Monday Vs Friday weigh in?


Silver Member
Me and OH are debating wether to change our weigh day from a Monday to a Friday.

I want to weigh Friday as we tend to do things at a weekend that involve booze lol so we have got a full week then to recover the damage before next weigh.

He says Monday as it will still give us incentive to try and be good..

But i wouldn't be able to enjoy myself I don't think, knowing that it could be disastrous to our weigh in Monday...

Anyone else weigh on Fridays and find it better?
Im sorry but I am for the Monday weigh in!

Im just starting out from home and am doing it Sunday nights. Have always had class on either a monday or tuesday! Mainly because if it was later in the week and I had a bad weekend it would have dragged into a bad week too, whereas a Monday weigh in means if I am bad at the weekend the damage is limited to until monday because I know the motivation after a weigh in increases! (if that makes sense!)

Can I just ask why you weigh at night? It might make perfect sense to you but I'm just curious lol.. My weight can go up by 5lbs by night time, but I suppose if you do it same time every week it doesn't make any difference..

I'm motivated enough, I previously lost 4st on Sw without going to a class, so becoming unmotivated isn't a problem for me, I just like to enjoy myself 1 night a week but would be unable to if I knew that it could be disastrous Monday, showing a gain and knowing that it's my fault would make me less motivated iykwim? Before when I lost 4st wasn't a problem then, I most stayed in and was good because my ex was a bell to be polite lol and didn't like me going out.
Dup post stupid phone *edit*
I find with the Friday weigh in the weekend starts after weigh in the continues til monday, not really a problem as I'm at target but if you want to lose each week that would make a huge difference
It would literally be one night off, a few vodkas & diet cokes. I'm just worried that if I saw a gain on a Monday I would be really disheartened after being 100% on everything bar having a drink. Where as If I weighed Friday, I'd have the whole week again to be 100% and un do any damage lol. I suppose the end result will be exactly the same but I try so hard and am anxious about seeing a gain. I'm just obsessive haha.
Mondays! I find it keeps me on track over the weekend and its something to look forward to on a Monday.
Mondays! I find it keeps me on track over the weekend and its something to look forward to on a Monday.

True, not much to look forward to on Mondays lol.
I'm a Monday weigher. I think it puts me in a "oh god only a small loss" or "oh crap a gain" and makes me focus for the week. Although having said that I've only been back on plan for the last 2 weeks!
That would make me less motivated! Haha if end up depressed that I'd see a gain but like I said in the long run the results will be exactly the same. Only planning a few vodkas on a sat night and on plan 100% apart from that.
I weigh in on a Wednesday evening and tend to give myself a loose enough reign on Friday and Saturday, less so on Sunday and then super strict from Monday to Wednesday. It's all about finding what works for you. Personally I would go for the Friday so that I could enjoy being a bit naughty for a day or two at the weekend and then give myself a long clean run for the week of being very good to get a good reading again by Friday. Depends how your body works/how much you value a bit of leeway and how quickly your body recovers from having a few bevvies!!! If you're in a hurry to lose the weight and have a deadline then I'd say a Monday weigh-in. If you don't mind taking it slightly slower and having a few FlexiSyn evenings along the way then I'd say Friday! :)
Still undecided. I have 2 st 7lbs to lose to put me at final target. Cutting out booze most weekends is a no no, went without last weekend but this weekend I've got things planned and usually have. My kids go sat afternoon til Sunday afternoon so I try to make the most of Saturday nights lol.
I'm not sure I'd be the best at counting how many vodkas and syns I've had when I'm tipsy lol. I don't drink often so maybe I'll be ok.
Well one night a week , maximum.. I could count up my weekly leftover syns and measure out the vodka in a separate bottle so I don't go over lol
I'm not sure I'd be the best at counting how many vodkas and syns I've had when I'm tipsy lol. I don't drink often so maybe I'll be ok.

Why not ask for a straw in each drink, an then put that straw into your handbag-then you can keep track. Someone else suggested deciding how many you could have-say 10 for example, and putting 10 pennies into your pocket-then each time you have a drink, put a penny into your bag! Then when you've run out of pennies, it's time to stop the drinks :) both workable ideas :)
I love this forum lol.

I'm drinking at home with Boyf and friends so maybe measuring out my leftover syns worth of vodka is the way to go at home, but I LOVE that straw idea for when im out!! Thank you :D
Why not ask for a straw in each drink, an then put that straw into your handbag-then you can keep track. Someone else suggested deciding how many you could have-say 10 for example, and putting 10 pennies into your pocket-then each time you have a drink, put a penny into your bag! Then when you've run out of pennies, it's time to stop the drinks :) both workable ideas :)

Love the penny idea. Think ill try that this weekend.