and made some chocolate brownies for the lads. Now my little boy wants to make some little cakes with chocolate icing.

Still not in Ketosis and on day 5 it took an absolute age last time I did CD to get into ketosis.

Looks like the heavens are going to open here now although it is quite warm out.

Have a good everyone. :)
God, my stomach hurts. Really need to go to the loo as its been a while, but everytime I get 'the urge' my daughter is in there. Too much choccie yesterday has given her an upset tum. She keeps locking herself in there with a Disney Princess magazine for half a hour. ARRGHHH- think I may have to kick her out, pass her her little sisters potty and lock myself in there till I get some 'relief'

Sorry for TMI! Just needed to rant!